The Republicans continue to be a mess to the joy of the Democrats.
A report finds that blue cities are really dangerous, but how dangerous.
And what is wrong with our military leadership?
Not a Surprise
According to the Post Millennial:
A new study has found that military-aged males living in Chicago and Philadelphia are more likely to be shot dead than those deployed to war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In a study published by the JAMA Network, researchers at Brown University and the University of Pennsylvania found that young, military-aged males from “zip codes with the most violence in Chicago and Philadelphia had a notably higher risk of firearm-related death than US military personnel who served during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.”
This is not the first time I have heard of this but they finally released a study about it.
The article continues:
While Chicago and Philadelphia were discovered to be areas where young males are more likely to be shot dead, researchers found during the study of 129,826 young adult men living in Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, and Los Angeles in 2020 and 2021 that “The most violent areas in New York City and Los Angeles were associated with less risk for young adult males than these theaters of war.”
The study noted that in all zip codes looked at, the “risks were overwhelmingly borne by young adult males from minoritized racial and ethnic groups.”
Mind you, this is just violent crime. What they do not talk about is suicide and drug overdoses. We are living in a society of violence, death and despair. This just proves it.
That’s What Our Military
You’re Kidding
According to the New York Post:
The US Marines may ban recruits from respectfully addressing senior members as “sir” or “ma’am” to avoid “misgendering” and offending them.
The woke recommendation was made in a new $2 million report commissioned by the Corps from the University of Pittsburgh.
There are a few things about this that bother me. The reason “sir” and “ma’am” are used is because the soldiers need to learn to respect their superiors because they will need to listen to them. When one gets deep in the service or is special forces, this is not as common and, in certain cases, is discouraged.
Next, could these guys have spent $2 million on something more important than an equity study? You know, like a bunch of weapons meant to kill people which is what the Marines are made to do? I know the military likes to waste money like adding $2000 ash trays to their fighter jets, but $2 million for a study that, let’s face it, we knew what they were going to say.
Finally, what added value does this bring to the military, especially the Marines? Have you even met a Marine. They are trained to kill and blow things up. They aren’t much for any of this diversity crap. In fact, I would bet the Marines deny this garbage (they’ve denied a lot of this woke crap so far).
It gets better.
I Think They’re Missing the Point
According to The Hill:
West Point over its holiday break will remove a portrait of Robert E. Lee in Confederate uniform as well as a bust of the general from prominent spots on campus, carrying out directives that were included in a defense authorization bill for 2021.
Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland announced these steps and more in a letter to the West Point community posted on the military academy’s web site.
“During the holiday break, we will begin a multi-phased process, in accordance with Department of Defense (DoD) directives, to remove, rename or modify assets and real property at the United States Military Academy (USMA) and West Point installation that commemorate or memorialize the Confederacy or those who voluntarily served with the Confederacy,” Gilland wrote.
The changes come after demands to remove Confederate statues, busts and portraits gained steam following George Floyd’s killing by police in Minneapolis in the summer of 2020.
A few things about Robert E. Lee:
- He was a great general whose tactics are still studied today.
- He did own a small number of slaves.
- He was seem as paternalistic with his slaves and not the slave masters we have come to know. Allegations that he beat his slaves are unfounded.
- He had no real opinion about slavery or succession. He did think that slavery was evil and would, eventually, be abolished.
- He fought for the South because he was from Virginia and wanted to defend his homeland.
- Though he was forgiven for fighting for the South, he lost his U.S. citizenship and never got it back.
The story of Robert E. Lee is important because it is the forgiveness of Abraham Lincoln. He did not hang these people for treason. He wanted them to rejoin the union and become proud Americans.
But we already know that the Left does not forgive.
These People Are Suppose to Kill
According to the Wall Street Journal:
The Department of Veterans Affairs has a gender gingerbread person. NASA says beware of micro-inequities. And if U.S. Army servicewomen express “discomfort showering with a female who has male genitalia,” what’s the brass’s reply? Talk to your commanding officer, but toughen up.
These are details from hundreds of pages of diversity and inclusion training materials used by the federal government in 2021 and obtained under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Everyone in corporate life knows such training, lampooned in the second episode of the TV show “The Office.” Yet taxpayers might be curious how their money is being spent to instruct the federal workforce these days.
One trans people being in the wrong restrooms or showers:
Also, stiff upper lip: “Anyone may encounter individuals in barracks, bathrooms, or shower facilities with physical characteristics of the opposite sex.” Transgender soldiers aren’t “required or expected to modify or adjust their behavior based on the fact that they do not ‘match’ other Soldiers.”
In other words, don’t want to see a man in the women’s restrooms. Tough! Deal with it, bigot!
Notice everyone has to conform to the trans person but the trans person can do whatever he wants.
Finally, if you’re a trans person, you shouldn’t be in the military at all. There is, obviously, something wrong with you and you shouldn’t be carrying a gun.
On managing Gender Diversity:
The VA’s “Managing Gender Diversity” training has sections on pronouns and embracing “gender-expansiveness.” One slide lists terms, including “gender fluid” and “pansexual,” while instructing: “List your personal ‘biases’ in the BIAS box.” A game of “PRIVILEGE BINGO” includes such items as “NO CRIMINAL RECORD,” “MILITARY EXPERIENCE,” and “MARRIED.”
They include a slide with the Genderbread Man discussing how gender fluidity works.
On racism, NASA added this:
A NASA training on “Allyship for Executives” says that the term “African American” is “utilized heavily in white spaces,” and it “can make Black people feel excluded as the term tends to ‘other.’” Another NASA slide series explains that inclusive leaders “are willing to be ‘uncomfortable’” in exploring “race, gender, sexual orientation” and so forth. “We have been taught to act as if we are colorblind and gender-neutral,” it adds, but “these efforts actually limit us.”
They also included a chart that stated that if you see yourself as colorblind, you are part of the problem of racism and are not inclusive. Typical CRT, Ibram X. Kendi crap.
This is where one can tell people don’t get the military. You are trained to ignore race when in the military. No matter who it is or how you feel about the person, he is your brother. Remember Full Metal Jacket. The military doesn’t care about race.
But NASA went further and included a cheat sheet so all those racists wouldn’t be racist:
A NASA tip sheet on microaggressions gives examples that include, “Asking an Asian person to help with a Math or Science problem,” as well as saying, “America is a melting pot.” A slide deck on inclusive language suggests nixing “the poor” and substituting “people dealing with economic hardship.” A talk to a NASA center by Janice Underwood, then the state of Virginia’s chief diversity officer, urges: “Walk toward the discomfort—when patterns of white supremacy are named or questioned, predictable defensive responses will emerge.” Ms. Underwood now leads the diversity bureau at the federal Office of Personnel Management.
Question, who actually says these things? And, if they do, they’re going to be too stupid to use a cheat sheet.
The Department of Homeland Security said:
A Department of Homeland Security presentation on “Inclusive Diversity” says that micro-inequities can be fought by micro-affirmations. “Social and Physical Pain Produce Similar Brain Responses,” it argues, using a cartoon rendition of two brain scans.
I’ve seen this slide before and that’s not exactly what it means. Emotional pain that the slide talks about is mostly about a break up or the death of a loved one. Not because they weren’t invited to dinner.
Finally, the National Science Foundation, which deals with Space Force and NASA, did this:
A National Science Foundation seminar presents data about the race and gender of the NSF’s workforce, before sending participants to breakout rooms to discuss. A National Endowment for the Arts program offers definitions for terms such as “White Fragility,” “Heterosexism,” and “Misogynoir.”
Then they come up with a chart, basically changing language.
Question: Does any of this sound like it will improve the military? I don’t want my military being sensitive and inclusive. I want my military to be insensitive, boorish killers that want nothing more than to blow things up.
I hope there’s no war in the near future.