Episode 655 – Their Motivations Are Too Transparent

Today, we are going to talk about something very uncomfortable. We are going to talk about Malthusianism, eugenics and the “climate crisis”. It may seem weird that I’m talking about this but we 1,200are beginning to hear and see things that are pushed that could change our lives, the lives of our children and for generations after.

I also want you to think about things that are being pushed in our society. Abortion, trans-ing the kids, drug legalization, homelessness and euthanasia. Though we might be able to see the relation between climate change and these terrible policies, they are related, they are being pushed and, now, the elites are saying right out and have been for several decades.

Let’s take a look at this stuff.


The Philosophy

There are a couple of concepts we need o talk about.


Malthusianism is a philosophy by an economist named Thomas Malthus in 1798. It is also known as the “Malthusian trap”, “the population trap, and the “Malthusian check”.

The main idea with Malthusianism is that the population of the world is increasing exponentially but our food supply is linear. As the population will grow, the population will run out of food and a substantial part of the population would end up starving to death. Malthus believed there was very little we could do because, even with the advent of technology that improved food production, the human population would grow faster. He did believe that if the population could not be controlled through abstinence (Malthus was a Christian and didn’t believe in artificial contraception), we would have no choice but to let certain population die off.

With the onset of the industrial revolution, food production increased substantially. Anti-Malthusians believe this was proof that Malthusianism was bunk and shouldn’t be taken seriously. But neo-Malthusians believed there were tons of evidence that the Malthusian trap was still alive and well. They said that poverty, pollution, hunger is poor countries and the increase of the population was still proof that the trap was still alive and well. Neo-Malthusians believed that the best way to deal with over-population was to use birth control.

Enter eugenics.


According to history.com:

Eugenics is the practice or advocacy of improving the human species by selectively mating people with specific desirable hereditary traits. It aims to reduce human suffering by “breeding out” disease, disabilities and so-called undesirable characteristics from the human population. Early supporters of eugenics believed people inherited mental illness, criminal tendencies and even poverty, and that these conditions could be bred out of the gene pool.

The term was coined by Sir Francis Galton in 1883.

It became popular in the United States in 1903. The United States made it illegal for people with epilepsy and those who were mentally slow to get married and have children.

According to history.com:

John Harvey Kellogg, of Kellogg’s cereal fame, organized the Race Betterment Foundation in 1911 and established a “pedigree registry.” The foundation hosted national conferences on eugenics in 1914, 1915 and 1928.



New World Order?

The climate crisis is suppose to be the biggest disaster in the history of the world. We must do something about it according to the Left. Every time there’s a weather event, it’s proof that the world is pissed and is going to kill us. Unfortunately for them, a lot of scientists do not think it is that big of a deal. But it’s OK because those scientists are either censored or just ignored.

California is going through a major series of storms. This is because of a phenomenon called “El Nino”. Warm water comes from Mexico because the currents change every four or five years heading to Northern Californian waters which are cold. When you mix warm water and cold water, evaporation occurs creating clouds with really high humidity. The clouds are pushed to the land and it starts raining on land.

The rain continues southward, typically along the coast and it rains until the system is back in Mexico. This crap happens every three or four years and I have seen it since I was a kid, which was in the 1970s.

Well, we are in the middle of a brutal El Nino in California. It has been raining pretty hard for the last two weeks and we are looking at another week of rain. San Francisco is completely flooded. Here San Francisco mayor, London Breed, blaming…what?…the climate crisis:

Some things:

  • As far as drought conditions, El Nino is too extreme every year. Also, California is a very temperate desert. We have lots of rain sometimes. We don’t don’t have any rain, most of the time. The weather in California is the most consistent in the country.
  • Meteorologists know if there is a glitch in the matrix when in comes to El Nino. They call it every year.
  •  By the way, the drought conditions have not been historic.
  • Wild fire are caused by bad forest management. While President, Donald Trump embarrassed Gavin Newsom by pointing this out.
  • Noticed Breed screwed up? She said, “global warming” and corrected herself by calling it a “climate crisis”. She did this because the rest of the country is at -10 F.
  • Finally, this is the climate crisis conclusion. Money. More money.
    • They can fix this with money. Give us money.
    • Let me get this straight:
      • The haven’t fixed the drug problem with more money.
      • They haven’t fixed the mental health crisis with more money.
      • They haven’t fixed the homelessness problem with more money.
      • But they are going to fix the weather? No. No more money.

Here’s Greta Thunberg. Here, she’s being interviewed by the BBC about how kids should deal with the climate crisis and what she thinks about it. It’s a long clip but it is so stupid, I don’t want to skip anything. Listen:

Some things:

  • She is a child. Any parent that listens to this dumb bitch about parenting paranoid children, the parents are part of the problem.
  • She’s actually not really a child. I could f- her and it would be completely legal.
  • This broad hasn’t been in school since she was eight years old. I hardly think she could educate herself on anything.
    • Did I mention she has Asperger’s Syndrome?
    • Did I mention she has OCD?
    • Why is anyone taking advice from someone who is impaired?

As “retarded” as Greta is, no one drops the ball like Bill Gates. This was from a Ted Talk from twelve years ago. He, accidently, lets the cat out of the bag when it comes to the climate. Listen:

I watched the entire Ted Talk and then I watched a lot of apologists. Let’s just say he meant what he said. Not just from this video but from the other videos he said the same thing.

He is a huge fan of the World Economic Forum fan. He likes the thought of the Great Reset and is a supporter of Malthusianism. Many say he’s not but he has said it way too many times to be ignored.

Finally, here is Jane Goodall, the chick that loves monies. She had something to say about human beings and the environment. By the way, she was talking at the World Economic Forum.

We now have 8 billion people on Earth. She wants to know down to about 500 million. Bet she won’t be one of the people that gets put into the mulch machine.



Him Again?

The CBS television show 60 Minutes decided to jump on the climate bandwagon in the most Malthusian way they possible could by bringing on a dinosaur that promises that we are all going to die within the next 15 minutes if we do not kill capitalism, live by eating bugs and get rid of everything that makes life convenient.

His name is Paul Ehrlich and he wrote a book in 1968 called The Population Bomb which says that people are causing the destruction of the Earth and we are all going to die. Before we get into his book, let’s take a look at a couple of things he said on 60 Minutes then talk a little about his history and how wrong he is and has been.

He’s been saying this BS for the last 50 years. Of course, none of this is true. In fact, we have more food now, due to technology than we have ever had. The Federalist also pointed out that the average life expectancy when Ehrlich was born was 61. Life expectancy is now 78 and he is 90.

“Changing the systems” is his goal.

Here he is lamenting the fact the most countries aren’t listening to his doom talk:

Most countries don’t buy his crap because his crap is crazy. People do not want to go back to living in the dark. People like the innovation that has raised the wealth of most people more than any other civilization in recorded time.

Also, most scientists think he is a freak. They don’t hold the same opinions as he does.

Then, the narrator goes off on how we are consuming three times the resources. What he doesn’t mention is we are producing ten times the resources due to technology.

Throughout this fifteen minute story, not once did CBS have a countering point. It was all just doom and gloom.

Let’s go over some of his claims he made in the 1970s (from the Federalist):

“The battle to feed all of humanity is over,” the opening line of “The Population Bomb” reads. “In the 1970s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now,” Ehrlich wrote. It was likely, he went on, that the oceans would be without life by 1979 and the United States would see its population plummet to 23 million by 1999 due to pesticides. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years,” he famously told Mademoiselle in 1970.

He was wrong about everything. None of his theories came to light and are still nowhere to be seen on the horizon fifty years later. But people like Al Gore, AOC and Greta Thunberg keep spouting this same philosophy. But they do something different because Ehrlich made one huge mistake: he wasn’t vague about when this stuff would happen. He gave dates. No environmentalist give dates anymore. Something will happen in the next 10 to 20 years and, when it doesn’t happen, people will not remember. Al Gore has been doing this since 2000.




Why Is This Important?

Is it the goal of Greta Thunberg, Al Gore, Joe Biden, Barrack Obama, the WEF, the WHO or the UN to end global warming? The answer is a resounding, “no”.

Climate change is just an excuse to create a new world order. Klaus Schwab said in his books. It is a way for the elites to change the way we live, what we own, change our behavior and control the world economy and the social order. If it was about climate change, why won’t any of these people go after China or India? Both countries produce way more carbon than the United States. The reason is because the United States, through the Constitution, acknowledges and protects God-given human rights. Freedom of speech, of religion. Freedom to bear arms. A population that believes in all that cannot be controlled.

The reason Klaus Schwab celebrated COVID is because the lockdowns showed we could be controlled in this country. That’s what made the lockdowns so dangerous. They trained us. Many, like me, think they will do the same thing in the name of climate change. In many ways, it’s already happening. High gas prices, supply chain failures, airline shortages, energy shortages and food shortages are the “new normal”.

There is also the “need” to shrink the population. Abortion. trans-ing kids. The push for homosexuality. Drug legalization. Euthanasia. All this is to shrink the population. This accomplishes two thing: a smaller population is easier to control and monitor, and it breaks down a civilization.