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Episode 670 – So Long, Tom!


Deep Thoughts

What do the Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, the moon landing and 9/11 have in common? They all had conspiracy theories.

At the time, we didn’t have a ton of conspiracy theories, but the ones we had were very strong. Heck, I fell for the JFK assassination theory, or at least said it was possible. I saw the movie, JFK. Then I went to Dealey Plaza, saw the crime scene and reason kicked in. I also did a little research.

  • Harvey Oswald was a communist and crazy. So crazy, when he tried to immigrate to Russia, he was refused and kicked out.
  • Oswald was an expert shot in the Marines.
  • Dealey Plaza was puny. I could shoot someone there.
  • The tree that the movie, JFK discusses was not there are the time. He had a straight shot.
  • The magic bullet theory has been debunked. The bullet did not fly the way.
  • Zapruder film, which was the biggest evidence of a frontal shot, has been shown not to be true based on the angle of Kennedy’s head. That has also been physically proven.
  • Several snipers were able to make the same shot at Dealey Plaza with the same rifle except were more accurate (they were professionals).
  • Of course, there are other things that don’t make sense like how do you hide this mess?

Why are conspiracy theories a thing. Michael Bilewicz, a professor of psychology from the university of Warsaw, said that conspiracies are the way we adapt to historical trauma. When someone as beloved as JFK dies, people can’t deal with it. They try to process it and come to the same conclusion, it could not have been as simple as one person got pissed off at JFK and killed him that easily.

Here’s my problem, this doesn’t explain why people who see the greatest achievement in human history, the moon landing, as a conspiracy. I think there’s more.

Today, there seems to be a conspiracy around every corner:

  • The Trump/Russia collusion.
  • Social media collusion.
  • The Great Reset.
  • The climate crisis.
  • The pandemic.
  • Vaccines making everyone sterile.
  • Vaccines inserting microchips.
  • Chemtrails.
  • UFOs
  • Aliens
  • Door-to-door gun confiscations.
  • Foreign troops on U.S. soil.
  • Population control.
  • The Hunter Biden laptop theory.
  • The classified document scandal.
  • Food shortages.
  • Fuel shortages.

There are many more. All of these are now conspiracy theories. Of course, not all of them are theories anymore which is a reason we have conspiracies now.

There are  reasons why conspiracies seem to be everywhere now.

  • The first is the same that Bilewicz wrote about. The shock of the country being so different than what it was.
    • I fall into this category.
    • We see how things are different and make up reasons why they are different.
    • Problem is, we pay attention to what’s going. We see how the mentality of the country is changing.
    • The Great Reset, food shortages, fuel shortages are examples of conspiracies I buy.
  • Lack of transparency or an out-of-touch government.
    • This lowers trust.
    • People come up with ideas about what is happening.
    • The classified document scandal is an example.
  • Sometimes the conspiracy is reasonable and probably true.
    • UFOs.
    • The Hunter Biden laptop conspiracy.
    • Door-to-door gun confiscation is a reasonable fear.



Here is some news:

  • The Fed raised interest rates .25% yesterday. They now stand at between 4.5-4.75%.
    • This is the lowest hike in over a year.
    • Inflation, though down, remains three times higher than it should be at 6.5%.
    • The Fed is shooting for a soft landing when it comes to inflation but the economy is beginning to suffer from stagnation.
  • The FBI went to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware to search Joe Biden’s beach house for classified documents.
    • This was not a surprise raid and Biden stayed at the house a few times since this scandal started.
    • Biden’s lawyers said that no classified papers were found, but documents were taken from the house.
    • To this day, we still don’t know what classified fata was found.
  • Hunter Biden admits that his laptop is real.
    • He is threatening to sue multiple outlets for defamation including Tucker Carlson and Fox News
    • This will lead to absolutely nothing since everything is true.
    • He may also not want to throw his father under the bus because a lawsuit
  • Ilhan Omar has been voted out of the Foreign Affairs Committee.
  • The Washington Post is thrilled that illegal crossings actually went down, but…

According to the Washington Post:

Tighter restrictions applied by the Biden administration against migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti along the southern border last month led to a precipitous drop in the number of people from those countries crossing into the United States illegally, according to three administration officials and preliminary data.

Illegal crossings by migrants from the four countries were down more than 95 percent, preliminary figures obtained by The Washington Post show.

Overall, the number of migrants stopped along the Mexico border last month fell to about 150,000, down from the record-high 251,487 tallied in December, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data and officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss enforcement figures not yet finalized.

    • Wow, that’s a stretch. They are celebrating illegals Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua are down. That’s because those are communist countries and you don’t want anti-communists in this country if you’re the Biden administration.
    • Most of the people are coming from Honduras, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador. By a lot.
    • And since when did  150,000 illegals crossing illegally become a victory? When Biden took over, it was 32,000. It was also in December and January, the coldest time of the year to travel.
  • Finally, Tom Brady made and announcement.
    • We’ll see if he goes through with it.


Mental Illness


This is Just Immoral

This is just flat out immoral.

According to the Daily Wire:

A U.S. Army soldier who was fired last year for refusing a COVID vaccine has been forced to pay back his signing bonus, totaling thousands of dollars, the veteran claims.

At the Biden administration’s direction, the Defense Department discharged more than 8,400 troops from the military, including some 3,300 Marines, 1,800 soldiers, 1,800 sailors, and 900 airmen who chose to decline the vaccine.

“I’ve deployed multiple times, and I feel like the last thing I had was selling leave days that I earned and was never able to take due to me being deployed or needing that time to prepare for the training cycle,” the service member told Fox News Digital. “I was about to enter a new world with no income, and that extra bit would have been a nice buffer in my rainy day fund to keep me afloat until I was able to find new employment.”

Of all the evil, immoral load of bullshit this administration could pull, this has to be the lowest thing they could do.

This guy served overseas for his country. He wouldn’t take a vaccine that has proven not to work and might even be dangerous for younger people. He was kicked out half way through his term and now owes more than half his signing bonus or $4000. Of course, like everything else, the Department of Defense was reached for comment and no one responded.

Meanwhile, we are down in military recruitment is way down (by as much as 40%). Our children have become fat and lazy (29% of young adults would not even qualify for the military). So, it makes a lot of sense for the Biden administration to kick people out of the military because they won’t get vaccinated from an untested vaccine from a disease that probably won’t harm them.

What makes this story more atrocious is the fact that Air Force general, Mike Minihan, warned that we could be at war with China by 2025. I would think this is fear mongering but there are several other high ranking officers and politicians believe he may be right. Why wait until 2025? Because China is assuming Joe Biden will completely screw the military and it will not be viable by then.

This guy is more than a bad President, he is actively destroying the country. Don’t think this doesn’t have anything to do with the World Economic Forum. They think China is the blue print for how the WEF should run the world. What’s the best way to keep the United States from fighting a war with China than to get one of their lackies (Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Gates) to destroy the military to let China roll over the world.


This Seems to be an Issue

This is a scary story but it is already happening.

According to the Daily Wire:

Madison Square Garden Entertainment is using facial recognition technology to prevent attorneys from law firms representing clients suing the company from entering iconic venues in New York City.

The policy may violate state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination and retaliation toward individuals engaged in protected activities, such as “taking on legitimate cases, including sexual harassment or employment discrimination claims,” according to a letter from Kyle Rapiñan, an official with the New York State Office of the Attorney General. An investigation from the New York Times found that the company is stopping lawyers from entering the facility with the help of software that can identify their faces using profile photos on their companies’ websites.

Thousands of lawyers across several dozen firms may have been affected by the company’s move, according to the letter, which indicated that season ticket holders could be barred from attending events. Sports teams such as the New York Knicks and the New York Rangers play at Madison Square Garden, which is also a coveted concert venue.

In one example highlighted by the New York Times, personal injury lawyer Kelly Conlon was pulled aside while chaperoning her nine-year-old daughter to Radio City Music Hall for a Rockettes show. Security guards pulled Conlon aside and informed her that she had been placed on an “attorney exclusion list” created by the venue’s management.

Remember that I told you they do this in other places? That place they do this is China.

Madison Square Garden Entertainment CEO James Dolan said of the policy:

“If somebody sues you, that’s confrontational, that’s adversarial. There’s all kinds of politicians who are jumping into this, none for the right reasons.”

This is an amazing statement. If you admit that this can lead to bad results, why are you doing it? This guy thinks that him doing is virtuous but doesn’t expect politicians to do it. That’s elitist thinking. What he’s doing isn’t virtuous either.

Let me tell me what scares me about this. This is exactly like the social credit score in China. I think they might even been using the same software, I say with no knowledge. This might be unconstitutional, that violation of privacy thing. Might be.

What if it’s not. What if the Supreme Court says this is fine? Does that mean that this could become something that all businesses can do to get rid of people they don’t like? Are there any limits to this? Maybe this little podcast, which isn’t big yet, could get me banned. Who knows?

Could the government use this in their favor? Maybe to get rid of those MAGA right wing, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, racist, bastard Republicans?

This is where we say, “No.” This is not right and it is going to lead to some bad things.