Episode 687 – Celebrating Women’s History Month with Dudes!

Joe Biden wants to lower the deficit. Does that mean he’s going to make the government spend responsibly? Of course not.

There was some awesome testimony in Congress yesterday. Dr. Fauci should be concerned.

And California is a crap hole.



Here is some of today’s news:

  • Joe Biden released his budget. It is $5.8 trillion.
  • Joe Biden is getting nervous about the debt. So he has plans to cut the deficit. Is he going to require controlled spending by the government? Of course not. He’s going to raise taxes.
    • President Biden is reportedly planning to unveil a series of major tax hikes on billionaires, investors, and those making above $400,000 as part of his administration’s aim to reduce the deficit.
    • The budget request, slated for release on Thursday, calls for a 25% minimum tax on billionaires and would nearly double the capital gains tax rate from 20% to 39.6%.
    • The proposal, first reported by Bloomberg, would increase the top tax rate for Americans earning $400,000 from 37% to nearly 40% – reversing President Trump’s signature tax cuts.
    • The tax rate for those earning less than $400,000 would remain the same, according to the report.
    • Meanwhile, rich investors – those making at least $1 million – would see taxes on their long-term investments nearly double from 20% to 39.6%.
    • Biden’s proposal would also increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%.
    • The plan is part of Biden’s larger proposal to cut deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade, the White House said Wednesday.
    • Good news, this is unlikely to pass the House or the Senate.
    • More stupid moves by Joe Biden.
      • High inflation.
      • High energy prices.
      • High interest rates.
      • Almost assured stagnation and recession.
      • So he raises taxes on those who employ people.
      • Brilliant!
  •  Nine boxes of documents were taken from President Biden’s attorney Patrick Moore’s Boston office, but have yet to be reviewed, the National Archives disclosed in a response letter to Sens. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, this week first obtained by Fox News Digital.
    • The Archives had not previously publicly disclosed the number of boxes taken from Boston.
    • It had been reported that Moore had shipped boxes of documents from the Penn Biden Center to his Boston office before discovering the initial trove of classified documents at the Washington, D.C.-based think tank.
    • Sounds like they tried to hide this little tidbit of information but didn’t quite get away from it.
  • ESPN, in a shocking move, apologized for Kendrick Perkins comments about Nikola Jokic getting the MVP because all the voters were white and Jokic is white.
    • Co-host of the show First Take, Molly Qerim said on the show: “I want to correct something here from yesterday’s show. When Kendrick Perkins said 80% of NBA voters for the MVP award are white, the NBA publicly announces the voters each year, and after review, it is clear the panel is much more diverse than what was portrayed by Kendrick Perkins and we wanted to make sure we corrected that today.”
    • I’m impressed that ESPN took the high road here. I thought they were going to demand an apology from JJ Redick and then fire him.
    • Now they need to get Kendrick Perkins to apologize to Jokic, JJ Redick and the audience for his racism.
    • And, no, he shouldn’t be fired.
  • Finally, in a shocking story, NBA legend from the Seattle Super Sonics has been arrested in relation to a drive-by shooting in Tacoma, Washington.
    • No one was injured in the incident that we know of right now.
    • The gun was recovered.
    • It is unknown if there were anymore arrests.



Amazing Admissions





California News

The news out of California continues to be bad or, as Democrats describe it, are awesome.

Gavin Newsom has decided that it is very important to go after Walgreens. Why, you ask? Because they will not sell over the counter abortion pills.

Wait, hold on. That’s not the entire story.

Walgreens will not have over the counter abortion pills in twenty states. Specifically, the states that have banned abortion. Mind you, they are not stopping to sell the baby-killing pills to Californians. Just in the states where it is illegal. So, Newsom decided not to do any business with Walgreens. Alright, there’s motivation for another business to leave that crap-hole state.

In a further attempt to make everyone in California, the state has decided to take away more of life’s little enjoyment.

According to CBS Sacramento:

Some California lawmakers want to eventually ban all tobacco sales in the nation’s most populous state, filing legislation to make it illegal to sell cigarettes and other products to anyone born after Jan. 1, 2007.

If signed into law, it would mean by 2073 people wanting to buy cigarettes would have to show ID to prove they are at least 67 years old.

“We can ensure that the next generation of children in California do not become addicted to smoking,” said Assemblymember Damon Connolly, a Democrat from San Rafael and the author of the bill.

So, let me get this straight:

  • We have legalized pot (which is worse than cigarettes).
    • Pot burns hotter so is worse than the lungs.
    • Pot can cause psychosis.
  • We have practically legalized heroin, meth and fentanyl.

Why do this? Not for protecting the health of people. If they did, they’d go after alcohol and not legalize pot. It’s simply control. They won’t go after alcohol, pot or any other drugs. You wonder why? They want to keep people lazy and stupid.

This little thing is going to hurt California. California charges a 67% tax on cigarettes.

Finally, California has decided to force another business out of the state.

Gavin Newsom is pissed off because Walgreens will not sell over-the-counter abortion pills in 20 states. He tweeted:

“California won’t be doing business with [Walgreens] — or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk. We’re done.”

This guy is such an idiot. The twenty states Walgreens won’t sell the abortion pills have banned the selling of the pills. Walgreens will still sell the pills in California.

So why do this? It’s a lot of bloviating. Newsom wants to run for President or, at least, become Vice President if Kamala Harris is shown the door. He’s trying to become recognizable at a national level.


Tobacco & Cigarette Tax by State for 2023



Men Are Better at Being Women Than Women

We keep hearing about toxic masculinity, the patriarchy and misogyny. We keep hearing how bad men are, especially straight, white men. So, men have gotten smarter. We just decided to become, scream that we are victims now and do woman stuff. Luckily, a lot of the things we do in their realm, we do better than them. We run faster. We swim faster. We hit harder.

Men are awesome. Here are a couple of stories that prove men are awesome and women should just be cancelled.


International Woman of the Year

Yesterday was International Women’s Day during Women’s History Month. The Biden administration decided to give out an award called International Women of Courage. Dr. Jill Biden handed out the award with Antony Blinken, the Secretary of State. Here is one of the award winners, Alba Rueda, receiving the International Women or Courage award:

That’s right. One of the four chicks that won the award is a dude. Nothing says, “woman” like a man dressed like a broad and he needs to learn a little fashion.

You should watch the video. Antony Blinken had to kiss this guy and he looked sick to his stomach.

According to Fox News:

Rueda currently serves as Argentina’s Special Envoy for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship. The State Department said Rueda had “actively campaigned to change the name of the National Women’s Conference to the ‘Plurinational Conference of Women and Lesbian, Cross-Dresser, Transgender, Bisexual, Intersex and Non-Binary Persons’ to include diverse, dissident, and racialized identities.’”

Yeah, this is great.


Be Prepared for Records to Fall

These stories just bother the crap out of me.

According to the Daily Wire:

A Minnesota state court ruled the organization must revise its policy within two weeks and allow trans-identifying men to compete in the women’s categories, per Fox News. They are being called to “cease and desist from all unfair discriminatory practices,” which in this case means limiting inclusion based on gender identity.

“The harm is in making a person pretend to be something different, the implicit message being that who they are is less than,” the ruling says in part. “That is the very essence of separation and segregation, and it is what the [Minnesota Human Rights Act] prohibits.”

The original complaint was filed in 2019 by JayCee Cooper, a trans-identifying man who accused the organization of violating the state’s Human Rights Act by barring men from female competitions. Cooper filed a lawsuit against USA Powerlifting in state court in 2021, the publication noted.

“I was fed up with the way that I was being treated; I was fed up with the way that my community was being treated, and enough was enough,” Cooper told KARE-TV.

This guy is over six feet tall, weighs over 250 pounds and looks like a dude. All the guys out there that can’t keep up men are just going to say they are women and start competing. Eventually, the women’s events will just be men’s events.

I saw a video on Vice and there was a big argument that testosterone in men who have gene therapy is lowered, making them women. BS! This is a huge guy. He looks like a guy, talks like a guy, and walks like a guy. He stands about six inches taller than the other women.
