The latest polls show that Joe Biden is not going to be able to hide in his basement this election cycle.
The Left is changing the meaning of words again for the most nefarious reasons.
And we really need to set up some requirements to vote.
This is a Disaster
Joe Biden’s new poll number are a mess, as they should be. Democrats are really panicking, as they should. You know a poll is bad for Democrats if they admit there is no way to spin the polls. It also is bad when all the polls say the same thing. I do not put a lot into polls but they are all pretty much the same.
Here’s what they say:
- This is a Washington Post/ABC News poll. That’s really bad since they are biased for Biden.
- Biden is 20 points underwater. The worst of his presidency. He has a 36% approval and a 56% disapproval. Ouch!
- It found that 63% of Americans do not think Biden, 80, has the “mental sharpness” to be president. That’s up nine points since the same question was asked a year ago.
- Just 32% believe Biden is mentally capable, while 5% have no opinion.
- The numbers were similar on Biden’s physical health. Some 62% of Americans don’t think Biden is in “good enough physical health” to serve as president, while just 33% believe he is.
- Trump did a lot better.
- 54% of those surveyed said Trump has the mental sharpness compared to Biden’s 32%.
- 64% said he’s physically fit enough to be president, compared to Biden’s 33%.
- A majority (54%) of those surveyed said Trump did a better job with the economy than Biden. Just 36% think Biden is doing a better job.
- Who is in that 36%? That is media bias there I think.
- The poll showed Trump would beat Biden by 7 points in a head-to-head matchup. DeSantis had the same margin.
- He actually lost approval on his announcement that he was going to run again, down to 37%.
- That’s a 14.3% drop from when he announced the first time.
George Stephanopoulos, who was a Clinton lacky, said:
“This poll is just brutal for President Biden.”
Rick Klein, a political analyst for ABC News and a huge Biden supporter said:
“You’re seeing real weaknesses in the coalition that powered Joe Biden to the presidency in 2020. This race is shaping up [to be] a lot more about the incumbent president Joe Biden than it is about any of his challengers.”
Donna Brazil, former DNC Director, said:
“It kept me up, and I thought they should wake up and look at those numbers. It’s sobering in the sense that the coalition that elected Joe Biden, with the historic numbers that we saw in 2020, that coalition right now is fragmented. That should concern them.”
Not good.
Changing Language Again
The Left loves changing words. It’s just a thing they love doing.
With the killing of a homeless man that threatened a bunch of people in a subway train, People decided to call this guy something other than “homeless” because of…I don’t know. The decided to change the word from homeless to unhoused. Again, I don’t know why.
But Architectural Digest knows! Let’s read what they say:
Throughout the country, homelessness is an increasingly pressing and visible matter. And the situation has only become more acute due to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. In March the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reported more than 580,000 people experienced homelessness on a single night in the United States in 2020, up 2.2% from 2019. Now, in tandem with rising numbers, the language used to describe people experiencing homelessness is starting to change, as policymakers seek new solutions to this widening crisis.
Instead of finding new words, why don’t they find the problem and come up with a solution? The answer is easy. They don’t mind the homeless and its too much work to find a solution.
In the mainstream discourse and official statements, homeless has been the standard term for years. More recently, however, activists and housing advocates have begun to use the word unhoused (or, relatedly, houseless), even as governments stick with homeless. It’s still the word HUD uses in its reports.
I like to use bum, unemployed, hobo and homeless.
But this is beginning to change. In Los Angeles, Mayor Eric Garcetti and some members of the city council have embraced unhoused. In Seattle the city government uses the phrase person experiencing homelessness. That’s also what the Centers for Disease Control used in guidance for how to aid unhoused people during the COVID-19 pandemic; the word homeless is used only as an adjective.
The CDC was careful with their language. They’ve fucked up everything else, probably caused a lot of the homeless problem with their stupid COVID policies, but, at least, they are using acceptable language.
The change is happening in part as governments move away from punitive measures amid a deepening housing crisis. Past efforts have not resolved the matter, and both policy and messaging are shifting. The word homeless has become inseparable from a “toxic narrative” that blames and demonizes people who are unhoused, according to Eve Garrow, homelessness policy analyst and advocate for the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California. The term is increasingly used in a way where it implies someone is dangerous or devious, she said. As a result, a less charged term is more apt.
A couple of things here.
First, if they know there’s a “housing crisis”, why are they worried about the language they are using? Shouldn’t they worry about the crisis itself and what caused it. Maybe the drug problem, broken homes and lack of education should be debated more than what words we use when we refer to the homeless. Wouldn’t that be more helpful.
Next, when did the word “homeless become toxic? That is a pretty neutral term. You either have a home or are homeless. Not sure what the controversy is.
“We’ve seen this before, words like transient or hobo are retired and no longer acceptable to use,” Garrow said. “Homeless has become intertwined with narratives that are toxic. It deserves to be retired.”
The use of unhoused is not linked to any particular moment or event; it has been used for years and has steadily gained traction as an alternative to the more pejorative-sounding homeless over the last two decades.
Transient and hobo are actually not toxic terms either. Bum, maybe.
At the same time, a related term to homelessness, the homeless, has begun to be seen as othering. In May 2020 the Associated Press updated its stylebook to focus on “person-first” language; it said not to use the homeless, calling it a dehumanizing term, and instead use terms like homeless people or people without housing.
When talking about people experiencing homelessness, the goal is to be respectful and not lump everyone together, according to Giselle Routhier, policy director for the Coalition for the Homeless. She noted that the experience of homelessness varies from person to person, and said part of it depends on how someone prefers to be described.
There is a reason they want to use “unhoused”. They want to make you believe that these people had their homes taken away. Somebody unhoused them. Who unhoused them? Our miserable system did. We must overturn the system for social justice so the unhoused can become housed by redistribution and government fiat.
Get it now?
And These People Vote
You want to see something funny? Ask an 18 year old the first ten questions of the citizenship test and see how many they get right. I guarantee you they will quit being questioned after five questions.
According to The Blaze:
Report: In recent years, woke iconoclasts and revisionists have sought to erase and rewrite American history, tearing down statues and altering the facts surrounding America’s founding. The erosion of national remembrance and shared memory has not, however, been limited to the columns of liberal newspapers and town squares.
A new report indicates teachers and schools might also share responsibility for cultivating a society growing increasingly ignorant of its proud past.
On Wednesday, the National Assessment of Educational Progress — the largest continuing and nationally representative assessment of American students’ knowledge and capability in math, reading, science, and writing — released its 2022 assessment, also called the “Nation’s Report Card.”
While history scores on the assessment have been dropping for over a decade, they are now at the lowest they have been since the NAEP began monitoring in 1994.
According to the NAEP, the average U.S. history score at eighth grade decreased by 5 points compared to 2018 and by 9 points as compared to 2014.
This slump was observed across all U.S. history themes, including democracy, culture, technology, and world role.
The students were tested on their knowledge of key names, dates, and places, as well as historic ideas and movements.
Axios reported that extra to students’ average history scores slipping, civics scores dropped for the first time in 25 years.
None of this should be a shock. Half our kids think Abe Lincoln was a slave owner.
This would be funny if it weren’t for the fact:
- These kids will be voting.
- These kids will be our law makers.
- These hate our country and all it stands for.
This is why there needs to be limits on voting. If you don’t know who the first president is, you shouldn’t be voting.