Joe Biden takes another header
A hate crime has taken place against America’s most important religion.
And Lizzo is butt-hurt being fat again and she is going to take action. And, no, it’s not to go to the gym.
Here is some news:
- Joe Biden fell again.
- This was a hard fall and not completely funny. Pretty funny though.
- Apparently, he also hit his head on Air Force One.
- The media decided to ignore this and just compare it to other falls and trips by Republicans. Of course, Joe Biden has fallen more than all the Presidents combined.
- He fell up the stairs of Air Force One…twice.
- He fell off his bike while it was stationary.
- He broke his foot tripping over his dog.
- Now he fell at the Air Force Academy graduation.
- This is just what we know of.
- He looks weak. It is going to take just one bad fall for him to break a hip or hit his head and Kamala Harris is President.
- Is Twitter still a free speech platform?
- The Daily Wire decided to release What is a Woman Twitter to contrast Pride month.
- This is a great documentary.
- The day of the release, Twitter decided the movie was an example of hate speech and would throttle it.
- Elon Musk is out of the country.
- When Musk found out, two people from his Trust and Safety Department quit and the movie was restored.
- Musk watched the movie and recommended all parents, tweeting it to all 150 million followers.
- This just proves there is a swamp in business and this story will expand the reach of the movie. Something the activists didn’t mean to do.
- California will provide up to $4,500 in financial assistance to undocumented immigrants who were impacted by the series of damaging storms that slammed the state in January and March, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office confirmed on Wednesday.
- The Storm Assistance for Immigrants Project is a $95 million plan that will be available to most counties in June. It will provide recovery money to those who are not eligible for FEMA’s individual assistance, which was provided to people in counties who fell under the President’s Major Disaster Declaration in January and April. The funds will be available until May 31, 2024, or until all of the money is distributed, whichever comes first.
- If you’re still living in California, you’re an idiot. That means a lot because I still live in California.
What About the American Flag
You can see the double standard when it comes to LGBTQ+ and everyone else.
According to ABC7 News Los Angeles:
An LGBTQ Pride flag was burned at an elementary school in North Hollywood and police are now investigating it as a possible hate crime.
Before it was burned, the small flag was displayed in a planter outside of a classroom at Saticoy Elementary School. The Los Angeles Police Department says it took a report last week and launched a hate crime vandalism investigation.
It’s not clear who burned it, but a new larger flag is now on display outside the classroom.
The incident seems to be part of a deeper divide among parents over whether LGBTQ and Pride issues should be taught in grade school. And it comes as the school plans to hold a Pride Day assembly on Friday.
I have one question about this: What if someone did this to the American flag? Would that be a hate crime?
This is not a hate crime. It’s vandalism. I do want to point out that we don’t know who did this. This whole thing can be done by an LGBTQ+ activist.
It also begs the question if schools should be teaching this shit in the first place. Many parents in North Hollywood have said, “no”.
Doesn’t Matter, She’s Still Fat
Lizzo is whining about being fat again. She seems not to like people making fun of her for being fat. Of course, they are making fun for the way she acts.
According to CNN:
In a series of social media posts that can only be viewed by her followers, the singer responded to a tweet in which someone posted video of Lizzo’s recent Tina Turner tribute performance of “Proud Mary” and commented on her weight.
“I’m not trying to BE fat. I’m not trying to BE smaller,” Lizzo tweeted in response. “I’m literally just trying to live and be healthy. This is what my body looks like even when I’m eating super clean and working out!”
“I JUST logged on and the app and this is the type of s— I see about me on a daily basis,” Lizzo tweeted. “It’s really starting to make me hate the world. Then someone in the comments said I eat ‘lots of fast food.’ I LITERALLY STOPPED EATING FAST FOOD YEARS AGO…”
She also shared a tweet that theorized she was unwilling to shed weight because “it’s her brand.”
She then added, “I HATE IT HERE.”
The Grammy-winning performer has been battling fat shaming her entire career. And while many fans have been supportive, Lizzo sounded over the critiques.
“The Love definitely do not outweigh the Hate on social media… all because I’m fat????” she tweeted. “This is CRAZY.”
She said she feels close to quitting the industry and reiterated that her weight has nothing to do with her brand.
“I’ve always led w my TALENT…,” she tweeted. “But when I dropped Good As Hell feel good music was ‘corny.’ When I dropped Juice disco pop wasn’t ‘for them.’ When I was body positive in 2016 being body positive was ‘pandering.’ Now everybody on that wave and I’m still s— on?! man f— y’all.”
She gets what she deserves. She’s promoting that fat is beautiful and people just don’t buy that crap.
It’s None of Our Business
There are two types of imperialism. There’s physical where and imperialist takes over a country and there is ideological imperialism, where an imperialist spread their ideology.
Guess which one the United States falls into.
According to NBC News:
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni signed one of the world’s toughest anti-LGBTQ laws, including the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality,” drawing Western condemnation and risking sanctions from aid donors.
Same-sex relations were already illegal in Uganda, as in more than 30 other African countries, but the new law goes further.
It stipulates capital punishment for “serial offenders” against the law and transmission of a terminal illness like HIV/AIDS through gay sex. It also decrees a 20-year sentence for “promoting” homosexuality.
“The Ugandan president has today legalized state-sponsored homophobia and transphobia,” said Clare Byarugaba, a Ugandan rights activist.
There are some things missing from this article (surprise!). While the law is extreme, it does not kill people for being gay. It’s illegal to have a gay relationship but they won’t kill you.
What they will kill you for is raping a child and raping a person who is an invalid. That’s what the law actually says. No one mentions that.
But the United States can’t tolerate that. The article continues:
President Joe Biden called the move “a tragic violation” of human rights and said Washington would evaluate the implications of the law “on all aspects of U.S. engagement with Uganda.”
“We are considering additional steps, including the application of sanctions and restriction of entry into the United States against anyone involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption,” he said.
A presidency photo of Museveni showed him signing the law with a golden pen at his desk. The 78-year-old has called homosexuality a “deviation from normal” and urged lawmakers to resist “imperialist” pressure.
- Is this any of the United States’ business?
- Don’t we have our own problems?
- Doesn’t Uganda have the right to govern their own country?
- Is the Biden administration really going to take food out of the mouths of a third world country because they do not think gay sex should be normal?
The answer is yes. Just like Christianity is Uganda’s religion, LGBTQ+ ideology is trying to become the official religion of the United States.
Really Reaching for Something
On May 6th, a thirty-three-year-old Mexican American man named Mauricio Garcia shot and killed eight people at an outlet mall in Allen, Texas. Then he was shot and killed by an off-duty police officer. Because of the white-supremacist views the shooter expressed in a diary and online, many were shocked that he was Latino. In fact, Latino white supremacy isn’t an oxymoron, and carrying out a premeditated mass shooting in the United States is one of the more American things a Latino could do. We’re only five months into 2023, and in that time seventeen thousand people have been killed by guns in this country. Meanwhile, there are more than sixty million Latinos in the United States, and, motivated by extremism or a sense of fear, they’ve bought a lot of guns in the past few years.
In his 2004 book, “Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity,” the late political scientist Samuel P. Huntington fretted over how Mexican immigration was changing the “Anglo-Protestant mainstream culture” of the United States. He worried that Mexican immigrants weren’t assimilating as earlier European immigrants had done. “The criteria that can be used to gauge assimilation of an individual, a group, or a generation include language, education, occupation and income, citizenship, intermarriage and identity,” he wrote. Huntington believed that the descendants of Mexican immigrants weren’t hitting these markers, but he was wrong. They assimilated like others did. They learned English, intermarried, became loyal Americans, and adopted American politics, including its most extreme and violent forms.
We don’t know a lot about Garcia, but the diary he kept in the years leading up to the shooting made clear his growing persuasion by white-power ideology. He wrote about the superiority of non-Latino white people and claimed they would lose their edge if they continued to let nonwhite immigrants into the country. Reports on Garcia’s self-presentation have focussed on his misogyny, Nazi tattoos, racist statements against pretty much every group, and the patch on his vest that read “RWDS.” The patch, which stands for Right-Wing Death Squad and refers to anti-Communist and anti-Indigenous paramilitary groups in Central and South America during the nineteen-seventies and eighties, has become popular among right-wing groups in the United States today, particularly the ultranationalist Proud Boys.
But Garcia continued to see himself as Latino, which he never equated with whiteness, and at moments he manifested pride in his nonwhite Latino identity. It is a confusing set of ideas that nevertheless has a long history among Latinos, in part because the category “Latino” itself has been fiercely contested—with some arguing, for example, that it should be classified as a race rather than an ethnicity. A New York Times Op-Ed by the historian Cecilia Márquez focussed on the lineage of Latino white supremacists before Mauricio Garcia, including Pete Garcia, a Mexican American segregationist in Dallas in the nineteen-fifties; George Zimmerman, who killed Trayvon Martin, in Florida, in 2012; Alex Michael Ramos, who beat a Black protester at the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville; Enrique Tarrio, the Proud Boys leader recently convicted of seditious conspiracy; and Nick Fuentes, a white-nationalist live streamer. Most of these Latinos said they were nonwhite, even though the protests they joined, the groups they belonged to, and the violence they committed defended whiteness and white-power ideology.
Scholars and journalists have described these Latino white supremacists in different ways. Some Latinos, they’ve argued, are also afflicted by “aspirational whiteness,” or the desire to be white in order to fit into the racial and capitalist order of the United States, to avoid the discrimination that Black Americans experience, or to justify the pursuit of individual wealth and belonging. They ascribe to “multiracial whiteness,” which the political scientist Cristina Beltrán defines as an identity that people from all racial backgrounds can participate in. It is rooted, she writes, “in a discriminatory world view in which feelings of freedom and belonging are produced through the persecution and dehumanization of others.” Such concepts help to explain how, in a country with rising racial violence, Latinos can be both potential perpetrators and potential victims.
Many Latinos, like other Americans, have responded to their sense of victimhood by buying weapons. Latinos armed themselves after the August, 2019, massacre by a white-power shooter at a Walmart in El Paso, which left twenty-three people dead, almost all of them Latino. As the coronavirus pandemic spread across the country, Latinos reported fears of violent crimes; this was again followed by a spike in gun purchases by Latinos. A survey conducted by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, the trade association for the firearms industry, found that Latinos purchased guns at a forty-nine-per-cent higher rate in 2020 than in 2019. It also found that forty per cent of gun retailers reported an increase in sales to Latinos in 2021. Last year, another Latino shooter used an AR-15 he bought himself for his eighteenth birthday to kill twenty-one people and injure seventeen others at Robb Elementary School, in Uvalde, Texas.
According to Harel Shapira, a sociologist at the University of Texas at Austin and the author of a forthcoming book on American gun culture which focusses on Texas, the fact that gun ownership in the United States has become increasingly diverse is “something that people love to talk about, especially conservative groups like the N.R.A. and gun organizations. No one throws out the flag of diversity more than them.” Shapira thinks that, when the N.R.A. says it cares about diversity, “they are being at once cynical and genuine. They are being cynical when they express concern only in the context of supporting gun rights, but not, for example, affirmative action or other policies that benefit nonwhite Americans. They are being genuine in so far as they truly believe that the best way for minority populations to obtain equality is by being armed.”
In Texas alone, there have been twenty-one mass shootings so far this year. They’ve left thirty-four people dead and another eighty-two injured. (I had to update these numbers three times while writing this essay.) In at least four of them, the shooters were Latino. We live in a country where everyone from university deans to corporate executives extolls the virtues of assimilation and diversity, but the growing diversity of gun owners who inflict mass death should cause us to rethink inclusion’s underlying assumptions. So, too, should Latino white-supremacist thinking—another marker of Latino assimilation at a time when white-power ideology is spreading rapidly at home and abroad. Expressing surprise or disbelief at the fact that Latino white-supremacist shooters exist marks them as outsiders, as many Latinos before them have been marked. But it should be the shootings that we see as un-American, not the shooters themselves.