I will go into why Juneteenth is not a holiday.
Democrats can’t stop saying stupid things.
And China is a mess but they keep eating the lunch of the Biden administration.
Juneteenth is Not a Holiday
I was going to do a podcast yesterday because I do not think Juneteenth is a real holiday. I’ll go a step further, to make Juneteenth a federal holiday, for the reasons the Biden administration made it, is racist.
Let me explain.
Juneteenth was a local holiday celebrated a year after Texas was alerted the slavery was illegal. It was only celebrated in the region and was never celebrated throughout the United States. Texas banned slavery 2 1/2 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed and 2 months after the Civil War ended and 2 months after Lincoln was assassinated. Lincoln was assassinated for ending secession and ending slavery.
It is, to say the least, an irrelevant holiday.
There are more appropriate dates to celebrate the ending of slavery:
- February 12, 1809 – Lincoln’s birthday.
- September 22, 1862 – Signing of the Emancipation Proclamation.
- January 1, 1863 – When the Proclamation took affect.
- May 26, 1865 – Ending of the Civil War.
There are two main reasons to make June 19th the holiday celebrating the ending of slavery. The first is to eliminate any white people that might have had anything to do with the ending of slavery. It separates Abe Lincoln from the accomplishment. It hardly even mentions the Emancipation Proclamation. It skips the 700,000 Americans that died during the Civil War (most of whom were white). It is an easy way to change history and not acknowledge that the United States ended slavery because it was evil. And it was ended by a white man with the help of a lot of other white men.
Also, that white man, Abe Lincoln, was a Republican. The first Republican to be President.
The next reason is a more insidious reason.
Tim Meade of the Daily Wire writes:
Whatever Juneteenth once stood for as a state holiday is dead and gone. Today, leftists use the new federal holiday as merely the latest tool to advance “equity” — aka race-based discrimination — and further entrench Critical Race Theory into American society.
That Democrats are using something positive and noncontroversial — the celebration of emancipation and an end to slavery — to push its anti-American agenda is unsurprising. The Left always takes that which is proper and twists it for their own end. What is alarming is how many Republicans are oblivious to this tactic.
To start, consider that leftist success depends upon invoking fear, preying upon the goodwill of Americans, and conning gullible rubes in the GOP. To see a textbook example of that strategy, look no further than how “Juneteenth National Independence Day” came to be.
He’s absolutely correct and the Left isn’t hiding it. Cory Bush, a BLM activist in Congress, tweeted:
“It’s Juneteenth AND reparations. It’s Juneteenth AND end police violence + the War on Drugs. It’s Juneteenth AND end housing + education apartheid. It’s Juneteenth AND teach the truth about white supremacy in our country,” she tweeted. “Black liberation must be prioritized.”
The holiday is not a celebration of a great moment in the past that proves American is trying to be what it promised to become, but it is a call to arms for racial equity. It is a battle cry. It is a reason to protest and hate.
I think we should celebrate the ending of slavery and we did at one time. It was Lincoln’s Birthday, which we got rid of. But this “holiday” is not a celebration. It is a reminder that the races should hate each other. More cynical yet, it’s a holiday promoted by people who want more power and racial division is a means-to-an-end to get that power.
This was a long weekend, so there was not a lot of news but a lot of stupid people saying a lot of stupid things.
Let’s start with the queen of stupid, Karin Jean Pierre. She was especially pumped this weekend because, not only is it Pride month, but it’s Juneteenth weekend. She being a black lesbian makes things especially special for her because she’s especially special.
Here she is, telling us so:
She is historic. Not because she’s black and a lesbian but because I don’t think they have had a dumber person ever to be Press Secretary.
Here is John Fetterman, Senator from Pennsylvania. This poor bastard can’t seem to get a sentence out. He’s trying to talk about the I-95 bridge tragedy in Pennsylvania:
I would feel really sorry for this guy. He’s obviously gone mentally. But I get over it when I think he is a raging communist that hates this country, loves crime and hates white people. So, fuck him, it’s funny.
Speaking of mentally gone, here is our President not being divisive at all, talking about gun control:
There are a couple of problems with this statement. First, trucks aren’t cruising the cities selling guns. That’s not happening.
Second, no one is going to jail because it is Leftist cities that have the most criminal violence involving guns. If we threw a couple of these guys in prison, maybe we wouldn’t have so much “gun violence.”
In the above, Old Joe is is just politically lying. We are used to that. But here he is, being senile. He seems to have forgotten what country we are in:
Of course, he needs to be led off the stage after that rather odd comment.
But that wasn’t it. Here he is promising that we are going to build a bridge from the United States, across the Pacific Ocean, through the Far East, across the Indian Ocean, to the east coast of Africa. Listen:
Wow. Elon might be able to do it but not Old Joe.
We are going to be hearing a lot of this crap. Joe is going to have to campaign. He’s not doing well in the polls. People think he’s done. Gavin Newsom is putting up curtain patterns in the Oval Office.
Nothing But Cowards
Antony Blinkin went to China to see if he could do something with the growing power. Like his last meeting, things did not go well.
He made it clear where the United States and the Biden administration stood when it comes to Taiwan. Here he is, addressing the issue:
Basically, this is an invitation for China to attack Taiwan and a promise that the United States would not do a thing about it.
He also said:
“We and many others have deep concerns about some of the provocative actions that China has taken in recent years going back to 2016. And the reason that this is a concern for so many countries, not just the United States, is that were there to be a crisis over Taiwan, the likelihood is that could produce an economic crisis that could affect quite literally the entire world.”
Ge added:
“If as a result of a crisis that was taken offline, it would have dramatic consequences for virtually every country around the world. We continue to expect the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait differences.”
In other words, the United States is going to bend the knee.
Xi Xinping got the message. He did not hold any ceremony with the Secretary of State and only met with him for 35 minutes. We know he got everything he wanted by what he said at a press conference:
“State-to-state interactions should always be based on mutual respect and sincerity. I hope that through this visit, Mr. Secretary, you will make more positive contributions to stabilizing China-U.S. relations.”
In other words, “Do as we say and we won’t destroy you.”
This weakness the Biden administration is showing opens up a lot of questions:
- Does the Biden administration believe China is a threat?
- Does the Biden administration trust the Chinese?
- Does the Biden administration go with the World Economic Forum and think China’s ways should be what we are doing here?
- Is the Biden administration softening its policies because Joe Biden is being paid or is compromised?
The world is getting closer to World War III and this administration is letting it happen.