We have a new segment!
Two major mass shooting happened over the weekend but you will not hear about it now.
And the Supreme Court continues to steer us to sanity.
Dumbass of the Day!
She hates the country? She gets upset at seeing the American flag? She should move to another country that doesn’t allow people to fly the American flag. No one is stopping her.
Then there’s Ben and Jerry’s, the ice cream company:
They seem to have made a lot of money in Vermont. Why not give that money and that really nice land they own to the Indians?
Here is some news:
- France is on fire.
- Massive riots are going on in France.
- Emanual Macron, after watching an Elton John concert, decided to crack down on the riots. He shut down the Internet.
- There is very little information as to what caused this.
- Elon Musk temporarily limited the number of tweets a person can view and post.
- Verified accounts can post 600 tweets and view 6000 tweets. Unverified accounts can do half of that.
- Access to Twitter was limited due to “Several hundred organizations (maybe more) were scraping Twitter data extremely aggressively, to the point where it was affecting the real user experience. What should we do to stop that? I’m open to ideas.”
- Of course, censorship came up.
- The White House grounds were evacuated on Sunday due to the discovery of an “unknown item” by the U.S. Secret Service (USSS).
- Upon investigation, it was found that the powder was cocaine.
- Yes, Hunter Biden was at the White House.
- Don’t worry about the President getting wired, he went to Camp David on vacation (again) for the weekend.
- There were a couple of mass shootings in the United States over the weekend.
- One was in Baltimore. 2 were killed and 28 were shot.
- One was just outside Philadelphia. 4 were killed.
- Both perpetrators were black and all the victims were black.
- The guy in Philadelphia was a trans guy that belonged to BLM.
- Yeah, you won’t hear much about this.
A Lot of Reason to be Pissed
Be prepared for a lot more of this and maybe worse things.
According to the Daily Wire:
Law enforcement cleared the area in front of the Supreme Court on Thursday due to a “suspicious package” near the courthouse.
Supreme Court Police and U.S. Capitol Police cleared protesters and others from the front of the courthouse and sidewalk. On Thursday morning, the court released its highly-anticipated opinion on a challenge to race-based admissions at universities, broadly outlawing the practice known as affirmative action to schools receiving government funding.
The U.S. Capitol Police gave the all-clear sign on Thursday afternoon, announcing in a statement that the “suspicious package” found outside the Supreme Court on Thursday morning had been dealt with.
“The suspicious package, which we assisted with, is all clear. The roads around this area should reopen shortly. Have a safe day!” Capitol Police said.
Yeah, there are some pissed off Leftists out there. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more violence targeting the Supreme Court after their rulings last week.
Let’s go through them.
Affirmative Action
The first ruling is going to change the way colleges select applicants.
According to the Daily Wire:
The Supreme Court ruled against Harvard University and the University of North Carolina’s affirmative action policies in a decision that will have a profound effect on the admissions processes at universities across the country.
The court ruled that the race-based admissions programs at Harvard violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act and the University of North Carolina violated the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
The court voted six to three in the University of North Carolina case and six to two in the Harvard case. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, a Harvard graduate and former Harvard board member, recused herself from the Harvard case.
This law was put into place to allow more blacks into colleges after the Civil Right Act was passed to counter issues with blacks getting into college. According to the ruling in the 1970s, Sandra Day O’Conner said this was suppose to be temporary.
Chief Justice John Roberts wrote:
“Eliminating racial discrimination means eliminating all of it. Nothing in this opinion should be construed as prohibiting universities from considering an applicant’s discussion of how race affected his or her life, be it through discrimination, inspiration, or otherwise. But, despite the dissent’s assertion to the contrary, universities may not simply establish through application essays or other means the regime we hold unlawful today.”
He added:
“Twenty years have passed since Grutter, with no end to race-based college admissions in sight. But the Court has permitted race-based college admissions only within the confines of narrow restrictions: such admissions programs must comply with strict scrutiny, may never use race as a stereotype or negative, and must — at some point — end.”
He did leave an opening stating that colleges needed to figure out who they wanted in their colleges.
Ketanji Brown Jackson had the most racist take on the ruling in her dissent:
With let-them-eat-cake obliviousness, today, the majority pulls the ripcord and announces “colorblindness for all” by legal fiat. But deeming race irrelevant in law does not make it so in life. And having so detached itself from this country’s actual past and present experiences, the Court has now been lured into interfering with the crucial work that UNC and other institutions of higher learning are doing to solve America’s real-world problems. No one benefits from ignorance. Although formal race-linked legal barriers are gone, race still matters to the lived experiences of all Americans in innumerable ways, and today’s ruling makes things worse, not better. The best that can be said of the majority’s perspective is that it proceeds (ostrich-like) from the hope that preventing consideration of race will end racism.
In other words, America is racist and we must deal with racism with discrimination (which is racist). This is straight out of Critical Race Theory. I also want to point out this case was brought, not by white people, but by Asians.
This pissed off Clarence Thomas, a guy who actually experienced racism during the Jim Crow era. He said:
“Racialism simply cannot be undone by different or more racialism.
“Instead, the solution announced in the second founding is incorporated in our Constitution: that we are all equal, and should be treated equally before the law without regard to our race,” he said. “Only that promise can allow us to look past our differing skin colors and identities and see each other for what we truly are: individuals with unique thoughts, perspectives, and goals, but with equal dignity and equal rights under the law.”
Then he went after Justice Jackson:
“Rather than focusing on individuals as individuals, her dissent focuses on the historical subjugation of black Americans, invoking statistical racial gaps to argue in favor of defining and categorizing individuals by their race. As she sees things, we are all inexorably trapped in a fundamentally racist society, with the original sin of slavery and the historical subjugation of black Americans still determining our lives today. The panacea, she counsels, is to unquestioningly accede to the view of elite experts and reallocate society’s riches by racial means as necessary to ‘level the playing field,’ all as judged by racial metrics. I strongly disagree.”
He continued:
First, as stated above, any statistical gaps between the average wealth of black and white Americans is constitutionally irrelevant. I, of course, agree that our society is not, and has never been, colorblind. Post, at 2 (JACKSON, J., dissenting); see also Plessy, 163 U. S., at 559 (Harlan, J., dissenting). People discriminate against one another for a whole host of reasons. But, under the Fourteenth Amendment, the law must disregard all racial distinctions:
“[I]n view of the constitution, in the eye of the law, there is in this country no superior, dominant, ruling class of citizens. There is no caste here. Our constitution is color-blind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens. In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law. The humblest is the peer of the most powerful. The law regards man as man, and takes no account of his surroundings or of his color when his civil rights as guaranteed by the supreme law of the land are involved.” Ibid.
He does something wild and points to the 14th Amendment in the Constitution! That’s what he’s suppose to do!
He really went after Jackson, which happened more than once last week. He added:
- No matter what happens, race will always be Jackson’s go-to. If there is anything negative happening to an individual, it will be applied to the group.
- The CRT bullshit ignores the cultural problems as to why blacks aren’t getting into college.
- It ignores the accomplishments of black Americans.
- She is practicing bigotry of low expectations. She makes it that blacks are not capable of accomplishing anything and must have the bar lowered.
- He says her goal to handle these “disparities” (that do not exist) by creating a caste system that discriminates.
Wow, he hit it on the head. What sucks is no one will read his opinion. They will just call him a white supremacist and a racist.
There was a plethora of reactions to this decision.
Conservatives praised the decision. It amazes me how all those white supremacist Conservatives keep quoting Martin Luther King when talking individual ability and content of one’s character.
The Asian community, more white supremacists, are also hailing the decision. They see the country as the land of opportunity that is being sullied about all this race crap. They, too, want meritocracy brought back.
Of course, the fun part will be how the Leftists are dealing with this.
- Colleges are trying to figure out how to get around this decision.
- The admission process could become more opaque.
- The admission process could become more subjective.
- Someone can still bitch about being black and their “rough life” and get in.
- Tests like the SAT, LSAT and MCAT could be eliminated.
- This whole thing has to do with burying the meritocracy.
- Corporations are afraid this could lead to lawsuits if they continue with this DEI and ESG crap because all this is race based.
The best reactions, of course, come from celebrities and the media.
Jamele Hill tweeted:
“Can’t wait until she reads that you gladly carried the water for white supremacy and stabbed the folks in the back whose people fought diligently for Asian American rights in America.”
Um, what? Aren’t Asians complaining they are being discriminated against? Well, yes. But they don’t count.
Hispanics, Asians and Jews have already been “white-washed” according to the Left. When was the last time you saw a commercial with a Mexican in it? When was the last time you saw a commercial with a black person in it?
Muslims may have to worry about being white supremacists soon. They’re not too happy about the tyranny-thing that I’d happening now.
This is one thing blacks don’t get. They will, eventually, be discriminating against too. Ask Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens and, the black face of white supremacy, Larry Elder.
AOC said that investigations and impeachments should begin to reign in the court. This is a little long but worth a listen:
What exactly is AOC saying should be investigated? What ethics were violated? Is it that the Left didn’t get what they wanted. The accusations that AOC brought up have already been debunked. No Supreme Court member can be impeached since impeachment is a political process. Subpoenas are questional at best unless an actual law was broken. None has.
As far as the Supreme Court becoming Congress, that’s not a thing. They are there to check Congress against the Constitution. Turns out Congress hasn’t been doing a lot Constitutional. I know. Unlike AOC, I ready it.
I believe that Congress should pass ethics legislation, but they should apply it on themselves. The Court is the weakest branch of government.
Finally, The View. We can’t talk about stupid until we get to Whoopie and The View. Whoopie went ballistic. Let’s listen to some of what she flipped out about. It precious.
Here is Whoopie flipping out and blaming two white people who fought against affirmative action.
Two things here. First, notice these guys can’t pull themselves away from Jim Crow and slavery? The Civil Rights Act was in 1964 and ended Jim Crow. But these people always go back to the 1950s and say things today are just like they were back in the 1950s. Nothing happened in between those times.
The 14th Amendment says that there should be no admissions based on race, period. It was made to make sure we didn’t do what affirmative action is doing. Because it benefits blacks, she’s good with it.
I also ant to point out that this suit was brought out be Asian Americans, not whites. Asian Americans are being shut out.
Here’s Joy putting in her two cents.
I have no issue with legacy admissions being banned. They won’t be because of money, but I’m good with getting rid of them.
Joy should be thrilled they banned Affirmative Action because she would not be accepted into college if there was a black person with the same grades. She had no advantage for a college.
And, yes, we are in a post racial society. We ended slavery. We ended Jim Crow. We added anti-discrimination to the Constitution. We’ve had black Supreme Court justices. We’ve had a black President. If we were systemically racist, those things wouldn’t have happened.
Here’s Sonny Hostin saying what Clarence Thomas was pointing out:
This is straight Critical Race Theory. Whites weren’t slaves (that’s not true) all blacks were slaves (that’s not true) so white have always had an advantage and no “lived experience” of a white person or struggle, is relevant. With this philosophy, a poor white potato farmer in Appalachia is the oppressor and LeBron James, the billionaire professional basketball player, is the victim and he needs the advantage.
Here goes Whoopie again, going after the white face of the Supreme Court, Clarence Thomas:
Two things here.
First, Whoopie is an idiot. He knows what diversity is. What he said was he doesn’t know what the end goal of the Left is. He doesn’t know when we will be diverse enough. He sees this race baiting going on forever and ever. He thinks it needs to stop.
And why does he think it needs to stop? Because he has seen true racism. He was born in 1948 in Jim Crow Georgia. His parents were domestics. He is a direct descendent of slaves. He’s seen discrimination and racism. He compares today to the 1950s and sees it as a different country. He owes the opportunities he received to become a Supreme Court Justice to the United States.
Whoopie, by the way, was raised by a burse and clergyman in Manhattan, New York. She went to private schools. She wasn’t exactly one who saw a lot of conflict.
Here’s Whoopie answering another question:
Here’s the problem, Whoopie. There are kids who bust there ass too and have better grades. Those kids have their lived experience, whatever that is, too. But they are dismissed because are the wrong color. And that wrong color isn’t even white.
Finally, let’s get to the pinnacle of stupid, courtesy of Whoopie:
Whoopie, Asian kids brought up the lawsuit because black kids were selected over them. As a matter of fact, there is a higher percentage of Asian kids (that includes kids from India) than white kids in college. They ARE the victims.
Finally, there’s the conflation. No one is kicking black kids out of college or taking away their opportunity. They have to earn it just like everyone else.
Here are some questions no one is interested in answering:
- Why are grades for black kids so low?
- Why are SAT scores for black kids so low?
- Why is the percentage of black kids that drop out of college so high?
- While we are at it, here are some other questions:
- Why are black disproportionately committing crime?
- Why are 70% of kids born out of wedlock?
- Why are 57% of black kids aborted?
Shouldn’t be asking those questions? Why are Asians so successful but blacks aren’t. They’re both minorities. Maybe, Asians are doing something different. Maybe we can all learn something if we just have the balls to ask the real questions.