Joe Biden is doing anything he can to bury this Hunter Biden thing. Unfortunately for him, everyone sees it.
With all the turmoil in this country, we sure are ignoring some of the bigger threats outside our borders.
And, I hate to say it, but I told you so.
Dumbasses of the Day
More BS
The Bullshit continues on with Biden’s DOJ and this Hunter Biden disaster. They seem to be doing anything they can to bury this laptop thing.
According to the Daily Wire:
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland announced on Friday that the Department of Justice has granted the U.S. attorney investigating President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, “special counsel” status.
ABC News reported that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump, asked Garland earlier this week to be appointed special counsel and Garland agreed it was the correct course of action.
“On Tuesday of this week, Mr. Weiss advised me that in his judgment, his investigation has reached a stage at which he should continue his work as a Special Counsel, and he asked to be so appointed,” Garland said in a statement. ”Upon considering his request, as well as the extraordinary circumstances relating to this matter, I have concluded it is in the public interest to appoint him as Special Counsel. This appointment confirms my commitment to provide Mr. Weiss all the resources he requests.”
Garland said that the appointment “reaffirms” to the public that Weiss “has the authority he needs to conduct a thorough investigation and to continue to take the steps he deems appropriate independently, based only on the facts and the law.”
OK, this whole thing is crap. They are using the same attorney that offered that bullshit plea agreement that a judge said was bullshit and forced the tax evasion and gun charges to trial. Biden and Garland are trying to spend the next two years “investigating” this. By then, this will be forgotten.
There are a couple of problems with this. First, they have already been investigating this since 2015 and nothing has been done. These same lawyers have been investigating this. Nothing. Why is this going to be any different.
Next, the whistleblowers have already said they have everything. There is nothing more to investigate. The problem wasn’t that they didn’t have the authority to find anything. It was the Biden administration prevented them from doing anything about it. Assigning the same guy looks like nothing has changed. Even the Left wing media says this looks like the whistleblowers were right and this is just a stalling tactic.
Jake Tapper of CNN pointed this out:
But there is a bigger problem. The appointment of David Weiss might not be eligible to be special council. According to the Daily Caller:
U.S. Attorney David Weiss’ appointment Friday as special counsel in the Hunter Biden investigation appears to violate a Department of Justice (DOJ) regulation requiring a special counsel to “be selected from outside the United States Government.”
Oops. And it is there. Under Section 600.3 Part a:

Does that sound like David Weiss? Nope. What this means is the investigations must continue. This might force Weiss to do his job and throw this bastard in prison.
Pure Cowardice
Joe Biden has been putting in some work to free 5 civilians who are held under house arrest in Iran. How is he going about getting these people freed? Well, Michael McCaul, the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee had the answer:
House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX) said over the weekend that the $6 billion of Iranian assets that the Biden Administration is reportedly set to unfreeze in exchange for five detained Americans will go toward helping Iran finance their “terror operations” and “nuclear bomb aspirations.”
By the way, this is something that we knew was happening. The Biden administration has been releasing money to Iran for a while. Mind you, Iran is a designated terrorist organization. The are running the war in Syria, are funding Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), Hezbollah and ISIS-Sinai. All of those organizations are fighting Israel. and the are funding the proxy war between Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
Locally, the country is a pure theocratic tyranny, suppressing all protests against the regime through violence. Their women’s rights record is horrid, forcing women to submit under Sharia Law and executing those that do not wear their hijab.
One thing that has been killing the country is their economy. Nobody is allowed to trade with Iran due to sanctions. The only countries dealing with them are Russia, China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela. What could be easier to make life easier for these animals than to get a huge influx of money.
And they are not going to use that money to improve the lives of their people. They are going to use it for their nuclear weapons program. They plan to use that to nuke Israel. They ain’t hiding the ball on that. They said that’s what they plan to do. These people are nuts.
But the Biden administrations doesn’t care. They want Iran under this program because they need this jewel of St. Barrack Obama’s regime to be live and they think they can get Iran to join the globalist world community.
None of this is going to work, course. In fact, it’s going to have the opposite effect. Most of these countries are not into globalist thing anymore than most of the people in the United States. China, Russia and Iran are ideological imperialists. They want to world to bend to their ideologies. Thought the WEF loves China, China does not love the WEF. They want world domination. Iran doesn’t want to live in peace and love. They want the entire world under Sharia Law.
By the way, global organizations like the World Economic Forum and the European Union are also ideological imperialists. They want world domination and total control. They just do it so it doesn’t sound so bad, but they are nothing more than fascists.
This is all going to backfire too. Extra money can be used to pushing their ideology and development of weapons. They will be more motivated to take hostages. And worse, the nuclear deal is not going to keep Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. In fact, that boat might have left port already.
According to the Daily Wire:
The Islamic Republic of Iran is reportedly nearing the threshold to test nuclear weapons as their ability to enrich weapons-grade uranium has dramatically accelerated under the Biden administration.
The Jerusalem Post reported that Iran, which is the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, has sought technology that is illegal for them to have in order to further develop their nuclear weapons program, according to new intelligence reports out of Germany, Sweden, and the Netherlands.
The reports said that Iran was moving fast in its advances, which “brings the option of a possible Iranian first nuclear test closer.”
Here’s a news flash that we talked about last year. Iran probably already has a weapon and has had one for close to a year. They have always been developing a weapon.
Here, we see the problem with globalism.
There Can Be No Empathy
According to the New York Post:
Police in the United Kingdom arrested a teenage girl, whose mother said she has Autism, after the child made remarks that one of the officers resembled a lesbian on Monday, according to a video of the incident.
“She’s getting arrested,” a West Yorkshire police officer told the child’s mother.
“She’s autistic,” the mother replied.
“I don’t care,” an officer said.
Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder, can cause misunderstanding from neurotypical individuals since individuals with ASD may have different ways of learning, moving, or paying attention.
When the autistic girl proceeded to hit herself in the head, the mother pleaded with police to maintain their distance.
“She’s in her cupboard, she can’t go anywhere,” the mom said, explaining that her child was being triggered into a mental health crisis by direct contact.
She explained that the child’s “nanna” is a lesbian and married to a woman.
“Go away,” the mom said.
“She’s not homophobic. Go away from my teenage daughter.”
“There’s something wrong with you,” the mom told an officer.
The girl was taken to the police station, interviewed and then released.
Police received a report that the girl was drunk. When they questioned her, she made to “homophobic” and the police said it was captured on camera. So?
This got a lot of protest and the police responded. West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Oz Khan said:
“West Yorkshire Police takes its responsibilities around the welfare of young people taken into custody and around neurodiversity very seriously.
“We also maintain that our officers and staff should not have to face abuse while working to keep our communities safe. We are fully reviewing the circumstances of this incident and ask that people avoid reaching any conclusions about it solely on the basis of the social media video.”
Here’s the reality, nothing excuses anything that goes against the LGBTQ+ cult. Even from someone who is as innocent as someone with autism.
I also want to point out that the cop looked like a lesbian.
Just a Great Song
There is this song that has gone viral by a guy named Oliver Anthony from West Virginia called Rich Men North of Richmond. The song is about the hard times Americans are having with woke ideology and an over reaching government. It has become known as the working man’s anthem.
Of course, it is getting a lot of backlash as a far right song, which it isn’t. Yes, it alludes to crime, Antifa, BLM and Jeffry Epstein but it is only about hard working regular people who are struggling to survive amidst the turmoil of the country. Oliver himself, who is struggling, is not far right or a Conservative. He’s a middle-of-the-road guy politically.
Let’s listen to it.