Episode 864 – He Can’t Even Apologize Right

Joe Biden has his State of the Union address on Thursday. Unsurprisingly, he had to apologize for something he said over the weekend.

The border crisis is so bad it might be time to go after Mexico before there are more dead Americans.

And a brutal assault in St. Louis really has to make us think about what we are doing wrong with our children.

Dumbass of the Day

A Mess of It All Around

Joe Biden had his State of the Union speech last week. It went about as well as could be expected.

There was one part that got him into a lot of trouble from everywhere.

Yes, he was bullied into talking about it.

Yes, he mispronounced Laken Reilly’s name.

Yes, his statement about thousands being killed by illegals didn’t make any sense.

No, there is no parallel to his son’s death and the death of Laken Reilly.

None of this is why he apologized.

According to the Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden apologized over the weekend for calling the illegal alien who allegedly murdered a young woman in Georgia an “illegal” during his recent State of the Union speech.

The young woman — 22-year-old Georgia nursing student Laken Riley — was brutally murdered allegedly by Venezuelan national Jose Ibarra, who is reportedly an active gang member.

Biden faced significant blowback from Democrats for correctly calling Ibarra an “illegal,” which comes as the party tries to court the millions of illegal aliens who have entered the U.S. under Biden.

Here is what he said:

He has a little more important things to apologize than by calling the illegal alien and illegal alien.

Couple of other things:

  • The murderer was illegal.
  • The murderer committed multiple crimes before committing murder.
  • The illegal alien murderer does not deserve respect.
  • Trump said illegal aliens were poisoning the blood of the country. They are.
  • Illegal aliens did not build the country.
  • Illegal aliens are not improving the economy.

This man is going to maintain political correctness until he loses the election.


Time to Deal with Mexico

According to Fox News:

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is warning agents to be on the lookout for members of a notorious Venezuelan prison gang coming across the southern border — just as the socialist country is refusing to take its citizens back. 

A CBP source provided Fox News with an internal CBP intelligence bulletin revealing tattoos and identifiers for Tren de Aragua, a Venezuelan prison gang. Members of that gang have been entering the U.S. illegally through the southern border.

Fox News reported this week that the brother of the suspect in the killing of Georgia student Laken Riley has ties to the gang. Both the suspect and his brother are Venezuelans who entered the U.S. illegally.

Federal authorities have been warning that the gang, also known as TdA and known for its violent turf wars as it expanded into other countries in South and Central America, is trying to establish itself in the U.S., where police are already linking it to organized crime. The FBI has also warned that the gang could team up with the bloodthirsty MS-13.

Last month two suspects in the assault of two NYPD officers were revealed to be members of TdA.


They Don’t Make ‘Em Like They Used To

According to the Post Millennial:

Police in St Louis, Missouri have arrested a teenage girl in connection to the brutal beating of a student from Hazelwood East High School.

On Saturday, police arrested a 15-year-old girl in connection to the beating of the student, according to Fox 2. The girl who was beaten, with assailants smashing her head against the concrete three times, has been identified as Kailee in previous reports. She is in critical condition.

The graphic video of the incident showed a black teenage girl involved in the incident repeatedly hitting the head of a white girl on the concrete. The video has since gone viral on social media.

Hazelwood School district made a statement about the incident, saying, “It is a tragedy anytime children are hurt. Bullying and fighting in the community is an issue for which we all need to take ownership and work towards a resolution for the sake of our children. The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need.” 

“We look forward to continuing to partner with our community for the sake of our children. Please be kind and respectful of the families involved during this difficult time and pledge to help work toward the betterment of our entire community,” the statement added. 

I want to point something out that was brought to my attention by Libs of TikTok: In Hazelwood East High School, the district who won a DEI award in 2022 and the school where students beat a girl who’s now in critical condition, just 5% of students are proficient in Math and just 21% in reading.

Some things:

  • The assaulted girl was white and the bully was black.
  • This was not racial. The video shows a black girl defending the white girl and black boys fighting.
  • This shows a problem with our children and how we are raising them.
    • No father.
    • No God.
    • We are all victims. No hope.
    • Race may be a part of that issue.

Until we handle the social problems of this society, none of this will ever be fixed.


I’m Sure All Will Be Fine

According to CNN:

One German man has redefined “man on a mission.” A 62-year-old from Magdeburg deliberately got 217 Covid-19 vaccine shots in the span of 29 months, according to a new study, going against national vaccine recommendations. That’s an average of one jab every four days.

In the process, he became a walking experiment for what happens to the immune system when it is vaccinated against the same pathogen repeatedly. A correspondence published Monday in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases outlined his case and concluded that while his “hypervaccination” did not result in any adverse health effects, it also did not significantly improve or worsen his immune response.

The man, who is not named in the correspondence in compliance with German privacy rules, reported receiving 217 Covid shots between June 2021 and November 2023. Of those, 134 were confirmed by a prosecutor and through vaccination center documentation; the remaining 83 were self-reported, according to the study.

“This is a really unusual case of someone receiving that many Covid vaccines, clearly not following any type of guidelines,” said Dr. Emily Happy Miller, an assistant professor of medicine and of microbiology and immunology at Albert Einstein College of Medicine who did not participate in the research.

The man did not report any vaccine-related side effects and has not had a Covid infection to date, as evidenced by repeated antigen and PCR testing between May 2022 and November 2023. The researchers caution that it’s not clear that his Covid status is directly because of his hypervaccination regimen.
