Episode 900 – A Lot of Education for the Really Dumb!

There is a video out of NYU celebrating their graduations. Upon hearing their majors, I’m not sure what they are celebrating.

More terrorist attacks on the LGBTQI+-/Poop emoji cult.

And the pandering is strong in Joe Biden.

Dumbasses of the Day

These people are not dumbasses of the day. They are dumbasses for life.

Well, wait. Maybe the parents are the real dumbasses for shelling out the $200K for these majors.

Then Stop Painting that Crap on the Street

These guys are crying because a power washer needed to be used on a pride flag they painted on the street?! This isn’t an example of terrorism or a genocide, it is an example of what happens when cars drive. Even electric cars.

I also want to point out Spokane has a drug problem, a homeless problem and a crime problem. This is what is making their politicians weep like children?!

This is All He Has

So, Joe Biden is going back to the “he’s going to put you all back in chains” bullshit. This is not going to work. It is rhetoric and hyperbolae. Nobody believes this.

Trump never attacked the BLM rioters. He let the local governments handle it, which is the right thing for him to do. They didn’t handle it.

There was $1.5 million in damage on January 6th.

The was $4 billion in damage during the George Floyd “peaceful protests”.

This statement makes Joe Biden look like a coward. I’m going to throw something at you. Tears gas should have been launched at the January 6th protestors and the BLM rioters. I have no problem with the January 6th rioters being thrown in prison. I have a problem with no BLM rioters being thrown in prison.

This comes after Joe Biden joined up with aging, has-been actor Robert DeNiro

Bobby must be going senile too. Donald Trump was president already and he did leave.

Also, this speech probably would have had more of an impact if he wasn’t reading it off a script.

Finally, this is not an argument to vote for Joe Biden. It is him screaming you shouldn’t vote for Donald Trump.

The only thing Joe Biden has is inciting hate against Trump. He can’t argue for anything else.


According to the Daily Wire:

As President Joe Biden has been presiding over an inflationary spiral since he took office, the cost of a fast-food dinner has skyrocketed.

Fox Business notes that in 2019, a Big Mac sandwich at McDonald’s cost $3.99, but it currently sells for a whopping $8.29, according to Fast Food Menu Prices, which also reports that a BLT Footlong at Subway that cost $5.50 in 2019 can now sell for as much as $8.49. Chipotle’s chicken burrito in 2019? $6.50. Now it can be $10.70.

The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis posits that fast-food prices, which have risen faster than inflation, have soared more quickly than the salaries of most employees at their restaurants.

“A recent survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a ‘luxury’ purchase due to how expensive the meals have become,” Fox Business pointed out.

Dan O’Donnell of the MacIver Institute noted on Thursday, “Prices on basic items like McDonald’s cheeseburgers and Chick-fil-A nuggets have risen as much as 200% in less than five years with dire consequences for the lower- and middle-class families who make up much of the fast food customer base. … This is not, as the White House has repeatedly insisted, the result of price gouging, but rather the shockingly high cost of wages and food production for restaurants like McDonald’s and Taco Bell.  Since their business model is entirely predicated on providing quick, convenient meals at low prices, they can ill afford to price their menu items out of the reach of their bargain-conscious customer base.”

“Fast food patrons are generally lower-income earners — many with young children — who rely on a quick, affordable meal before soccer practice or a band concert,” O’Donnell continued. “When prices at these restaurants spike from $35-$40 for a family meal to $65-$70 in just a few years, those families either have to sacrifice a night out or extend themselves just a little further to afford it. … When even fast food is slipping out of reach, it’s clear that America’s inflation problem is now a full-blown crisis.”


This is Not a Thing

According to CNN:

A flag that was on display during the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol was flown outside Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s vacation home in New Jersey, according to a report in the New York Times on Wednesday.

Citing photographs and interviews with neighbors, the Times reports that the “Appeal to Heaven” flag was seen on display at his property last summer. The flag, which has a history dating to the Revolutionary War, has also become a symbol for supporters of former President Donald Trump. The flag is white and includes a green evergreen tree and the words “An Appeal to Heaven” at the top.

Alito and the Supreme Court did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, who has been a frequent critic of conservative justices, told CNN’s Kate Bolduan on Thursday that it “raises a serious question” for someone on the nation’s highest court to fly such flags at his residence and vacation home.

“I don’t think it’s a coincidence in this second instance. I think he’s speaking pretty clearly as to his political loyalties, and it’s a shame. When it gets right down to it, our courts and justices don’t have an army to enforce their opinions. They don’t have the money to establish an account for media control. What they have is the respect for integrity of the American people,” Durbin said.

It’s the second revelation in as many weeks about a controversial display outside Alito’s property. The New York Times last week published a photograph of an inverted American flag raised at Alito’s home in Virginia in 2021. Alito said the upside-down US flag was raised by his wife and was a response to a spat with neighbors.

The episode has drawn fire from critics, including Democrats and key GOP senators, who have called on the justice to recuse himself from cases involving Trump and the 2021 attack on the Capitol.

Like the inverted US flag, the Appeal to Heaven flag — also known as the Pine Tree flag — was seen during the attack on the Capitol.

House Speaker Mike Johnson faced blowback for displaying the same flag outside his office last year before assuming the leadership post. The Appeal to Heaven flag remains outside his office as of Wednesday.

Johnson told CNN on Wednesday that “it’s George Washington’s flag. It goes back to the founder’s era. I’ve always flown that flag.”

Alito, along with the other eight justices, appeared on the Supreme Court bench Thursday morning to announce opinions. Two were written by Alito, including in a contentious racial gerrymandering case, and he briefly read synopses of the decisions aloud.

Alito typically wears a stern, even dour, expression, and nothing was markedly different Thursday morning. After tersely reading from the text in front of him, Alito took a sip from his tumbler and leaned back in his tall black leather chair as usual. Nothing from him or the other justices betrayed the increasing controversy surrounding the high court.

The Alitos’ flag choices are gaining attention in part because several high-profile cases are currently pending before the high court involving the election and subsequent attack on the US Capitol, including the blockbuster question of whether Trump may claim immunity from federal election subversion charges.

Another case deals with a January 6 defendant who is challenging an obstruction charge filed by federal prosecutors for his role in the attack.

Some Republican lawmakers defended Alito on Wednesday, with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz telling CNN’s Kaitlan Collins that the “entire hoopla is greatly overstated” and accusing Senate Democrats of trying to delegitimize the court.

“From the far left, the court is the one institution that they do not control,” he said on “The Source.”

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan echoed those sentiments, pushing back on criticism of Alito and two other conservative justices.

“Justice Alito is an outstanding justice. The left is always out to go after him, Judge Thomas — of course, we know what they’ve done to Judge Kavanaugh,” Jordan told CNN’s Manu Raju. “They’re all good guys, have done a good job on the court.”

He added that Alito should not recuse himself from the January 6 case.
