Episode 901 – The Biggest Mistake in United States History!

Donald Trump has been convicted of 34 counts of falsifying documents. Our country has officially become a banana republic. Let’s talk about it.

Trump Convicted!

A Manhattan jury convicted Donald Trump of 34 counts of falsifying documents, all Class E felonies, on Thursday. He faces up to three years in prison. His sentencing date will be July 11.

After court, Donald Trump went in front of the press and said this:

Yeah. Don’t expect him to be too repentant during his sentencing hearing. I can’t wait to hear his words to the judge.

Alvin Bragg also made a statement after the verdict. It was as syrupy as you would think it would be.

Too bad he doesn’t go after rapists and murderers like he went after Trump.

I also want to point to the guy standing to the right of Alvin Bragg. That is Matthew Colangelo. He was the #3 in the Biden DoJ until he resigned last year and joined Alvin Bragg’s quest to get Trump. Do you still think Joe Biden had nothing to do with this conviction.

Joe Biden released a statement:

It would have been better for him not to be so arrogant about the verdict. So far, this verdict has backfired. He would have been better off saying the Trump should be pardoned. That would have been the unifying thing to do. But that’s not Joe Biden.

He also made a statement:

Well, I’m just going to say it no matter how evil I will be for saying it, but the trial was rigged. Just like the last election. More on that later.

We will talk about the rest of his speech tomorrow because it is important, but I think the fall of the Republic is more important.

But that wasn’t the weirdest part. Biden didn’t take any questions but was asked what he thought about Trump saying he was Biden’s political prisoner. Biden only gives an evil smirk:

Yeah, that became a campaign ad. More on that later.

The View

I couldn’t wait to hear from The View. You knew they were going to be gloating. Sure enough, I was right.

Here is Whoopi Goldberg announcing the verdict:


New Campaign Ads!

Trump knew he was going to be convicted. One he released right after he was convicted. It simple and straight to the point:

The second video was courtesy of Joe Biden. Remember that creepy smirk he gave after he was asked if Biden ran this trial? Yep, here it is.

That is a pretty powerful ad and a real bad look for old Joe.

It Ain’t Going to Work Out for Them

Well, so far, the prosecution is not working out for the Biden campaign.

  • In New York, Trump trails Biden by a single digits.
    • New Yorkers favor Biden over Trump by a 7-point margin (48% to 41%) in a head-to-head matchup, the Emerson College Polling/The Hill/PIX11 survey found
    • In 2016, Trump lost the Empire State to Hillary Clinton by a 22.5-point margin, and in 2020, Biden defeated the former president by 23.2 points in New York. 
    • A Republican presidential candidate hasn’t won New York in the general election since 1984, when President Ronald Reagan beat former Vice President Walter Mondale by an 8-point margin. 
  • After the verdict, the Trump campaign fundraising web site crashed from too much traffic.
  • When the smoke cleared, Trump raised $35 million in just 24 hours.

But, more importantly, this prosecution has changed the minds of some pretty important people.

Venture capitalist, Shaun McGuire, who voted for Hilary Clinton and refused to vote for Trump in 2020, just donated $300,000 to the Trump campaign. He released a very long statement explaining why he was voting for Trump. Here’s the introduction:

I just donated $300k to Trump. I’m prepared to lose friends. Here’s why.

Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her.

By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option.

Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

I know that I’ll lose friends for this. Some will refuse to do business with me. The media will probably demonize me, as they have so many others before me. But despite this, I still believe it’s the right thing to do.

I refuse to live in a society where people are afraid to speak.


Here’s What I Think

This case was an absolute sham. There are fifty reasons why this is going to be appealed. That is the primary reason this trial was not shown on television. Let’s look at some of the problems with the case.

  • There was no crime defined. There were 34 counts of falsifying documents with no documents presented.
  • The charges are misdemeanors normally, but Bragg used the Federal law to make the changes felonies.
  • These accusations occurred eight years ago. The statute of limitations should have expired.
  • This judge was not randomly picked. This is the third time he has presided over a Trump case or hearing.
  • The judge is partisan. He donated to Biden. He should have recused himself.
  • His rulings were partisan.
  • He prevented Trump from calling witnesses that would have hurt Bragg’s case.
  • He kept the trial in Manhattan, which is a very anti-Trump city.
  • His jury instructions made it that a guilty verdict could be reached without being unanimous.
  • He allowed Stormy Danials to testify even though she had nothing to do with the charges.

For those who say the Biden admistration had nothing to do with this trial, let’s not forget Matthew Colangelo. He worked as the #3 in Biden’s Department of Justice, he quit to join Alvin Bragg’s unit. That’s quite a demotion. Two month later, Trump has been indicted. This was purely political.
