Episode 905 – He Might Have Pooped His Pants

More news comes out about the economy. It is not good despite what the president is saying. Even the media is calling it out.

Israel makes a brave move to rescue hostages and the media refuses to allow any celebration.

And Joe Biden makes an ass out of himself in Europe.

Not as Good as It Sounds

Here’s is more news about the economy:

  • What you are hearing: The jobs report indicating that 272,000 jobs were added to the economy in the month of May.
  • Unemployment his 4% for the first time since January, 2022.
  • This is the third consecutive month unemployment has gone up.
  • 68,000 added in healthcare which is government based.
  • 43,000 added in government jobs.
  • 42,000 jobs in leisure and hospitality.
  • Of those jobs added to the workforce, only 81,400 were from private production and nonsupervisory employees, translating to that the majority of jobs added to the economy are not blue-collar jobs, or part of the “typical worker” in the US labor force, as defined by the Economic Policy Institute and usually accounts for 80 percent of the labor force. These are not blue collar jobs.
  • The workforce participation rate also decreased from 62.7 to 62.5 percent over the course of May in the US.
  • Some in the US fear that the massive influx of immigration in the country may shorten the supply of jobs available to US citizens in an economy that many are struggling in because of high costs from inflation. 


Dumbass of the Day

This is Progress!

Israel took big action and rescued four hostages being held in Gaza. Here is what we know:

  • Israeli special forces on the ground were supported by airstrikes as they raided two Hamas locations in central Gaza, rescuing three Israelis at one location and finding the fourth hostage at the second location.
  • It has been reported that the hostages were being secured by Palestinian civilians.
  • The hostages have been identified as Noa Argamani, 25; Almog Meir Jan, 21; Andrey Kozlov, 27; and Shlomi Ziv, 40. All four hostages are in good condition, according to the IDF.
  • The mission marks the most successful hostage rescue operation for the IDF since Hamas captured at least 250 people from Israel during its October 7 terrorist attack.
  • In February, the IDF rescued two Israeli hostages — Fernando Marman, 61, and Louis Har, 71 — who were being held by Hamas in Rafah.
  • The rescue mission had been planned by the IDF for weeks.
  • Some of the rescue was filmed.
  • Hamas has killed 60 hostages since its October 7 attack, according to Israel. Only 19 of the bodies have been brought back to Israel from Gaza.
  • Three of the four Israeli hostages who were rescued of Saturday were found in the home of a Gaza-based journalist who had previously written for Al Jazeera.
  • The hostages, who were captured by Hamas terrorists during the brutal and unprovoked attacks of October 7, were discovered inside the home of Abdallah Aljamal. Aljamal had written for Al Jazeera as recently as 2019 — although the outlet has said that he was never an employee — and had since been writing for The Palestine Chronicle and serving as spokesman for Gaza’s Hamas-controlled labor ministry.
  • Israel has confirmed that Aljamal was killed in the Saturday special forces raid that rescued hostages.

Of course, the media is showing their antisemitic side. They didn’t seem to concerned with the 4 hostages rescues of the fact that terrorists are holding the hostages in a highly populated area. They don’t seem too concerned that the civilians are helping Hamas hide the hostages. What are they concerned about.

According to the AP:

At least 274 Palestinians, including dozens of children, were killed, and hundreds more were wounded, in the Israeli raid that rescued four hostages held by Hamas, Gaza’s Health Ministry said Sunday. The Israeli military said its forces came under heavy fire and responded during the complex daytime operation in central Gaza.

The killing of so many Palestinians, in a raid that Israelis celebrated as a stunning success, showed the heavy cost of such operations on top of the already soaring toll of the 8-month-old war ignited by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack.

The Israeli bombing was “hell,” witness Mohamed al-Habash told The Associated Press. “We saw many fighter jets flying over the area. We saw people fleeing in the streets. Women and children were screaming and crying.”

My big problem with with the 274 killed was that only 274 of those terrorists were killed. It was also not mentioned that the civilians were holding the hostages.

They hardly mentioned the hostages. They didn’t mention that one of the rescuers was killed during the fire with Hamas.

Israel’s massive offensive has killed over 36,700 Palestinians, according to the Health Ministry, which does not differentiate between civilians and combatants in its count. It said 64 children and 57 women were killed in the latest raid, and 153 children and 161 women were among the nearly 700 wounded.

Saturday’s events also affected fragile attempts to deliver aid. The World Food Program chief said they suspended distribution around a U.S.-built pier off Gaza because “two of our warehouses, warehouse complex, were rocketed yesterday.” When asked how it happened and whether WFP shares its locations with Israel’s military, Cindy McCain said they did and “I don’t know. It’s a good question.” It wasn’t clear if she was referring to the rescue operation.

I wonder, why is Israel attacking Gaza again? Why are these people listening to the Hamas Health Ministry?



But This Isn’t Important

According to the Post Millennial:

Trans school shooter Audrey Hale who murdered three children and three staff members at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn. left behind a journal in which she discussed her “imaginary penis” and her need to see a “trans doctor.” She also wrote entries commemorating the Columbine Colorado school shooting.

“April of ’99—the year Columbine was born… (04/20/1999),” she wrote. She also commemorated the birthdays of the two Columbine school shooters. In another post, she lamented “So now in America, it makes one a criminal to have a gun or, be transgender, or non-binary,” she added “God I hate those sh*thead politicians.”

Only 19 days before the disturbed young woman drove to the school, made her way inside and opened fire, she wrote in her journal “I need a trans doctor.” As reported by the Tennessee Star based on a review of the writings, the entry was dated March 8, 2023. The outlet has been engaged in a lawsuit to force the release of Hale’s writing and documents.

“I need a trans doctor,” the entry read. “This female gender role makes me want to not exist,” she wrote.

“No,” Hale wrote after scratching out a word completely, “to be completely gone in physical form… off the face of the earth.”

“My therapist now is the best I could get 4 help,” she wrote later down on the same page. “My autism.” She drew puzzle pieces symbolizing autism as well.

In another entry she wrote “My penis exists in my head. I swear to god I’m male.” She wrote that she was interested in having sex with women as a male. She discussed sex with stuffed animals, saying “I can pretend to be them [and] do the things boys do [and] experience my boy self as Tony,” the Star reports the journal reading. She said her “stuffed boy doll” was “like the boy I am in another form.”

Hale was concerned that she spent too much time in fantasies, writing “God, I am such a pervert. I waste too much time in my fantasies.”

She recalled her fear over “being called a dyke or a f*ggot” before she discovered the possibility for being trans in her early 20s, the Star reports. hale said being raised female was “torture.”

“I finally found the answer—that changing one’s gender is possible,” she wrote, noting that her mother was not happy about his plan. “What she believes, how she grew up, conservatively, and that LGBTQ – especially transgender – was an enigma, nearly non-existent,” she wrote, per the Star.

She also wrote about using the name Aiden and how when using it in a job application she ran into trouble due to background checks.

It was also reported she was on a cocktail of anti-depressant. The report stated:

[The shooter] was given access to Buspirone, Lexapro or Escitalopram, Hydroxyzine, and a sodium chloride nasal spray. … Lexapro or Escitalopram is a depression medication from the family of drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Common side effects for Lexapro include ‘mood swings, headache, tiredness, sleep changes, and brief feelings similar to electric shock.’

…using Lexapro and Buspirone simultaneously, or Lexapro and Hydroxyzine simultaneously, can ‘increase the risk of side effects’ from both Lexapro and the other drugs.

So, let me ask you this: Does it sound like any type of “affirming care” would have been good for this person?


F-ing California!

According to the Post Millennial:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s new budget proposal would cut law enforcement and judicial funding by nearly $200 million to help close the state’s massive budget deficit of at least $45 billion.

This comes despite the Golden State struggling to contain its existential public safety crisis following the defunding of law enforcement agencies in 2020, which has resulted in a mass exodus of businesses and residents over the past several years.

Newsom’s proposed budget would cut $97 million for trial court operations, $10 million to the Department of Justice’s Division of Law Enforcement, and over $80 million to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, per Fox News.

When pressed about the proposed budget cuts, a spokesperson for Newsom gloated about the Democrat governor’s “record investments in law enforcement” since he took office in 2019, “including $1.1 billion to tackle crime, support police, and hold criminals accountable.” However, that funding only came after the failures that came from defunding the police, a movement backed by Democrat lawmakers.

Major national retailers and local businesses in California continue to report that they are still experiencing theft and other criminal activity. Videos of large-scale thefts, in which groups of individuals boldly enter stores and steal goods in plain sight, continue to go viral. 


We’re Eating at Home

According to the New York Post:

California fast food restaurants have slashed nearly 10,000 jobs because of the state’s new $20 minimum wage as struggling franchises cut labor costs and raise prices to survive, a major trade group said Thursday.

The California Business and Industrial Alliance (CABIA) slammed  Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for pushing through the law, which went into effect April 1 – and was blamed for forcing one beloved taco chain to shutter 48 locations in the state last week.

Several major chains – including McDonald’s, Burger King, and even low-cost favorite In-N-Out Burger – jacked up prices to offset the higher wages.

Many had to cut employee hours and some have expedited a move to automation.

Rubio’s California Grill, known for its fish tacos, closed 48 of its nearly 134 locations at the end of May – the first major chain to fall victim to the new law. The San Diego-based company cited the “rising cost of doing business” in the state for the closures. The chain filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday.

Another fast food restaurant, Fosters Freeze, recently closed a location near Fresno, saying the franchise owner could no longer afford to pay workers the upgraded salaries.

Fast food restaurants –  already bearing the brunt of persistently high inflation – raised prices ahead of the new law or shortly after it went into effect.

Beverages at Starbucks stores in California were 50 cents more expensive after April 1, while Taco Bell raised menu prices by 3%, according to a recent report from Kalinowski Equity Research.

Marcus Walberg, whose family runs four Fatburger franchises in Los Angeles, told Business Insider in January that he was planning to raise menu prices between 8% and 10% in response to the new law.
Chick-fil-A prices spiked 10.6% between mid-February and mid-April, according to data from Gordon Haskett.

A recent survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a “luxury” purchase due to how expensive the meals have become.
