Episode 910 – Not a Real Holiday!

Joe Biden signs another executive order on Tuesday to deal with Illegal immigration. What a surprise! It’s going to encourage more illegal immigration.

One question we should be asking is how Mexican Americans feel about illegal immigration. We know now and the results may surprise you. Or maybe they won’t.

And today is Juneteenth. So I will go on my annual rant as to why this is not a real holiday and anyone who supports it is supporting revisionist history and racism.


Today is Juneteenth and you are probably off of work. Today you will hear all about the evil of slavery and the plight of blacks in American history.

Do you know what you will not hear? You will not hear anything about the people who ended slavery.

  • You will never hear about the abolitionists who worked for a hundred years to end slavery.
  • They won’t say the the Atlantic Slave Trade ended in the United States in January of 1808 and slavery was banned in all new states and northern states.
  • They won’t talk about Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865), a white man who was assassinated because he ended slavery.
    • Emancipation Proclamation – signed on September 22, 1862 and enacted on January 1, 1863.
    • Civil War – April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865. Killed between 620,000-750,000 people, mostly white people.
    • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln – April 15, 1865

The holiday’s name is a portmanteau of the words “June” and “nineteenth”, as it was on June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas at the end of the American Civil War. It really is quite irrelevant when it comes to the ending of slavery.

Why was this date chosen by the Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theorist choose June 19th? It is the only day that the end of slavery can be celebrated that does not acknowledge anyone who ended slavery. Turns out slavery was ended primarily by white people. Blacks were slaves or second class citizens. They couldn’t end it without help from white people.  Frederick Douglass, a former slave knew this and worked with Abraham Lincoln.

Here are dates we should celebrate:

  • Lincoln’s birth – February 12, 1809.
  • Lincoln’s death – April 15, 1865.
  • The signing of the Emancipation Proclamation – September 22, 1862.
  • The ending of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade – January of 1808.
  • The start of the Civil War – April 12, 1861.
  • The end of the Civil War – May 26, 1865.

These were relevant days that change America. Juneteenth didn’t change shit and was only acknowledged in Texas until BLM stepped in.


Dumbass of the Day

We’ve Already Done This Already

According to the Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden announced on Tuesday that he was rewarding hundreds of thousands of migrants who violated federal immigration laws, which comes as he claims that he is cracking down on illegal immigration.

Biden’s new policy will provide legal status and a streamlined path to U.S. residency and citizenship to more than 500,000 illegal aliens who married American citizens and have lived in the country for 10 years.

“This action will allow them to file paperwork for legal status in the United States, allowing them to work while they remain with their families in the United States,” Biden said.

In order to be eligible, the illegal aliens must have met the 10 year requirement by June 17, 2024, or else they will have to wait for the next Democrat mass amnesty program.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) slammed Biden in a statement, saying that just two weeks ago, Biden “pretended to crack down on the open-border catastrophe by engaging an election-year border charade.”

“Now he’s trying to play both sides and is granting amnesty to hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens,” he said. “The President may think our homeland security is some kind of game that he can try to use for political points, but Americans know this amnesty plan will only incentivize more illegal immigration and endanger Americans.”

Johnson also noted that this policy was “proof-positive of the Democrats’ plan to turn illegal aliens into voters.”

“I fully expect this order, which is manifestly contrary to the Immigration and Naturalization Act, to be challenged and struck down in the courts,” he added.


We Already Knew This

According to the New York Post:

A majority of US Hispanics now support the mass deportation of migrants living in the country illegally — and are evenly split over whether the feds should create large detention centers to assist in carrying the massive operation out, according to a recent poll.

CBS News/YouGov survey conducted this month shows 53% of Hispanics are in favor of kicking out all of the undocumented immigrants who illegally enter — and 50% support the establishment of federal holding facilities to keep migrants before deportation.

Another 47% of Hispanics oppose the mass deportation plan — and 50% oppose detaining migrants as part of that process.

If such a plan is implemented, 57% of Hispanics back the involvement of local law enforcement agencies in identifying the migrants, while 43% oppose such profiling.

Former President Donald Trump in March announced that his second administration would execute the “largest mass deportation effort” in US history to detain and remove “nearly 20 million” migrants living in the country illegally.


We Are Becoming a Third World Country

According to ABC 7 New York:

An army of police fanned out at migrant facilities throughout the city Wednesday night to target a problem that’s exploded in recent months: unregistered scooters.

Eyewitness News was on the scene as officers cracked down on the issue, they say has become a persistent quality of life issue in Manhattan.

“We had to come here, and we had to do our job,” said NYPD Assistant Commissioner Kaz Daughtry.

The first order of business was they went for the bikes.

Dozens of bikes without registrations were confiscated, some with plates stolen off other bikes somewhere in the city.

All of them were immediately carted away on a police flatbed.

Wednesday’s operation was about a lot more than illegal bikes, as it comes after Saturday night’s melee near Times Square, where a dozen men — believed to be asylum seekers — attacked two police officers.

Five were arrested on the spot.

“Nobody’s going home tonight until we find the guys who assaulted our cops,” assured Daughtry.

Police arrested the man dressed in yellow in the video and are still on the hunt for as many as five more.

“We’re not going to tolerate individuals attacking out cops,” said Daughtry. “That’s not going to happen. We will comb this globe to look for you and bring you to justice.”

NYPD Asst. Commissioner Daughtry led teams of cops who scoured the area around the Row Hotel, a migrant center in Hell’s Kitchen, and they inspected more of those bikes, which have been involved in a growing number of robberies and the focus of police citywide for weeks.

“We are seeing an uptick of scooter robberies in the city, particularly in Manhattan, where individuals are on scooters, normally two on a scooter, and they’re taking their cell phones, AirPods, Beats, wallets, purses,” said Daughtry. “We’re going to be over aggressively going after these scooters and moped on city streets.”


The New Narrative