Episode 913 – It’s Always the Fault of the Far Right

I have another example of Democrats not taking responsibilities for their own actions.

We haven’t talked about it but states are still virtue signaling on behalf of Juneteenth.

And blacks are really mad at white again concerning how we celebrate Juneteenth.

Dumbass of the Day

The Oakland mayor has been under intense scrutiny in recent months for the city’s crime rates and the departure of the Oakland A’s baseball team. She will face a recall vote in November after her detractors collected enough signatures to qualify for the ballot.

Apparently, she’s now under investigation by Biden’s Justice Department for some type of corruption. It makes me laugh when these people blame the far right

Though what they are investigating is unclear, her family is very wealthy, donates to her campaign. The houses of other family member have been raided.

A Virtue Signal

According to the Washington Examiner:

Gov. Phil Murphy (D-NJ) is using this Juneteenth holiday to seek out criminal justice reform. The governor issued an executive order to create a new clemency program, which will allow some young and nonviolent offenders, along with domestic violence victims and others, to apply to leave prison early.

The program aims to address mass incarceration, racial injustice, and parole rules that make it difficult for people to get a new start when they leave prison, supporters said. A clemency board will review petitions and make recommendations to Murphy.

“As we celebrate Juneteenth and reflect on our nation’s ongoing journey toward racial justice for Black and Brown Americans, I am proud to sign this Executive Order to help address inequities and unfairness in our system of justice in New Jersey,” Murphy said in a statement.

“This new clemency initiative is a cornerstone of our Administration’s efforts to make New Jersey the State of Second Chances. Today, we pledge to take a responsible and equity-driven approach to pardons and commutations that will prioritize the most compelling cases,” the Democratic governor added.

Lt. Gov. Tahesha Way, who is black, also weighed in.

“In the spirit of Juneteenth, today we take another step forward in the ongoing struggle for racial justice in America,” Way said. “Too many people have been failed by our criminal justice system. The signing of this Executive Order provides second chances for our society and those who receive clemency. I am proud to see our state build upon our efforts for a progressive criminal justice system that truly ensures justice for all.”

State Democrats and civil rights organizations lauded Murphy’s decision, while state Republicans stayed largely silent.

“Clemency is about more than mercy — it can be a tool to end mass incarceration,” American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey Executive Director Amol Sinha said. “We built The Clemency Project to ensure we don’t leave any stone unturned in the pursuit of justice. I am grateful to Governor Murphy for embracing categorical clemency as a way to address injustices in the criminal legal system. We look forward to seeing the Governor fully exercise his executive power by pardoning and commuting the sentences of scores of people before the end of his term, demonstrating that New Jersey prioritizes people over punishment.”


That’s Why There is a Juneteenth

According to the Washington Examiner:

Juneteenth is supposed to be a joyous occasion that is set aside as a federal holiday to commemorate the end of the institution of slavery in the United States — even though slavery did not truly end in the United States for another six months in December 1865, making it odd to have a day to celebrate the end of slavery when slavery was not ended.

The holiday was promoted as the work of a racial reckoning and an achievement of racial equality. Yet, in 2024, racial animus still exists as some black people on social media have expressed anger that white people are off of work for Juneteenth. 

The holiday’s name is derived from the lexical blend of “June” and “nineteenth.” It marks the anniversary of Union General Gordon Granger’s issuance of General Order No. 3 upon arriving in Galveston, Texas, in 1865. This Order notified the residents of Texas of the Emancipation Proclamation and freed the slaves in the state. 

Despite this happening in 1865, it became a federal holiday after the George Floyd riots in 2020. There isn’t any connection between Floyd, the Civil War, and the Emancipation Proclamation; however, white Democrats wanted to pander to black people in the aftermath of the race riots and a time of tense racial strife.  

But hostility and animosity still exist even after making Juneteenth a federal holiday. And many are actually mad that white people have off for Juneteenth, implying a lingering resentment against white people. Consider this social media post on X by actor D.L. Hughley.

“Juneteenth is [a] Federal holiday!” Hughley wrote. “That means there will be more white people who get the day off, on a day that commemorates the end of slavery than people who are the actual descendants of slaves!!”


Such a Feminist Term

According to the Fox News:

A cancer charity suggested people might like to use the trans-friendly term “front hole” instead of “cervix” in a post advocating for LGBTQ individuals to get cervical cancer screenings.  

The Canadian Cancer Society outlined cervical screening suggestions for a “trans man” or “non-binary person assigned female at birth” and under the page’s “words matter” section, the group explained the use of the term “front hole.”

“We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like ‘cervix,’” the page said. “You may prefer other words, such as ‘front hole.’” 

The organization also said it recognizes the “limitations of the words” used while also “acknowledging the need for simplicity.” 

“Another reason we use words like ‘cervix’ is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too,” the organization wrote. 

The Canadian Cancer Society explained that anyone with a cervix, “regardless of gender or sexual orientation,” should get regular cervical cancer screenings or pap smears by the age of 25 and suggested individuals get screened every three years, regardless of whether they are taking testosterone or not. 

“It’s important to tell your healthcare provider if you are taking testosterone because this can cause changes to cervical tissue that can affect your test results,” the organization wrote. 


This Is Where We Are Heading

According to The Publica:

A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 people being investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists.

The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures.

Confused and alone, the girl was defenseless against the first mob of four predators.

The men took turns on the girl, repeatedly raping her over an extended period of time. They robbed her of her wallet and cellphone before leaving her. Traumatized and disoriented from the first attack, and having no method of calling for help, the girl was assaulted a second time by two more men who took advantage of her vulnerable state.

Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses.

The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her.

Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police.

A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body.

So you can imagine, this is brutal.

However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole.

The case caused outrage in Germany, both for the brutality of the rape itself and the lenient sentences given to the rapists. As a result, one of the men had his identity and phone number circulated on Snapchat by furious sleuths.

Angered by the news of the case, a 20-year-old woman from Hamburg messaged the number through WhatsApp. The unnamed woman called him a “dishonorable rapist pig” and a “disgusting miscarriage.” She added: “Aren’t you ashamed when you look in the mirror?”

The targeted rapist then reported the woman to police, and she was charged with sending him insulting messages.

The woman has now been convicted and sentenced to a weekend in prison for her remarks — meaning that she will have spent more time in jail than 8 of the 9 rapists. In court, the woman apologized for her remarks, saying she acted out of a “reflex” upon hearing the sickening details of the case.

Some things:

  • Whenever you hear about our justice system being bad, remember this story. It is the norm not the aberration.
  • Remember what a country is like without free speech. Remember, free speech is not that common in the world.
  • Germany is having the same problem with undocumented immigrants (mostly Middle Eastern). France and England are also having issues.

