Episode 921 – Yeah, It Didn’t Go Well

Joe Biden had his much anticipated, big-boy news conference. The average viewer would think it didn’t go well. The media is saying it was a good one. Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee.

Jen Psaki has an idea as to why nobody likes Kamala.

And Neil DeGrass-Tyson has decided to believe in science again. That’s good because I like the guy.

Not Good

Was this a “big boy” press conference? Don’t think so:

  • He had a note card.
  • He started with a teleprompter.
  • He had a list of reporters to call on.
  • His aids yelled over the microphone that the press conference is over.
  • The press conference started two hours late.

Then there are the leaks:

  • Biden hasn’t held a cabinet meeting since October.
  • Since being president, he has not held an unscripted cabinet meeting.
  • He has been pre-scripting interviews.
  • The White House has been requesting edits to interviews.

Dumbass of the Day

I Just Like This

This is Neil deGrasse Tyson comparing astronomy and astrology: