Episode 998 – I’m Not a Fan of Vandalism, But…

Another mass shooting happens at another Christian school in Wisconsin. That’s two in the last two weeks and it appears no one wants to talk about this one either.

What a shock! Leftists find another way people are destroying the world.

And the educational institution, Scripps, is making themselves irrelevant.

Another Terrible Shooting

The Madison, Wisconsin, Police Department is waiting to release any “identifying” information about the shooter who killed two people and wounded several others at Abundant Life Christian School Monday morning.

Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes said at a press conference on Monday afternoon that authorities identified the shooter as a “teenage student who attended the school,” but he added, “At this time, we are not releasing the age or gender of the student or any other identifying remarks of the student.”

Here is Shon Barnes, the police chief of Madison Wisconsin. He was asked if the shooter was transgender. His response is kind of amazing:

Some things:

  • Kind of weird that he says her being trans is not important but then he uses the trans pronouns so as not to insult people.
  • Also, it is important for two reasons.
    • First, it goes to motive. Trans people hate Christians.
    • Second, this would be more evidence that being trans might have something to do with mental illness.
  • He mentioned more than once that the shooter is dead and that is tragic. He did this more than once. He believes he has an obligation to protect the murderer.

We get more of a clue by what the mayor of Madison, Satya Rhodes-Conway, said about the shooting:


They Want You Dead

According to the New York Post:

Humans may be fueling global warming by breathing, a new study suggests.

“Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,” according to research released last week in the UK  journal PLOS.

The methane and nitrous oxide exhaled by humans make up about 0.1 of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, the writeup said.

The gases are in addition to the carbon dioxide that humans exhale.

The study, led by Dr. Nicholas Cowan from the UK Center for Ecology and Hydrology, involved 104 adult volunteers and found that nitrous oxide was breathed out by every one of them, while 31 percent exhaled methane.

Those who did not exhale methane in their breath still probably released the gas “ion flatus,” the study said, referring to burping and flatulence.

“We report only emissions in breath in this study, and flatus emissions are likely to increase these values significantly, though no literature characterizes these emissions for people in the UK,” the research team wrote.

“Assuming that livestock and other wild animals also exhale emissions of N2O, there may still be a small but significant unaccounted-for source of N2O emissions in the UK, which could account for more than 1% of national-scale emissions,” they added.

Gas concentrations in the study samples allowed researchers to estimate that human breath accounts for 0.05 percent of the UK’s methane emission and 0.1 percent of nitrous oxide.

The study did not reveal a link between exhaled gases and diet.

“Concentration enhancement of both CH4 and N2O in the breath of vegetarians and meat consumers are similar in magnitude,” the researchers said. “Based on these results, we can state that, when estimating emissions from a population within the UK, diet or future diet changes are unlikely to be important when estimating emissions [exhale] across the UK as a whole.”


Making Themselves Irrelevant

According to the New York Post:

Former collegiate swimmer Riley Gaines blasted the Scripps National Spelling Bee for incorporating an alternative spelling of the word “women” that she claims feeds into the “fabricated issues” of gender politics.

The anti-trans podcast host piled onto the outrage after an approved list of study words for the third-grade competition was released Thursday, revealing it would accept “womyn” as an alternative spelling to “women.”

“How lucky are we to live in the United States of America, where the spelling of women, never mind the definition, has become a national debate,” Gaines seethed during a Thursday appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity.”


I Say Good for the Vandals

According to the Daily Wire:

Police are investigating after someone ripped down a city-sanctioned statue of a hooded demon outside the State House in Concord, New Hampshire.

The Satanic Temple’s holiday display, which depicted the pagan deity Baphomet was unveiled Saturday night but knocked down before Tuesday morning.

“Santa wouldn’t do this,” Concord Deputy Police Chief John Thomas quipped. “Santa loves everybody.”

State Representative Ellen Read, Democrat, approached the Satanic Temple about doing a display after seeing other holiday displays at the State House, she said.

“I approached them as a person who cares about equal representation on public grounds for religions,” Read said.

On Tuesday morning, Read could be seen picking up the pieces of the goat-headed figure off the ground after it was vandalized, including putting the statue’s life-size legs in her car.

“The reaction seems so emotional, so knee-jerk, that the idea that a mannequin and a goat mask would create all of this animosity,” Read said.

The city of Concord had approved the demonic display, saying it was permitted under the First Amendment. A Christmas tree, a nativity scene, and a Bill of Rights display were also erected.

“Under the First Amendment and to avoid litigation, the City needed to choose whether to ban all holiday displays installed by other groups, or otherwise, to allow it,” the city said in a statement.
