I was cruising through Twitter yesterday and I came across this Tweet from the ACLU.

Now, I thought this was probably the dumbest Tweet. I could tell this one was not written by one of the ACLU’s lawyers. Heck, I wasn’t the only one who saw it. Can you see it?
I wanted to respond but was a little afraid. I have been suspended on Twitter for twelve hours for calling the traitor Bradley Manning (aka Chelsea) a “him” instead of a “her” (which he’s not). I decided I’b be brave and risk it. I replied:
“Boys who say they’re girls are still boys because they CAN’T HAVE PERIODS.”
Well, good news: I didn’t get suspended (though my Tweet was deleted). And there were dozens of replies saying pretty much the same thing. I’m pretty sure the Tweet got ratioed (that’s where there are more replies than Likes). But, considering I was suspended in the past, why would I risk getting suspended again?
Because, a long time ago, I was against gay marriage and changed my mind. My reasoning for being against gay marriage was not because I hated gays and was a bigot. I have gay people in my family and a very close family member is getting married. I was against gay marriage because I was detested the militancy of the LGBT community. These people were forcing us to believe that it is “normal” to want to sleep with one of the same sex. I didn’t want to live in a world like that.
But I found my belief was very negative. I didn’t really care if gay people got married. I am religious and think it’s a sin. But they can’t get married in most religious institutions so it’s more of a civil union than a marriage. So when the Supreme Court allowed gay marriage, I just shrugged my shoulders and said, “whatever.”
But the militancy I feared has gone so far off the rails, if I had known, I would have remained against gay marriage. Because, it wasn’t just gays and lesbians, but, eventually, transvestites and transsexuals. This is disturbing in itself only because I worry that, one day, pedophilia will just be seen as another “gender” and could be another protected class. This may seem a bit far-fetched but it’s already being talked about.
But what really gets me is how people, who are supposedly intelligent, think that gender and sex is a cultural norm and not a scientific fact. Watch this stupid video that was released this week by Teen Vogue:
What in the… are they talking about? No, no, no! I understand these people may be intersex but that is very rare. Sex is biological. It is scientific. If you are a man and mutilate your penis so that is looks like a vagina, you are a man with a mutilated penis. The “vagina” on a transsexual woman needs to be cared for because it is considered a wound.
But let’s go deeper. No surgery out there is going to change one’s DNA. If you are a man, you will have an XY chromosome. If you are a woman, you will have an XX chromosome. Mutilating one’s genitalia is not going to change that.
But it gets worse! We are so intimidated by the crazy Leftist ideas that we are not raising our hands when craziness can actually hurt people. Now, men are able to compete against women in sporting event at the collegiate, Olympic and professional levels. Including mixed martial arts and boxing. Look at this:
Why aren’t feminists upset about this? You have a boy who is beating the garbage out of women. That’s OK? Fallon Fox, a transgender woman, is an MMA fighter. He broke a woman’s skull during a match. That’s OK?
Listen, I don’t care if you’re gay, straight or trans. It doesn’t bother me. But don’t try to change nature and and force me to believe in something that just isn’t true. There are biological differences between men and women. That’s the real fact.
Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl