Abortion is a right and tax payers should pay for it. Nancy Pelosi says there is a nefarious cover up being perpetrated by Trump and the DOJ. And Juliana Margulies, Robert De Niro and Jeff Daniels don’t like the bad orange man. And non of this crap is important.
Let’s talk about the real news where real people are really suffering. Let’s go outside the box today.
First Off
The above is not unimportant. But the problem is these pretty irrelevant stories really aren’t going to change much. I listen to several podcasts a day and watch the news. It doesn’t stress me out. I actually enjoy. And it gives me fodder for my podcast and blog. Before I talk about what is important, where people really are dying, let’s go talk about the subjects in my introduction.
Abortion seems to be the only thing people can talk or Tweet about. I don’t know why everyone is flipping out. And I mean flipping. I’m not saying the debate is not hot but we have been debating this for fifty years. I also just wrote about it so I don’t feel anything in the news is new.
That whole Trump obstruction/collusion/is-that-a-hair-piece thing continues on. This is a stupid story. There have been a thousand investigations on this garbage and all have lead to the same conclusion: the is no crime. The Left has lost their narrative and just can’t find the courage to let it go. They know there is nothing else. Even Trump’s tax records are probably not going to go anywhere. His tax returns may be embarrassing for Trump but that’s about it. Articles of impeachment are supposed to be introduced today but we’ll see where that leads. It’s just stalling. Nothing is getting done.
A bunch of actors, which I mentioned above, are pissed off at Donald Trump. This is nothing new. For some reason the media, including right wing outlets keep reporting their temper tantrums. I’m going to do something different. I’m going to complement one.
Keanu Reeves has gotten himself a bit of a reputation. No, we don’t really know about his politics and he probably isn’t as dumb as everyone seems to think. It’s that he’s a regular guy. He flies commercial, rides the subway and goes to the movies like a regular person. But more, he’s a nice guy. Watch this video filmed by a fan on a New York subway.
Wearing regular clothes, not hiding himself, being a gentleman. This guy is a class act. And many have said it about him. But, this week, something happened that just cemented this opinion. I won’t go over it. I’ll just let you read the Tweet from a star-struck fan of Reeves:

You know, if the rest of Hollywood acted like this guy, maybe people would listen to them. I just thought this was a nice story about a nice guy.
But what I am a little miffed about is what is not being talked about. Though there really aren’t a lot of stories the are new or relevant, there are things going on in the world that are actually kind of important. But they are being completely ignored. Why?
The crisis in Venezuela continues and things are just getting worse.
The socialist government and Nicholas Maduro are under siege from the true president and opposition leader Jaun Guaido. The people, sick of being starved and dealing with the loss of basic needs like toilet paper and medicine, have take to the street upon Guaido’s request and are beginning to protest. The aim is to force Maduro out. The unrest has been going on for over a month. So far, the two sides are at a stalemate.
Venezuela was once the richest country in South America and has more oil than the Middle East. But Hugo Chavez, the first socialist president, started nationalizing business, taking away rights such as speech and gun ownership and making friends with some really bad actors like Cuba, Iran and Russia. In response, the United States placed heavy sanctions on the country. Those sanctions, along with lousy government management of business, have brought the country to chaos. Starvation, disease, unemployment and extreme inflation have made the country a craphole.
But the media says nothing. So I will tell you what is happening today.
The stalemate continues. The government is using force to make the unarmed civilian population suppressed and compliant. China, Russia and Cuba are in the country, trying to protect the Maduro regime. This is dangerous for the United States because it actually puts the enemies of the United States within shooting distance of the Motherland. Guaido has a lot to lose and must continue his attempt of reclaiming the government. This may be his only chance and he must make the most of it. Failing may cost him his life and keep the country under Maduro’s twisted reign.
So, how is Maduro keeping the country afloat or, the more precise question, how is he paying his army?
According to TheHill.com, the military says the government has become a hive of organized crime much like the mafia. They are illegally selling gold to other sympathetic countries. They are also a a heavy exporter of illicit drugs, selling to other countries. For a while, they were exporting oil to friendly countries but that has made it difficult to bring money into the country. Mismanagement has lead to far lower oil production and the lowering of oil prices has made their oil reserves worth very little. They are in such peril that the German company who sold them oil tankers have repossessed three of their tankers. Things are going south in Venezuela. Yay, socialism.
So, why isn’t anyone talking about this? Well, duh, socialism. With media darlings like AOC and Bernie Sanders pushing us toward socialism and, recently, a poll said a lot of Americans are beginning to hear their words. It was reported that 40% of Americans, especially young Americans, believe socialism is the way that will make this country great. If the Left-leaning media reported about Venezuela, people would realize that it sucks. Can’t have that! So it’s ignored.
Homeless Problem
Well, homelessness has finally become an issue in the state of California.
Gov. Gavin Newsome (D- CA) held a press conference on Tuesday revealing plans on how to combat the homeless problem in California. That’s right, he’s finally going to do something about it. What action is he going to perform to end this problem? That’s right! He’s going to create a commission! Because nothing will solve a problem better than throwing bureaucrats at it. I’m excited! These guys are going to do research. Then their going to analyze data. Then they’re going to debate on solutions. Then they won’t agree. Then they’ll created another committee to determine what data they’ll need. That committee will need more research. Then they’ll analyze that research. And there’s more. By the end, By the end, this will take two years, cost $100 million and, in the meantime, the homeless population will go from 65,000 to 130,000. And the solution will be: waste more money putting band-aids on this gaping wound. They’ll create housing projects and indoctrination…um, sorry… education programs that attempt to get people on the right track.
Oh, I forgot. The commission of bureaucrats will not be broken up because when… I mean, if… this whole thing fails.
Ugh. So dumb. Gavin Newsome might of well said he would solve the homeless problem by sticking his thumb up his surgically enhanced butt.
This is what really bothers me about politics: no one want to solve the problems. Because they will be seen as mean, cruel and not compassionate. This is garbage. To solve this problem requires a little tough love. And they should show this tough love because people who are being productive are suffering. The streets are filled with human waste, drug needles, trash and rats. This leads to disease. But, at least, illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free education, free healthcare, home assistance, food stamps all without paying taxes. Nice!
But I digress. I’m going to tell you how to solve this problem. Two ways, I came up with on my own and the third I got from Ben Shapiro. Great podcast, listen to it. Subscribe to the The Daily Wire. I do.
There are three reasons people are in the street: mental illness, drug addiction and just because. In the case of mental illness, I think it is time to bring back the asylum system. I know why they were closed in the past but we know so much more now. The mentally ill need to be taken care of because not only can they not care for themselves, they can be dangerous to others. Some can also be treated and returned back to society. But doing nothing is just irresponsible and cruel.
Drug addiction is the same way. I know this because my son was a drug addict and it cost him his life. With the drug addicted, jail or prison is hardly a way to treat them but they need far more than just a visit to a treatment center. We should build facilities that are like jails but are made for only treatment. They will be housed, will not be allowed out and will receive detox, counseling and job training. Those facilities will monitor them and keep them working so their minds to wander to drug use. Once they have completed treatment, the patients must still be monitored through outpatient treatment and if they relapse, back to the inpatient treatment facility.
These two options are expensive. But I don’t think they are more expensive than the disaster of just letting them be. There are a lot of details that would need to be worked out to verify these services do not become like the VA hospitals.
Finally, there are those who are homeless because they just are. This can be seen in San Jose. People who work live in RVs and cars simply because they can’t afford rent. Well, too bad. If one can’t afford to live someplace, they need to move. And the police should be able to tell them that. I understand they have “rights” but so do I who lives in the same neighborhood. And I shouldn’t have to step over some guy in the street or have to worry about my kids dealing with strangers in a park because hundreds of people are living there. Visit Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and you’ll know what I’m talking about.
So why is no one talking about this problem? It is a huge problem and it is continuing to grow? Take a look at the top ten cities with a homeless problem and I bet you’ll figure it out.

That’s right, eight of the ten cities are Democratically run. See, Democratic policies don’t work well. In the case of New York and California, their policies border on socialist policies. I know this because I live in California and I know Bill de Blasio is an idiot. The media sees this and know it is a huge problem so there are reports. But they report it as a national problem. They don’t report it as a failure of Democratic policy. They just won’t.
Fun Stuff
I finished reading two books and listening to another. I have an Audible account and spend two hours a day listening to fun books. I actually read history and other non-fiction books because I like to go slow.
The book I listened to through Audible was called The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. I really enjoy horror and ghost stories but I have better stuff to read. That’s why I joined Audible. Reedsy.com rated this book number 14 in the 100 best horror stories so I went for it. It was written in the fifties and was alright. I wouldn’t say it was a horror as much as it was a psychological suspense novel. Written well but I could tell it was written in the fifties by a woman. The characters were really over-the-top. The writing is beautiful. I wish I can write like that. There is a Netflix series with the same name but it is about before the actual story in the book. For me the book didn’t work.
The next book that I read was The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson. I bought this one by accident. I thought it was a comedy but it is actually a self-help book. I put it on my shelf for a while. But, I was waiting to get another book from Amazon, I decided to read it because it looked to be easy to read. It was excellent. Manson talks about how people are way too emotional and get upset about the dumbest things. He says we should recognize when this happens and just not give a f-. It’s a great book and it is really funny. Read this one.
The last book is The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro. This book is about the two main philosophies of the political history of Western Civilization: Judaeo-Christian morality and Greek reason. It discusses how the two philosophies were born, how they came together, how the Founding Fathers used them to create the Constitution and the counter philosophies, such as existentialism, are suppressing those philosophies, essentially destroying Western Civilization. But panic not! Ben tells us how we, as individuals, can save what we had. It’s a great book and very easy to read. Basically, Shapiro crams 3000 years of political philosophy in 218 pages. This is a must read.
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