Episode 681 – Could Chicago Finally Get It Right?

Chicago voters might have finally found some sanity.

And Joe Biden cannot stop saying stupid crap.



Here is some news:

  • Chicago has booted Lori Lightfoot as mayor! Finally.
    • There will be a runoff but Lightfoot won’t be part of it.
    • In her concession speech, she stated she was proud of her record on murder and crime.
    • Of course, she screamed that she lost because she’s black and a lesbian. So tiring.
    • That’s why she’s no longer mayor.
  • The Supreme Court is listening to arguments about Biden’s tuition forgiveness program.
    • This has no chance of getting through the Supreme Court because it is complete unconstitutional.
      • The President can’t just dump money like this without Congressional approval.
      • This is putting the cost on tax payers, even ones that paid off their loans or didn’t go to school.
      • This is a slippery slope decision.
    • So the Left, knowing they are going to lose, is flipping out.

Here is Randi Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers, one of the most corrupt unions in the United States, throwing a fit:

Of course, Ilhan Omar tweeted something dumb:

Jamaal Bowman also had a very dumb comment on Twitter:

Everything all these guys said is wrong. If they wanted to, these guys could craft a law and go from there. That is their job. But they want King Biden to do it. Unfortunately, we have a Constitution that prevents King Biden from being a king. The only thing these Leftists can do is start threatening Supreme Court justices again. We saw how well that worked before.

The decision won’t be available until June or July.

  • The House Select Committee on China met on Tuesday night.
    • It was bipartisan. Even Democrats think that China is going in the wrong direction.
    • They talked about:
      • TicToc.
      • Unfair trade practices.
      • Stealing of technical data.
      • The Uyghur concentration camps and other abuses.
      • The spying including the spy balloon.
      • Taiwan.
    • Two things came out from this.
      • China should not have favored trade status.
      • The United States needs to decouple from China.
    • It was very interesting but will mean nothing unless some laws are drafted and thrown in front of Biden.
  • Giselle Fetterman is so upset about her Senator husband, John Fetterman, being hospitalized with clinical depression, she decided to take her children to vacation in Canada.
    • There is no word on the condition of Fetterman but rumors have it that he is permanently damaged from his stroke last year.
    • I think we just found our wife of the year.
  • For some reason, Janet Yellen, a non-elected Secretary of the Treasury and has nothing to do with foreign policy, decided to take a trip to Ukraine.
    • We know why. She’s a globalist and the United States is responsible for the whole world at the expense of our people.
    • She gave Ukraine another $1.2 billion. This is after Biden gave Ukraine $500 million last week.
    • She promised that the United States will stand behind Ukraine for “as long as it takes.”
    • The United States has given Ukraine more than $100 billion since the war began plus weapons. That’s more than all of Europe, combined.
    • This is becoming unpopular. It’s going to be a political football if this has no end in sight.




Leave it to Joe Biden to say the dumbest things. Black History Month ended yesterday and, on Monday, Old Joe decided to pander to back leadership.

Here he is, basically insulting white people:

Mr. Inclusivity decided to deprecate whites. I guess we’re all stupid except for him. Well, we know that’s not true. He is really stupid.

Here he is, celebrating his major feat since becoming President:

Yes, they are diverse.

  • We have a Vice President of color that is incompetent and unpopular.
  • We have a gay man as transportation secretary that took three months off for paternity leave and no one noticed.
    • He also failed to deal with a supply chain crisis.
    • Can’t get planes to fly during the holidays.
    • Can’t keep the trains on the tracks.
    • And has failed to pay attention to what could be the biggest environmental crisis in American history.
    • But, at least he told us our bridges are racist and there are too many white construction workers.
  • We have a guy who thinks he’s a woman in the health department that wants to drug and mutilate children.
  • We had a guy running the nuclear waste department that likes to cross dress and do the puppy play thing with other men. Oh, he was arrested for stealing the luggage of women at airports and wearing their clothes.

Diversity doesn’t mean competent or good.

And, of course, how can we have a bunch of Joe Biden quotes without him acting creepy. This one was really creepy.

This is the person that is running our government. I have total confidence.


He Just Doesn’t Care

Let’s just say that the response to the Palestine, Ohio disaster has not been well-responded by the Biden administration. All of the optics for the last two weeks have been terrible.

  • Joe Biden goes to Ukraine and celebrates his only “victory” since he’s been in the White House.
    • He gave Ukraine $500,000,000 but has done nothing for Palestine.
    • FEMA did not want to go to Palestine.
  • Kamala Harris ends up in Europe for whatever reason.
  • Pete Buttplug doesn’t go to Ohio until eleven days after the accident.
    • He made a complete ass out of himself there.
    • He would not answer any questions about why he wasn’t there.
    • He only went after Trump showed up. More bad optics.
  • John Kerry, who is suppose to love the environment is nowhere to be found.

So, Biden comes back from Ukraine and he’s asked about the Palestine thing. Here’s what he had to say:

And, he walks away.

Now, the government did send someone over there two hours after is happened. They sent the Environmental Protection Agency. The highest ranking guy was an administrator. That’s right, a middle management guy. His brilliant solution to this mess was to make it worse but blowing up the trains holding the chemicals!

Finally, notice he’s bumbling and stumbling…again? Does this really relay confidence this old man really knows what he’s doing? Or even cares?

But, we haven’t heard the worst. Remember in the last clip, he said he had talked to everyone? Not so. He didn’t talk to the most important person he needed to talk to.

Here he is talking to ABC News in an interview this weekend:

He doesn’t recall if he talked to the mayor of East Palestine, Ohio! Are you kidding me! This should be the first guy he talks to!

This is the problem with big government. They don’t have any skin in the game. Even the governor of the state and the senators have very little skin in the game. They don’t live there. They are not going to get cancer in fifteen years.

The mayor lives there. He could get cancer. He has to continue living there. He should be involved and make all the decisions concerning the actions performed. I would bet he had no say in the decision to blow this train up and am sure he did not have all the information. In fact, I’m not sure anyone in the group had all the information to decide it was best to blow up the car holding the vinyl chloride.

More on that later.

In this clip, it just kind of expands on what Biden said. I’m not even sure this is not an expansion on the last clip. but the video does show a lot. It needs to be watched. It shows a lot. It shows how Biden just doesn’t give an f-.


That smirk said a lot. He doesn’t care.

Here’s what I would have done before doing of this crazy stuff.

  • I would have gotten involved immediately. It shows I care about the people and the environment.
  • I would have gotten a hold of the top chemists in the country to find out what this stuff is.
    • Just looking at Wikipedia, we know vinyl chloride is an aerosol and a flammable gas. What did they think was going to happen by blowing it up?
  • I would have shut down that railway until the chemicals were safely disposed of for as long as it takes.
    • There are rumors that they blew this up because they wanted to get the railway opened again.
  • I would force Congress to add regulations.
    • Trains carrying these chemicals should be restricted. No train of 87 cars should be carrying chemicals.
    • Trains carrying chemicals should have required inspections just like planes do. This was caused by a bad axel on a rail car.
    • There needs to be an inspection of the entire rail system.
    • Norfolk Southern should never be allowed to carry chemicals again.

But nothing will happen and they will continue to blame the Trump administration even though the investigations said the regulations had nothing to do with anything the Trump administration did.





Episode 680 – Mickey is Going to be Ticked!

Puffin Publishing changes their minds, sort of.

Joe Biden tries to get out of going to Palestine, Ohio but the optics are horrible.

And Mickey is going to be pissed.


Another Conspiracy That’s Not a Theory

Here’s another conspiracy theory that turned out not to be a conspiracy. According to the Wall Street Journal:

The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the Covid pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak, according to a classified intelligence report recently provided to the White House and key members of Congress.

The shift by the Energy Department, which previously was undecided on how the virus emerged, is noted in an update to a 2021 document by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines’s office.

The new report highlights how different parts of the intelligence community have arrived at disparate judgments about the pandemic’s origin. The Energy Department now joins the Federal Bureau of Investigation in saying the virus likely spread via a mishap at a Chinese laboratory. Four other agencies, along with a national intelligence panel, still judge that it was likely the result of a natural transmission, and two are undecided.

The Energy Department’s conclusion is the result of new intelligence and is significant because the agency has considerable scientific expertise and oversees a network of U.S. national laboratories, some of which conduct advanced biological research.

Here’s a big secret, we all knew this already. The whole “someone ate a bat” thing didn’t make much sense. The fact the Wuhan Lab is five miles away from ground zero looked really obvious. We know that China is testing biological weapons. It doesn’t matter that this is against the Geneva Convention. China is a terrible country. They lie constantly. They lied about the virus from the beginning and are still lying about it. When they sit back and deny this report, I don’t believe them.

And, they benefitted from the release of this virus. They shut down the United States economy. They got people to blindly follow the government’s commands. A lot of this woke crap comes from the COVID fear mongering the government has been pushing for the past two years and still tries to push today.

Here’s the question I have, what happens now? Is YouTube going to restore all my podcasts? By the way, the crap I said in those banned videos wasn’t from my brilliant intellect. I referenced stuff I found on the web. I had resources yet I was banned for “misinformation”. Are we going to get an apology from the mainstream media and all other social media outlets? Hell, I’d be happy if they just investigated this whole thing.

But they won’t.



One More Step to the White House

Ron DeSantis just screwed the mouse and took one step closer to the presidency.

According to Fox News:

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday signed a bill into law that ends Disney’s self-governing power and puts the media giant under the control of a state board.

“Since the 1960s, they’ve enjoyed privileges unlike any company or individual in the state of Florida has ever enjoyed,” DeSantis said at a news conference held at a firehouse minutes away from Disney World. “They had exemptions from laws that everyone else had to follow. They were able to get huge amounts of benefits without paying their fair share of taxes.”

Before signing the legislation, DeSantis told attendees to check their watches so they know “what time the corporate kingdom came to an end.”

“How do you give one theme park its own government and then treat all of the other theme parks differently?” he asked. “So we believe that that was not good policy. We believe that being joined at the hip with this one California-based company was not something that was justifiable or sustainable.”

He added that Disney will be treated like SeaWorld and other theme parks in the state.

So how does this screw Disney?

  • Disney was allowed to skip state building codes.
  • Disney was able to maintain their own fire department.
  • Disney did not have to pay corporate state taxes.

Disney was basically its own state within the state. Florida, which has become deep red, had enough of Disney’s woke crap and took away all of their benefits.

This started last year when Disney began ripping Florida over the Parental Rights in Education Act (named the Don’t Say Gay Act by the media). Bob Chapek, who was Disney CEO at the time, saw this coming and told DeSantis that he couldn’t control his woke employees and that Disney shouldn’t be blamed for their crap. No wonder he was fired. Chapek should have fired all of them to show good faith.

This is another example of “Go Woke, Go Broke”.



Go Woke, Go Broke

Last week, Puffin Publishing decided they were going to rewrite the Roald Dahl series of books to make them politically correct. When I say, “rewrite,” I mean, “rewrite.” We went over some of the changes that were going to be made, but, the fact is, there were hundreds of changes that were going to be made to each book. This essentially these changes would have created completely different books. They wanted new books since Dahl has been dead for thirty years.

Puffin, hearing the outrage, made an announcement on Friday. Francesca Dow, president of Puffin’s parent company, Penguin Random House, said:

“At Puffin we have proudly published Roald Dahl’s stories for more than forty years in partnership with the Roald Dahl Story Company. Their mischievous spirit and his unique storytelling genius have delighted the imaginations of readers across many generations. We’ve listened to the debate over the past week which has reaffirmed the extraordinary power of Roald Dahl’s books and the very real questions around how stories from another era can be kept relevant for each new generation.

“As a children’s publisher, our role is to share the magic of stories with children with the greatest thought and care. Roald Dahl’s fantastic books are often the first stories young children will read independently, and taking care for the imaginations and fast-developing minds of young readers is both a privilege and a responsibility. We also recognise the importance of keeping Dahl’s classic texts in print. By making both Puffin and Penguin versions available, we are offering readers the choice to decide how they experience Roald Dahl’s magical, marvellous stories.”

You have a choice now. Read Dahl’s original book or read a book written by someone else, but it will be politically correct. In other words, the books will lose their edge and will be boring.

Again, I believe in the purity of the author’s words. If I don’t like what he says, I won’t read the book. I don’t think the words dhould ever be changed unless it is by the author himself. I bought the Roald Dahl set for my grandchildren. I want them to be able to read these great books penned by the hand of Dahl himself. I also want them to read Shakespeare, Twain, Steinbeck and every other controversial author.

That includes authors like Toni Morrison whose books are being banned in schools. The Left hates that Toni Morrison’s books are being banned in schools, but there is a reason. Her books contain subject matter that includes gand rape and beasiality. Conservatives don’t want these books banned or rewritten, just kept out of schools filled with kids. Let the books be read by a more mature audience.

My advice, always buy paper. Don’t buy digital. That goes for controversial movies also.






Episode 679 – Sic ‘Em, Boy!

Chloe Cole, a de-transitioner, has decided to take some action against those who mutilated her as a child.

Grooming continues in the public schools in Pennsylvania.

And California threatens to take another tool away from law enforcement in the name of equity.



Here is some news:

  • Six countries have joined Russia in opposing a United Nations resolution calling for peace between Russia and Ukraine.
    • Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Eritrea, Mali and Nicaragua.
    • You can assume China also is in there because they support North Korea and Mali.
    • Who cares? The UN is worthless.
  • Spiritual adviser and bestselling self-help author Marianne Williamson is making a second straight run for the White House and taking aim at President Biden.
  • The Center for American Liberty, along with the Dhillon Law Group and LiMandri & Jonna LLP, have filed a lawsuit against the Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, alleging medical negligence in providing chemical and surgical sex change interventions to Chloe Cole when she was a minor between the ages of 13-16.
    • More of this.



Can I Call This Grooming?

We haven’t talked about groomers in public schools for almost a week. So, here’s another story!

According to Fox News:

 A Pennsylvania English teacher said he included close-up photographs of penises, vulvas, as well as a video of a woman ejaculating in an optional sexuality class, according to an interview. The school told Fox News Digital they were standing by him. 

Al Vernacchio is an English teacher at Friends’ Central School, a private school in Wynnewood. He also is involved in the sexuality curriculum, which expounds from children nursery through 12th grade, according to his website. He has also mentioned this fact on at least one other occasion. After publication of this article, the school reached out and stated there was no “sexual education curriculum prior to fourth grade.”

In his work as Sexuality Education Coordinator, Vernacchio teaches classes, organizes sexuality-themed programs and assemblies, and is one of the faculty advisors for the Gender and Sexual Orientation Alliance.  

I had sex education at my Catholic school in seventh grade. It was held at night, voluntary and it separated the sexes. Your parent, father for boys and mothers for girls, were required to come. Parents received the book before going to the class so they could review it. There were few pictures. No showing how to put on a condom (it was a Catholic school). Nothing about gay sex or anal sex. No examples of dildos, vibrators, butt plugs or bondage equipment. No pictures, photos, movies or literature.

Oh, I forgot. The class was run by a priest.

I won’t lie, we all left more confused than informed.  I was scared crapless of sex. It sounded bizarre. Now these schools are bringing in sex toys, showing videos and photos, talking about gay sex and masturbation, and not telling any of the parents. I have yet to hear an explanation why an English teacher is doing this. Could it be he likes little kids.

I don’t know why people seem shocked when people like me say that.



The Truth is Out There!

The aliens are out there and they must have awesome strength. They are playing with a volleyball the size of a man.

According to Fox News:

A giant “iron ball” discovered on beach in Japan has locals and officials baffled as the mysterious object’s origins remain unknown.

The sphere, about 4.9 feet in diameter, was found by a runner on Enshuhama Beach in the coastal city of Hamamatsu and reported to police, state broadcaster NHK reported Tuesday. 

Local police and a bomb squad investigated the discovery, confirming through X-rays that the sphere appears to be hollow. Local officials said the object was not a threat and may be a type of buoy.

But news of the strange object has since circulated online, leading to a flurry of speculation that the metal ball could be a “Godzilla egg” or a “dragon ball” from the popular Japanese manga “Dragon Ball.”
“Godzilla egg” or “Dragon ball”? It’s obviously an alien volleyball. It looks like a volleyball. A really big volleyball which means the aliens are enormous.
Honestly, it looks like a really big buoy. I thought it might be an old mine but that was proven wrong. It does have hinges on either end to hold it down or have a ship pull it up. I wouldn’t be shocked if they cut it open and find some sensors in the to measure ocean temperature and currents. It kind of looks like a weather buoy.
But I hope it is an alien volleyball. It means they are too busy playing volleyball and not interested in attacking and enslaving mankind. That would be kind of cool.



Everything is Racist

Let’s get this straight, the Left in California doesn’t want the police. But, since crime doesn’t seem to go down using counselors, they realize they need the police. So they want the police softened a bit. No guns, rifles, choke holds, pursuits, Billie clubs and no mace. That would leave police with only one thing to protect themselves.

According to the Daily Wire:

California Democrats and activists are working to outlaw multiple uses of police K-9s in the state, citing claims of present and historical racism.

Assembly Bill 742, introduced on February 13 by Democratic Assemblymembers Corey Jackson (Perris) and Ash Kalra (San Jose), would end the use of K-9 units for arrest, apprehension, and crowd control. Police dogs would still be permitted in other situations, such as explosives detection and search and rescue missions.

Notice, you can’t use dogs for drug detection because that would be racist too.

Corey Jackson, co-sponsor of the bill, said:

“From the brutal attempts to quell the Civil Rights movement, Black Lives Matter protests, and their day-to-day use in law enforcement, police K-9s remain a gross misuse of force and victimize black and brown people, disproportionately. The need for AB 742 is apparent, not only through a historic perspective but also through the clear racial disparities we see every year.”

Is he saying that’s what is happening today? Is he saying cops are racist? Is he denying that there is any crime out there would be justified? The answer, of course, is no.

He also said:

“I’m always looking for ways to atone for the past. How do we get out systemic racism? How do we get out racism in our narratives? And how do we make sure that we erase practices that are currently being done today that were originated and perfected on our ancestors?”

There is no need to atone for the past. Why? Because the past has been fixed and it is race-baiters like this turd that keep this stuff going.

This is going to be a controversial statement: There is no systemic racism. How do I know this? Because we used to have systemic racism. Blacks couldn’t use restrooms for white people. They were prevented from voting. They couldn’t go to schools. They couldn’t get certain jobs. Under the Jim Crow laws, racism was systemic. Today, not only is discrimination out of the system, we have to amendments in the Constitution that specifically make discrimination illegal. It is illegal to discriminate based on race, sex or creed.

We are heading toward systemic racism. That’s what this BS equity crap that the Biden administration is trying to implement, which, by the way violates the 13th and 14th Amendments of the Constitution. What does that show you? Systemic racism is illegal.

The article from the Daily Wire continues:

In a press release, the assemblyman cited research that said that black and Latino individuals are more likely to be involved in K-9 apprehensions. According to Jackson, 65% of those seriously injured by police dogs in 2021 were “people of color.”

Jackson said using police dogs for matters such as apprehensions of suspects has racist roots back to the days of slavery, noting that AB 742’s role is largely meant to remedy past racial wrongs.

Here are some questions I would love to ask this guy:

  • Is he saying that police are only using dogs because of racism?
  • Are there people who deserved have the dog sicked on them? If not, who was victimized by the dog?
    • I would think that if a dog was attacking an innocent person, we’d here about it.
  • Why are so many people of color getting into trouble with law enforcement? Could it have something to do with our society or culture? Shouldn’t we get to the root cause of that problem?
  • Finally, if “people of color” is an appropriate term, why isn’t “colored people” appropriate?

This is just California becoming worse, helping out criminals and weakening the police. Dogs are actually considered a less than lethal option of taking out criminals. With everything they have taken from police, how is California going to be safe. Time to get a gun.



Episode 678 – Scoring Points!

Donald Trump goes to East Palestine and it goes really well.

Pete Buttigieg goes to East Palestine and it goes very poorly.

And loose lips sinks ships. The media might have just gotten Donald Trump off the hook.



Here is some news:

  • Pete Buttigieg decided to show up to East Palestine, Ohio. It’s not going well for him. It looks especially bad because Donald Trump showed up yesterday (more on that later).
    •  He has been questioned about what took him so long to get there. He refused to answer.




So this whole thing is not going to work out for Pete Buttplug. It’s not going to work out for Biden if he decides to go.

By the way, they do have an idea on what caused the wreck. They are saying that one of the axels on one of the cars overheated and caught fire. There is video of this, so that was most likely the cause.


Scoring Points

President Trump is scoring points with his base.

According to the Daily Wire:

Former President Donald Trump visited East Palestine, Ohio, on Wednesday afternoon and criticized President Joe Biden over his lack of attention toward the small rust belt community as citizens grapple with the recent train derailment and subsequent chemical fallout.

Local and state authorities previously evacuated all residents within one mile of the derailment and started a controlled burn of industrial chemicals on the vehicle to decrease the risk of an explosion, which could have sent shrapnel throughout the small town. Vinyl chloride, a known human carcinogen used to manufacture PVC, was emitted from five train cars in the form of massive plumes of dark smoke visible throughout eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania.

Trump toured the town alongside Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and criticized his successor during a press conference held with local officials.

This move is in contrast to President Biden, who went to Ukraine and Poland during this mess, Pete Buttplug who finally decided he’s going to show up 20 days after the disaster and FEMA saying they could be of no help to the town. You may remember, fish are dying in the rivers, pets are dying, the water looks infected and people are complaining of having shortness of breath and headaches, which are symptoms of this type of poisoning.

With him, Trump brought tractor trailers filled with water, including the far superior Trump water, and bought all the first responders and people cleaning up the mess McDonald’s. This is good Trump and what got him elected in 2016.

Trump had a message:

“I sincerely hope that when your representatives and all of the politicians get here, including Biden, they get back from touring Ukraine, that he’s got some money left over. The Biden administration should ensure that every family has the option of moving and homes and everything else until this thing is straightened out.”

Trump also had some words for the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA):

“They were intending to do absolutely nothing for you. They could have been here two weeks earlier, at least a week earlier, but they decided to do it this way, and I guess it came from the top.”

This is all a campaign stunt and is theatrics, but these people need to know someone gives a crap about them. Donald Trump does. Donald Trump is a germaphobe. He is putting himself in harm’s way to support these people. The highest official to be in East Palestine was an EPA administrator. That’s it. This is going to strengthen Trump’s position even if most know it is a campaign stunt. I’m not sure how Biden or his administration is going to save face on this one.




The foreperson for the grand jury used to investigate Donald Trump for election interference seems really excited about her job. She’s going around the country, doing interviews and this is making prosecutors very nervous. She has a pretty big mouth and she is beginning to show just a tad bit of bias.

So the gal is named Emily Kohrs and she did a media tour. Mind you, she’s only the foreperson on a grand jury. That’s nothing. But she is really eating all this up.

We also see what side of the political aisle.

Here she is on CNN:

Some things:

  • So a judge removes some testimony, probably because they were illegal, and she thinks she knows better than the judge. That’s not a good thing to hear from a juror.
  • That laugh makes her sound nuts.
  • She has already said too much.

Here she is in the same interview. This is not going to go well for her on Monday:

Some things:

  • She will be sad if nothing happens? That’s not how the legal system works.
  • She sounds like she wants something to happen. She sounds biased.
  • Too much of her time? What? She had to take a day off from her three-day-a-week job at Starbucks? She wants the former President of the United States prosecuted.
  • I don’t even think she understands what he’s being accused of. He can be charged with anything as long as he gets charged? Does she sound serious.

Here’s the last sound bite from MSNBC:

She’s nuts and she just screwed the prosecution’s case. There is no way this is going outside this grand jury. Trump’s lawyers have saved every interview and they will be playing it in front of the judge. The best the prosecution can hope for is the judge will allow them to reconvene another grand jury, which is unlikely.

This whole thing is just going to go away and Trump will win again.











Episode 677 – If South Park Got You? You Made It!

Joe Biden is breaking the Constitution. And falling up stairs again.

The television show, South Park, is rocking the Internet this week.

And one of the strangest couples in America celebrates an anniversary.


The Old Boy’s Back

Joe Biden had a busy weekend though it is not clear what he accomplished by going to Ukraine. The only thing that seemed to be accomplished is China has decided to join up with Russia.




There is something that you have to give pop culture. They know what is going to happen in the future. Usually, the funnier the show, the closer to reality the story ends up being. Let’s not forget it was The Simpsons that said Donald Trump would be President.

South Park is another show that makes fun of culture and usually is able to call out the future.

A South Park clip from over a decade ago was just funny then. Now it seems prophetic. Listen:

To catch you up on this important social experiment that is South Park:

  1. Mr. Garrison, a grade school teacher, was a straight man.
  2. He then became a gay man.
  3. He then became a trans woman who like men. Which means he was a straight woman.
  4. He then began to like women, becoming a lesbian.
  5. He then had his penis reattached, becoming a straight man.

This clip went viral. Can you think of anything more true than this clip.

Speaking of South Park.



Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes

I never talk about Prince Harry and Megan Markle for a reason. They are stupid, woke, boring and the are (or were) part of the royal family in England. We won a war against England so we can make fun of the royal family or, simply, not pay attention to them. Call it my dirty little secret but I do pay attention to them. That’s because those two are pathetic, especially Prince Harry.

Well, I’m not the only one who thinks so. According to Fox News:

 Meghan Markle and Prince Harry like to think they are just regular people, you know, you and me trying to figure a way through the minefield of life. 

We know this, simply because they were honored at the recent Ripple of Hope Award Gala, which they picked up for racism within the Royal family no less, Harry produced this lame joke that he and Meghan were having a “date night,” as with two children this was an opportunity to get out and enjoy each other’s company. Then he laughed like a drain with the audience.

This came off as a pre-rehearsed and badly executed plot to show Harry and Meghan’s fun, playful side, and my how we have missed that from Harry, right? It flopped badly, along with the fake laugh that Meghan offered and was so rehearsed.

That’s true. Those two are like a bad drama on CBS or whatever channel that stupid show Megan Markle was on. Anyway:

Things then took a turn with U.S. chat show kings, like Jimmy Kimmel, attacking them, and worse, making fun of the brand of Meghan and Harry. Why? Well, according to the ex-royal’s team, it’s hurtful and spiteful and, above all, they are not in control of it. 

They have a brand? It must be generic because they seem like the standard woke crap we see everywhere.

As we saw in the dreadful Netflix docuseries, Harry, if possible, is at least a better actor than Meghan. Mostly in the dramatic scenes with Beyoncé calling. Remember that Oscar-winning hand throw, and that now-infamous text from his brother, William? The way he held the phone directly to his wife was pure theater. 

So why, when this fodder is campier than a late-night Joan Crawford movie, they can’t laugh at the recent lampooning of them with the cult adult comedy “South Park” remains a mystery.

You know you’ve made it when South Park goes after you.

Harry and Meghan should and will be “very concerned” about their celebrity status in America. After being royally laughed at by the satirical cartoon, it shows really how far they have fallen.

The latest episode showed the “Prince and Princess of Canada,” a young royal couple who are begging for privacy while drawing attention to themselves time and time again in a hilarious, spoof-like way.

The flame-haired prince and his wife, who wears the exact-same dusty pink outfit that Meghan donned for Trooping the Colour in 2018, are desperately plugging the prince’s book – “Waaagh” – the cover of which strongly spoofs Harry’s bestselling memoir “Spare.”

The episode is filled with cutting digs at the Sussexes, with the show’s star, Stan, branding their cartoon equivalents the “dumb prince and his stupid wife,” while another character, Kyle, complains about the private jet parked outside their home.

It’s beyond cruel, but again, it’s also very funny, depending on your humor. Now it appears that the ginger one, along with his wife, former actress Meghan, are not quite laughing along with the rest of us. According to sources close to the ex-royals, it appears that, like so many things with Meghan and Harry, this may have legal ramifications attached.

I am a huge South Park guy. I am dying to see tis episode.

Apparently, the pseudo-royals are really upset about this and are talking to lawyers to figure out what their options are. The South Park guys, who have insulted everybody, said they have made sure this episode was legally solid. With all the crap they’ve done in the past, never have they lost a case, I’m sure they know they are in the clear.

Not to mention, they are in the clear. Public figures are always free game as long as things made up. Things in this episode were only slightly exaggerated. Everything they brought up has been covered by the media! The private planes and climate change crap, the racism crap and the “I want privacy but look at me” crap.

You know what would have rekindled Megan Markle’s career? If she had offered to voice the Prince Harry character. Oops! I hope I didn’t step over the line.



OK, Weird

In Allentown, Pennsylvania, a couple named Tony and Frances Toto celebrated their 57 year anniversary. That’s a long time but why am I bringing this up?

Prepare for a weird story. According to WFMZ Channel 69 News:

The year was 1983. Tony and Frances had four kids and a pizza shop, but then Tony strayed from the marriage, and Frances found out.

What happened next is like something out of a movie. Hollywood thought so, too, turning the Totos’ troubles into a feature film called “I Love You to Death.”

While not everything in the movie is accurate, Frances did hire teenage hitmen to help her try to kill Tony five times, including failed attempts to blow up his car and attack him with a baseball bat.

One night, Frances put a bottle of sleeping pills in Tony’s food and then the hitmen shot him.

“Twice, one in the back of my head, and one of the bullets went right through my chest,” said Tony.

“I don’t think I was thinking straight,” said Frances. “It was like it was like a love-hate kind of a thing.”

Because of the pills, Tony’s system slowed down. He was in a daze and said he didn’t feel a thing, believing Frances when she told him he had the flu.

After five days, the police found out about the plot and arrested Frances and the teenage hitmen.

Tony spent 12 days in the hospital. The first thing he did when he was discharged was bail out Frances.

“We both cry and we say to each other, ‘You know, from now on, let’s talk. Let’s talk. Let’s communicate better,'” Tony said. “Something that we should’ve done before, so that was what was missing.”

Tony and Frances said that tearful moment was a new beginning for their relationship, and to help them stay on track, they got counseling.

But Frances had to pay for what she did, spending four years in prison. Frances and Tony talked on the phone every day.

Turns out the movie, “I Love You to Death” came out after she was released from prison. The two were invited to premiers around the world.

The couple said they do not talk about the situation publicly anymore.



Poor Gal!



Episode 676 – Better Buy Those Books!

Joe Biden shows how much he loves this country on President’s Day.

Censorship is coming to a Book store near you.

And the royals in Malibu don’t appreciate the attention they so desperately crave.


Deep Thoughts

I was listening to a commercial on the radio and Starbucks tried to do some virtue signaling.

I hate Starbucks. Their coffee is bad, they’re very expensive and their employees are spoiled little prigs. The first time I saw a pronouns button was on a gal who used every pronoun except the right ones. But I digress.

The Starbucks commercial starts with the statement, “This is a story about kindness.” I’m thinking they donated food to homeless puppies or something but that is me being short-sighted. Leftist companies aren’t that charitable. Apparently, there was this woman who dropped her kids off at the bus stop. She decided to go to Starbucks but forgot her wallet. A woman behind her offered to pay for her coffee. The broad, then, decided to go home and write an E-mail saying how great Starbucks is. Then Starbucks decided to make this commercial.

OK, I have a few problems with this story.

First, this gal doesn’t sound like she was going to work. She just decided to go to Starbucks. If you forgot your wallet, get your ass back in your car, go home, get your wallet and then go back to Starbucks and get your macchiato or whatever the hell it’s called.

Second, if this broad has the time to spend 37 minutes in line in a Starbucks, she has time to drop her kids off at school!. That’s right, I’m saying she’s a bad mother. The school buses aren’t electric yet so they’re not yet cool like Kamala Harris is preaching.

Finally, Starbucks makes an 800% profit on every cup of coffee. Shouldn’t the kindness have been from Starbucks? Maybe Starbucks should have taken the hit for the cup of coffee and not one of their customers? Just because a customer was kind to someone in your store doesn’t mean that the store is kind. In fact, this puts a bad light on Starbucks.

What’s the moral of this story? If you are going to claim virtue, make sure you are the one doing what is virtuous.



Here is some news:

  • In sad news, Jimmy Carter, the former President, has been put under hospice care at his home.
    • Carter turned 98 in October. He was the 39th president of the United States.
    • I liked Carter as a person.
      • He is a key figure for Habitat for Humanity. He actually was building houses up until a few months ago.
      • He is an intellectual. He read every bill before signing it when he was President.
      • He’s an extremely religious Christian (though he could be anti-Jewish).
    • He was incompetent as a President and was one of the worst President in the modern times. Joe Biden is beating him right now.
  • Police in Texas said this week that the 16-year-old suspected of shooting three people at an El Paso mall was shot by a citizen who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall.
    • According to police, the alleged shooter was shot by 32-year-old Emmanuel Duran as he fled the scene.
    • After Duran shot the suspect, he and an off-duty police officer “rendered aid” to him before he was taken into police custody and transported to the hospital where he was in stable condition.
    • Police said the violence was triggered after a “confrontation” between two groups at the food court.
  • Dom Lemon may have seen his last days on CNN.
    • It has been reported that he will be going on a sabbatical to, “clear his head”. Yeah, he’s been suspended.
    • This is all after he made a crack about women not being in their prime as the reason Nikki Haley should not be President. She is 51.
    • All this, even after he apologized for the comments. Of course, he apologized to all women except Nikki Haley.
  • Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Kyiv, Ukraine.
    • Of course he promised more money to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
    • I can think of a couple of places within the United States on President’s Day.
      • San Francisco to see the homeless, mental health and drug crisis.
      • Chicago to see the crime crisis.
      • Texas and Arizona to see the border crisis.
      • East Palestine, Ohio to see the environmental crisis that the Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttplug doesn’t want to deal with.
    • But, hey, the United States ain’t that important to a globalist President.
  • David O’Connell, 69, the Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, was shot dead in his home in the Los Angeles County suburb of Hacienda Heights Saturday afternoon.
    • There is no suspect or motive, which is strange.
    • He was appointed by Pope Francis and appears to be a pretty Left wing guy, especially when it comes to illegal immigration.
  • Finally, actor and comedian Richard Belzer, famous for playing Detective John Munch on “Law & Order: SVU,” died early Sunday at his home in France.



This Is Real Censorship

I buy books. Lots of books. So many books, I have a feeling the Josie will leave me if I don’t stop buying books. The problem Josie has is that I read all the books I buy and her daughter likes talking about the books. She has also grabbed one or two and started reading them. Josie also likes books. One of our nicest trips is to Barnes and Noble. She always buys herself a book, gets some crap for her grandchildren and I buy a bunch more.

But I buy books for another reason. I buy them because they could be banned or edited one day. One huge example would be Mark Twain. Mark Twain was an abolitionist and one of his books, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is about a boy who helps a slave escape slavery by getting him to the free states in the north. No one thinks of that, but they do get upset when Twain uses the n-word a bunch of times. I even gotten into a fight from my brother-in-law about it. Of course, he’s never read the book.

Well, this stuff is happening. According to Fox News:

A publisher has altered children’s books by Roald Dahl – the author of several well-received children’s books that were later made into hit movies, including “Matilda,” “James and the Giant Peach,” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” – to remove language now deemed offensive.

Puffin, the publisher of Dahl’s classic works, has hired sensitivity readers to make changes to certain portions of the author’s wording in the U.K. editions as part of an effort to ensure the books “can continue to be enjoyed by all today.”

The publisher’s rewrite, first reported by The Telegraph, altered numerous descriptions of certain characters’ physical appearances, removed references to some characters being fat, and changed some language to be gender-neutral.

So, what did they change?

  • The character Augustus Gloop in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is no longer called “fat.” Instead he is described as “enormous.”
  • The word ugly has been removed. Instead, people will be called “beastly”.
  • Instead of being called “small men,” Oompa-Loompas are now “small people.”
  •  In his 1983 book The Witches, he writes that witches are bald beneath their wigs. According to The Telegraph, an added line in new editions says, “There are plenty of other reasons why women might wear wigs and there is certainly nothing wrong with that.”
  • In the new edition of “Witches,” a supernatural female posing as an ordinary woman may be working as a “top scientist or running a business” instead of as a “cashier in a supermarket or typing letters for a businessman.”
  • The word “black” was removed from the description of the terrible tractors in 1970s “The Fabulous Mr. Fox.” The machines are now simply “murderous, brutal-looking monsters.”
  • In previous editions of James and the Giant Peach, the Centipede sings: “Aunt Sponge was terrifically fat / And tremendously flabby at that,” and, “Aunt Spiker was thin as a wire / And dry as a bone, only drier.” Both verses have been removed, and in their place are the rhymes: “Aunt Sponge was a nasty old brute / And deserved to be squashed by the fruit,” and, “Aunt Spiker was much of the same / And deserves half of the blame.”
  • References to “female” characters have disappeared. Miss Trunchbull in Matilda, once a “most formidable female”, is now a “most formidable woman”.
  • Gender-neutral terms have been added in places – where Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’s Oompa Loompas were “small men”, they are now “small people”.

Roald Dahl is a children’s writer. He is a great children’s writer. His books and movies have been enjoyed by kids for decades. Yes, he is not politically correct because he is trying to by funny (we know comedy is a no-no).

I also want to point out that writing is not meant to be politically correct! Authors are meant to pick a subject and create conflict. This is not always clean and diverse and equitable. I know this is a shock, but, sometimes, conflict sucks. The more the conflict sucks, the better the story.

One guy the Left wants to get rid of is William Shakespeare. They want to get rid of him for two reasons. The first is that he is a massive influence on Western Civilization. The Left can’t have someone who shows the intellect and beauty of Western Civilization. They are trying to kill off Mozart and Bach for the same reasons.

Second, Shakespeare has a ton of relevancy, even today. His histories like Julius Caesar, gives a dramatic retelling of actual history. His comedies, like A Midsummers Nights Dream, are entertaining and show the sexual tension within relationships. His tragedies, like King Lear, are a study in the human soul and intellect and exposes all the weaknesses of the human condition. He has been quoted not only by English teachers but by philosophers and psychologists.

Here’s what sucks about the Left, they say that the right is banning books. Well, only some books. Books that should be banned. Books like The Gender Book, Gender Queer and My Anti-Racist Baby. These books have no business in school. That doesn’t mean parents can’t get them for their kids if they want. They just shouldn’t be in a school library. I also think A Clockward Orange, Less Than Zero and American Psycho shouldn’t be in school libraries but I should be able to buy it on Amazon.

Anyway, Dahl has been dead for a while now. Leave his books alone.


We Are All Racist


Episode 675 – Can We Agree That This Is Just Mental Illness?

We have an idea of what was shot down last week. This is another example of government incompetence.

A big surprise about the status of John Fetterman.

And California seems to want to foster crime. God, I need to get out of this state.



Here’s the news:

  • Apparently the United States shot down a $16 balloon from a hobby shop.
    • This is coming from Aviation Week.
    • The Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade’s (NIBBB) silver-coated, party-style “pico balloon” reported its last position on Feb. 10 at nearly 40,000 ft. off the west coast of Alaska.
    • Small pico balloons range between $12 and $180 and are naturally buoyant above 43,000 ft. These objects carry an 11-gram tracker, with HF and VHF/UHG antennas to update their positions around the world, according to Aviation Week.
    • Here’s the thing, one of the missiles might have missed, requiring two missiles to take down this balloon.
    • The missiles used are Sidewinder missiles which cost $400,000 a piece. Complete incompetence.
  • A coalition of 24 states filed a federal lawsuit against the Biden administration Thursday, arguing a recent environmental regulation is unlawful and would harm their residents.
    • The states — led by West Virginia, Georgia, Iowa and North Dakota — said in the lawsuit that the so-called Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule unveiled in late December is an attack on their sovereign authority regulating bodies of water and surrounding land.
    • The lawsuit named the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the two agencies that signed off on the rule, as defendants in the case.
  • John Fetterman has checked himself into Walter Reed Military Medical Hospital for clinical depression.
    • He had a stroke last year but they ran him for the Senate anyway.
    • Not a shock. Instead of recovering, he was campaigning.
    • Fetterman was hospitalized last week after feeling dizzy but it was determined he did not have any issues.
    • He has been living alone in Washington DC since he became Senator.
    • There is talk that Fetterman’s wife, Giselle, will be appointed to take over. If this happens, it just shows she’s a garbage human being.
  • In sad news:
    • Bruce Willis, who retired because he was diagnosed with aphasia, had his diagnose updated. He is now suffering from dementia. He is only 67.
    • Former MLB catcher and Hall of Famer, Tim McCarver, has died. He was 81.



Another Great Idea from California

California just continues to show it is the crappiest state in the country. They are proud of it.

According to Red State:

In an effort to make the state’s education system even dumber, California legislators are considering legislation that would bar schools from suspending students who defy teachers or disrupt class. It is yet another foolhardy endeavor taken on by so-called progressives who think it will help to promote “equity” or some other nonsense.

That’s right. They’re doing this because everything is racist!


The Epoch Times reported:

Senate Bill 274, introduced by Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), said such suspensions lead to students dropping out and exacerbate learning loss at a time when many are still behind due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Skinner also said such suspensions disproportionately affect Black male students, citing a 2018 study that reported they are three times more likely to be suspended for willful defiance than the statewide average.

“SB 274 is based on a simple premise: students belong in school,” Skinner said in a Feb. 1 press release. “Instead of kicking them out of school, we owe it to students to figure out what’s causing them to act out and help them fix it.”

If passed, the bill would permanently ban willful defiance suspensions from elementary through middle school by the fall of 2024. It would also prohibit suspensions for tardiness or truancy.

So let me get this straight:

  • If you riot, that’s OK.
  • If you steal, that’s OK.
  • If you rape, that’s OK.
  • If you molest a child, that’s OK.
  • If you crap in the middle of the street, that’s OK.
  • If you shoot up drugs in a park, that’s OK.
  • If you sleep in a tent in front of someone’s house or business, that’s OK.

It seems to me, California, instead of preventing bad behavior, is expanding it and teaching it. Why? Because these people, people of color, can’t control themselves. In other words, the bigotry of low expectations. California continues to promote laws that allow racism, sexism, appropriation, child sex abuse and crime.

Oh, yeah, and they want to tax you for it.

By the way, the state’s population dropped by 500,000 between 2020 and 2022. I wonder why?




They are re-releasing Barney the Dinosaur and giving him an update. If you don’t know who Barney the Dinosaur is, he is that annoying purple dinosaur that used to be a live action kids show. It was a really annoying show. We can now add creepy to it now that we know they guy who used to wear the costume is now a sex coach.

Anyway, Josh Silverman, who is an executive for Mattel toys said:

“We will tap into the nostalgia of the generations who grew up with Barney, now parents themselves, and introduce the iconic purple dinosaur to a new generation of kids and families around the world across content, products, and experiences.”

So, Mattel is hoping that people today who saw Barney in the past will suddenly feel warmth in the hearts and suddenly watch the new show or force their kids to watch it. What Mattel doesn’t know is kids stopped watching that show the second they turned 7 years old because the show was stupid.

The new show will be shown on YouTube, television and even movies. They plan to release toys, books and clothing including for adults and children.

They released a preview of the new animated Barney. People say he looks creepy. I think it just looks like a more fleshed out Barney.

Good luck to them.



You Don’t Say

Just read the article from the link below. This is truly disturbing and one has to wonder what the NCAA is actually supporting.




This is a teacher who wants to teach children about the beauty of communism by “equitably” splitting up the kid’s lunches. Let be just tell you, this is a terrible human being and should be fired.

This broad should be fired. This is nothing more than common theft. Shows you a lot about what communism is about.


Episode 674 – Her Name IS Nikki!

Matt Gaetz wants to say the Pledge of Allegiance and the hosts of The View are flipping out.

M&Ms are back.

And another candidate joins the Republican race and the Leftist media is flipping out.



Here’s some news:

  • Dianne Feinstein has released a press statement saying she would not run for re-election.
    • She’s 89 years old. It’s about time.
    • She doesn’t look well. She looks old.
    • She did complain that she didn’t know where this was coming from. Chances are, the release was given to the media early.
    • Even though she had some corruption issues and her driver of twenty years was a Chinese spy, I actually liked her. She really was independent.
  • Mars Corp, the makers of M&Ms, decided to get rid of the cartoon candies because they decided to go woke. Go woke, go broke.
    • About two weeks ago, they decided to go feminist and have the girl M&Ms in a pack. That didn’t work out.
    • Then they released a press statement they were getting rid of the cartoon M&Ms and their new spokesman would be Maya Rudolph.
    • Maya Rudolph did an add in the Super Bowl and it was…really bad. Mars Corp probably knew is was going to be bad.
    • Right after the Super Bowl, the M&Ms candy made a big announcement:

There you go.

In the last bit of news, the hottest women in movie history has passed away Rachel Welch dies at the age of 82. She was truly hot, even in her 60s and 70s. We’ve lost an icon. Rest in peace.




Matt Gaetz decided to make a splash in Congress by forcing the the House Judiciary Committee to say the Pledge of Allegiance. All the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee voted against this. I will say this, I understand why they weren’t interested. It’s because they say the Pledge of Allegiance every day when the convene for business in Congress.

Jerry Nadler pointed this pout when he voted against the subject. It’s not that he doesn’t want to say it but he doesn’t want to say it over and over again. I have to tell you, I think he’s got a point. This sounds like a lot of theater by Gaetz and I think stunts like these are he reason Congress is broken.

Anyway, the morons on The View decided to go off on Matt Gaetz and the Pledge of Allegiance.

This is Whoopi going on a rant about Fox News. Apparently, Greg Gutfeld said something about the ladies of The View over the Pledge of Allegiance thing. She went off:

Some things:

  • I just want to point out that Fox News did a bad thing by supporting Gaetz. I am not defending Fox on this.
  • Fox News also always talk about the hens on The View because they say such stupid things on a daily basis.
  • As far as Fox News not liking The View, who cares. No one is telling anybody to get rid of The View. No one stopping these broads from talking. Hell, Whoopie has said some anti-Sematic things and she’s still on the show.
  • The reason Fox plays their crap is because they say such stupid things. They are the soul of Leftism.

Now, let me play something that you will rarely hear, that’s Whoopi being right.

Some things:

  • What Gaetz did was theater. Worthless and a waste of time.
  • What Democrats could have done, though, is voted to say the Pledge of Allegiance and moved on, rolling their eyes at the whole spectacle. They didn’t and they looked bad.
  • Is it really that difficult to stand and spend 20 seconds saying the Pledge?

Some people say Joy Behar is the dumbest one on The View, but I would argue it is Sunny Hostin. She says stupid crap all the time. Here she is saying no one should say the Pledge of Allegiance because the

Some things:

  • There is not one country in the world that doesn’t think the United States is exceptional. Ask the 150,000 people who illegally cross the border a month.
    • We’ve invented flight.
    • We’ve invented the car.
    • We’ve invented the manufacturing line.
    • We’ve invented the telephone.
    • We’ve invented the computer.
    • We’ve invented television.
    • We’ve invented the ability to harness nuclear energy.
    • We’ve landed on the moon.
    • We’ve sent ships to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
    • We’ve invented the Internet.
    • We’ve invented the smart phone.
    • We’ve invented the electric vehicle.
    • I think we’re pretty exceptional.
  • Her saying that she learned about the Pledge of Allegiance at an African American history class in college? Yeah that should say enough about our college system.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance is for people who love and pledge to love and protect this country. If these people don’t want to be in this country, they are free to leave and go to another country that is much better than this one. If they can find it.



Anyone Conservative is Worse Than Hitler

Yesterday, Nikki Haley, who was the governor of South Carolina and the United States Ambassador to the United Nations, has put her hat into the Republican Primary race for President.

Here’s her announcement:

OK, not bad. She checks all my boxes. Conservative. Concerned about the issues I’m concerned about. Tough. She is tough.

Couple of things I don’t like. She doesn’t always go through with what I think she should have. The fell for the BS that was George Floyd and Bubba Wallace. And I don’t think she has a chance to win. 1

I think she’s a good candidate and thought she would run eventually. I don’t think she has a chance against Trump or DeSantis and I wish she wouldn’t run because I think she’ll take votes from DeSantis and he’s the one I want to be President.

I don’t think she’s a serious candidate. But, with the media attacking her so, I have a feeling they are really afraid of her.

Again, The View hosts went off on her. Two of them actually liked Nikki Halley on the show, which was a surprise. Of course, Leftist Sunny Hostin decides to drop the race card again:


Here is Whoopi just being dumb. You’d think she would know what she is talking about before she got on stage. Here she is:

Jeez! Tim Scott is black and Rick Scott is white. Maybe she should know what she’s talking about before opening her mouth.

But the big prize for dolt of the year when it comes to Nikki Haley is Don Lemon of CNN. This is such an amazing thing to say. His ratings are bad enough, but saying things like this just makes me believe he’s looking to get fired.

Yesterday, Nikki Haley called for laws requiring term limits for everybody and competency tests for anyone in government over the age of 75. And he says the most asinine thing I have heard in a while.

This is straight sexism. His co-hosts are appalled by what he said. I also want to point out Kamala Harris, who he loves is 58.

The reality is 51 is a pretty prime age for politicians.






Episode 673 – OK, Got Tricked! Great Commercial!

Some more bad news for the Biden administration concerning the economy, but they keep celebrating.

Terrorism strikes New York and Michigan.

And I don’t want to hear about climate change anymore with what’s going on in Ohio.



Here’s some news:

  • Inflation is up beyond expectations to 6.4%.
  • A gunman opened fire inside an academic hall on Michigan State University’s campus on Monday evening, leaving three people dead and five others wounded, according to police.
    • The suspect was later found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound off of MSU’s campus, Deputy Chief Chris Rozman said shortly after midnight.
  • A man driving a U-Haul truck in New York City was taken into custody on Monday after allegedly mowing down multiple people with the vehicle.
    • The driver committed this at three different locations and then fled.
    • He admitted this was done on purpose.
    • 8 people were injured, 2 critically.
  • Ten days ago, a train in East Palestine, Ohio derailed. On it was a load of dangerous chemicals.
    • Those chemicals include:
      • The big on is vinyl chloride.
        • This causes carcinogen linked to a rare form of liver cancer called hepatic angiosarcoma, as well as lymphoma, leukemia, and various forms of brain and lung cancers.
        • In order to fix this one, they just decided to set it on fire. Yeah, it exploded, creating a huge mushroom cloud.
      • One train car containing ethylene glycol monobutyl ether.
        • This one causes ingestion or skin contact can cause headache, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.
        • They don’t have a status on this one.
      • A second car was carrying isobutylene.
        • This is a flammable gas that can induce “dizziness, drowsiness, and unconsciousness” when moderate concentrations are inhaled.
        • They think tis car has not been damaged.
      • A third train car was transporting ethylhexyl acrylate.
        • Another carcinogen and combustible.
        • They don’t know what’s happening with this one.
    • The Norfolk Southern Railroad is responsible for this mess. So is the U.S. government. Afterall, The Department of Transportation is responsible for this. What does the Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttggig have to say about this:

Feeling the pressure, he finally made a statement on Twitter:

The media never mentioned the disaster in Ohio. The disaster he should be concerned about! The cause pertains to his job!

    • This is being seen as the worst ecological disaster in United States history. It’s being compared to Chernobyl.
      • There is a two mile evacuation perimeter.
      • Air quality and water quality is being monitored.
      • The EPA says everything is fine. But the people say something different.
        • They say there is a really bad smell in the air.
        • They are complaining about having issues breathing.
        • They are having headaches.
        • Fish are dying in the rivers.
    • I wonder if we will be curious why everyone has cancer in Ohio in three years.
    • By the way, the Ohio River is one of the longest in the United States and provides water for the most of the Midwest.

So let’s get to this because I think you know where I am going. That’s right : Conspiracy Theory!

Here’s the problem I have. The media is hiding this (that includes Fox News, except for Tucker). I saw this on Twitter and had to confirm this was happening. This is a huge issue and no one is covering it. The government isn’t talking about this. No one is talking about this.

All this breeds conspiracy theories. So, let’s bring it up.

Here we go with the conspiracy theories:

  • That was the first of three train derailments in the last 10 days. All dealt with chemicals. Are this related?
  • Tucker Carlson pointed out that there is a glitch in the electrical system of the track switching system.
    • Did that have something to do with the last three derailments?
    • Why are trains carrying chemicals suddenly derailing?
  • Why do this?
    • Maybe to control the water supply?
    • Maybe to control the food supply?
    • Maybe to control the population?
    • Let’s not forget the opioid crisis started in that area and no one has dealt with it.
  • Is the whole UFO thing the reason none of the news media is covering this?

Do I believe this stuff? I wouldn’t if Klaus Schwab, John Kerry and Bill Gates weren’t talking about this all the time. I wouldn’t believe it if the government and media were addressing it.

They’re not, so I think it’s a possibility.



I Got Fooled

The greatest commercial on Super Bowl Sunday happened. It took me a day to get it.

Read the link below.




Here is Sunny Hostin from The View, talking about the great milestone of the Super Bowl. It is something that was hardly noticed but must be celebrated. She also has some advice for the NFL.

What an idiot.

The Super Bowl has had black quarterbacks before. Patrick Mahomes (who s half white) won a Super Bowl a couple of years. Russel Williams won a Super Bowl a few years ago. Doug Williams was the first that has won the Super Bowl. If this idiot thinks the NFL (a league that is 75% black) will only put white quarterbacks on their teams, she’s stupid. If the best quarterback on the team is black, they will him in.

I also find it rather racist that she is just finding out blacks are smart enough to play quarterback. Whoopie tried to dig her out of that a little.

Finally, the NFL needs to get a black owner? How does that work? If a black man wants to own a football team, go buy one. Call Oprah, she can afford it.

Here is Karin Jean Pierre being incompetent when asked about why the United States shot down a UFO over Canadian territory:

Who needs a Presidential Press Secretary that can speak. Canadia, jeez!

But she wasn’t done. Here she is mocking people who are talking about aliens.

First thing we do know, there are aliens. Mike Pompeo said there are aliens and now the Biden administration is saying there are no aliens. If the Biden administration said it was going to be sunny out, I’d get an umbrella.

This lack of transparency is what causes conspiracy theories like aliens. Why don’t they just tell us what the damns things are instead of telling us what they aren’t.









Episode 672 – There’s More Truth Out There?

The truth is out there. It probably involves the Chinese.

Disney continues to woke even though they continue to go broke.

And let’s talk about the Super Bowl.



Here is some news:

  • There are some real question for Joe Biden. Apparently, he took out a $250,000 line of credit against his summer house in Delaware.
    • This happened last year.
    • It is coinciding with when Hunter became investigated for tax evasion.
    • President Biden has no comments on it.
  • It’s go woke of go broke for Disney. Well they are going broke. They are planning to lay off 7000 employees.
    • When they release videos on Disney+ like the one below, is this a shock?

  • Finally, the Kansas City Chiefs defeat the Philadelphia Eagles in Super Bowl LVII on a last minute field goal, 38-35.
    • There was controversy, of course:
      • Some Mickey Mouse group decided to protest the Chiefs name. Of course, no one, especially in Kansas City, cares.
      • The NFL decided to play the black national anthem before they played the American National Anthem. Here’s a secret, there’s no black national anthem. No national anthem is based on race. It’s based on…wait for it…nation.
      • There was call on the field that led to the go ahead field goal. It was a pass interference call. It was a soft call. I wouldn’t have thrown a flag, but that’s the game. So I don’t care too much about the whining.
    • The halftime show with Rhianna was alright. It wasn’t great but she didn’t worship Satan or rip her short off or anything.






Here’s Kamala, taking about electric school buses again. Gosh, I have never seen anyone wo loves buses more than this broad:

She loves those buses. And Venn diagrams.

I have another one.

Last week, the House Oversight Committee was interviewing former Twitter employees testified about the government’s involvement in censorship at Twitter. It would have been very enlightening if it weren’t so obvious that it was happening.

AOC had an opinion

There are two things about this little rant




The Truth is Out There

It’s been a couple of weeks since that Chinese spy balloon was shot down. It’s like the conspiracy theory of Elvis still being alive. Now, we are seeing UFOs everywhere.

Joe Biden, who got a lot of crap

  • New details emerged over the weekend about the unidentified object that the U.S. military shot down on Friday several miles off the coast of Alaska.
    • The new information comes after the U.S. military shot down an object with a “cylindrical shape” that was about the size of a small car, according to U.S. officials.
    • The object did not appear to have any “observable surveillance equipment.”
    • This one shut down the air space for a bit.
    • The object was shot down by a couple of F-35s.
  • NORAD detected what it called a “radar anomaly,” leading to a temporary flight restriction over the central part of Montana on Saturday night.
  • In the most recent development, a U.S. F-16 fighter jet shot down a UFO over Lake Huron on Sunday, according to officials.
    • The DOD statement said the object was detected Sunday morning and its altitude raised concerns, “including that it could be a hazard to civilian aviation.”
    • This balloon shut down the air space for five minutes.
  • China wanted to get in the act.
    • In a statement, they said: “Local maritime authorities in East China’s Shandong Province announced on Sunday that they had spotted an unidentified flying object in waters near the coastal city of Rizhao in the province and were preparing to shoot it down, reminding fishermen to be safe via messages.”
    • There was no word whether or not they shot anything down.




