The International Stage is on Fire

A civil war is brewing in Mexico between the Mexican government and the Sinola drug cartel. And the violence is insane. Syria is becoming a mess and I have had a little time to figure out what is going on. What a mess. I can see why we are pulling out. But I can also understand why we should stay in.

With the world in such a mess, all our politicians are doing is whining about impeaching the bad orange man. There is so much going on with the two conflicts, I am going to talk about the trouble is Mexico first. It’s a lot less complicated.


Big Trouble in Mexico

With Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán convicted of various crime while the boss of the Sinaloa drug cartel in Mexico and him serving life at ADX Florence federal prison, the worst and most isolated prison arguably in the world, you’d think that life in Mexico would have gotten a little quieter. You would be wrong.

Guzman’s son, Ovidio Guzman, along with his brother, has taken over the organization and is, apparently, just as sought after as his father. When the police found him, they arrested him and released an unredacted mug shot of him.

Doesn’t he look like a delight? I’m guess his brother, Ivan Archivaldo Guzman Salazar and co-leader of the cartel, did not appreciate the police arresting his brother. He sent out the most vicious cartel soldiers with the orders to harm the family members of the soldiers and police who were responsible for the arrest of the drug kingpin. Take a look.

These guys came at government forces with automatic weapons, 50 caliber anti-aircraft guns and 50 caliber sniper rifles. The police force was outgunned. Civilians were forced indoors, no matter where they happen to be and were stranded for hours. In order to stave off the violence, the police force let Guzman go.

If anyone thought, on the left, that Mexico was filled with those innocents that were looking for a better life, this is why we cannot just allow any Tom, Dick and Harry into this country. Mexico is considered to be the most violent country in the world. Worse than Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. They had 66,000 murders last, twice what the United States had. It is a country filled with criminals.

Their criminal reach already extends into the United States. Sinaola and Nayarit, are directly responsible, through illegal immigration, for the black tar heroin, fentanyl and, now, meth epidemic in the United States. Though Perdue Pharma really was the big boy in starting the epidemic, illegal aliens sent here by the drug cartels exasperated the problem by offering black tar heroin at a much more affordable price.

We can’t depend on the Mexican government or Mexican military, most of whom are on the payroll of the cartels. The corruption in the Mexican government is incredible. Would something like that ever happen in the United States? I wonder, after something like this, the left still thinks we are the crappiest country in the world?  Probably. Because nobody reported on this. It doesn’t go along with their narrative. Instead everyone bitches about Syria. That’s because Trump did something unpopular and that goes with the media’s narrative.

Mexico is not our friend. They don’t care about us. We need to protect ourselves. We need to improve border security including a big, beautiful border wall, better technology and laws that send someone crossing illegally right back without the due process they don’t deserve. Due process is a legal definition that all citizens and residents are entitled to. An illegal alien is not entitled to due process because they broke our laws and are not residents. They are not legal residents or citizens. They have not proven they deserve to be here. They have not proven they will give our country anything and I don’t think it’s a heavy assumption they will take through our government programs. Illegal aliens are costing the United States between $140 to $200 billion a year. And that’s just what we know of.

Remember when Trump called some country, either Haiti or Nigeria or Somalia a “shithole” country? That’s because Haiti, Nigeria and Somalia are “shithole” countries. Need proof of that (besides the statistics that prove it)? Haitians, Nigerians and Somalis want to come to this country. Here’s a news flash for the left: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are “shithole” countries. Need proof of that (besides the statistics that prove it)? Because Mexicans, Guatemalans, Hondurans and El Salvadorans want to come to this country. Non of the last four countries qualifies for asylum. Let’s kill that stupid argument right off the bat.

This is the greatest country in human history. The greatest civilization ever conceived. We need to protect it.

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