The alt-Left group, Antifa, and the alt-Right group, the Proud Boys clash in Portland this weekend. And, as usual, the innocent are the ones that get hurt. Conservative journalist, Andy Ngo, was assaulted and hospitalized when he was reporting from the protest. Three Antifa rioters were arrested.

Andy Ngo
The Proud Boys are an alt-Right racist group. Their founder, Gavin McInnes, is a well known racist and fascist. There is no question that this group is bad and should be rejected by civilized society. They are a terrible group. The media pushes this image of the groups and they should.
But Antifa is a different story. For some reason, the news media refuses to condemn this violent group that has done nothing but disrupt daily life and assault those they do not agree with while pushing to try to overturn the United States government. Most of Antifa hold the same basic beliefs: the United States a a racist, sexist and unfair government that needs to be shut down. People who say things they do not agree with must be shut down at any cost, including through violence if necessary. What is ironic is that, though they accuse everyone else of racist,including blacks like Candace Owens, most members are twenty-something white people.
So, why does the media defend them? Let’s listen to dumbass Don Lemon give a stupid reason to defend Antifa:
This stupidity is exactly what CNN has been peddling. Chris Cuomo said the same thing. Well, Antifa is a hate group, terror organization and promotes fascism. But I think we need to know what fascism is and how it compares to communism and socialism. Are Trump, his supporters and conservatives really fascists?
Political vs. Economic System
One thing I want to go over is the difference between a political system and an economic system. A political system is how a government is run. Our government is a democratic republic. That mean we have the ability to vote for representatives in the House, Senate and for President (that’s the democracy part) and those representatives create and vote on laws (that’s the republic part). Contrary to popular belief we are not a pure democracy. Our economic system is capitalism. Capitalism is basically a free market of lightly regulated economy. So we are a democratic republic with a capitalist economy.
So why do I bring this up? For two reasons. First, because all my definitions define each of these as an economic and political system. That’s just not true. When we talk about Hitler and refer to him as a fascist, that does not mean he ran a fascist government (i’m not sure there is such a thing as a fascist political system). Nazi Germany was a dictatorship with a fascist economic system. It’s important to see the difference. The next reason is because it will clarify terms that are being thrown around like “democratic socialist”. Basically, a democratic socialist believes that the government should have a democratic political system, where people vote, and a socialist economic system, where the government controls the means of production and all business.
Fascism defined fascism as, “Fascism is a way of ruling that advocates total control of the people.” Fascist governments believe in the collective over the individual and are typically dictatorships. Speech is suppressed, they are typically atheist and are militaristic. Those that do not fall in line face imprisonment or worse. What is different about fascist governments from socialist governments is that the economics system still remains private but heavily regulated. Also, race may or may not be a factor. Germany was a fascist country that was heavily racist but Italy did not persecute other races or religions until after it had allied with the Nazis.
It was mistakenly believed that Nazi Germany was the first fascist. Government. But that’s just not true. Germany was a socialist country that became fascist. Italy was the first fascist country under dictator Benito Mussolini. In his book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, Dinesh D’Souza describe Mussolini as “half-assed” when it came to implementing a socialist system. Mussolini was a socialist but thought that nationalizing business in Italy would be way too hard to do and way too unpopular to stay in power. So he decided just to allow businesses to be privately run and just placed heavy regulation.
Hitler was a socialist. He wanted to nationalize business so they were all government run. But he saw how well the fascist regime in Italy was doing and decided to do the same thing. The United States under Franklin D. Roosevelt also leaned toward fascism. One of the agencies established by the New Deal was the National Recovery Administration (NRA). The goal if this was to eliminate the “vicious” competition of capitalism. It was suppose to set codes of “fair practices” (regulations) and set prices. Companies that abide by the regulations and set prices were made a member of the NRA and could put a sticker in their windows. Businesses that were members of the NRA were sponsored by the government and citizens were suppose to be encouraged to frequent those businesses. This is a prime example of a fascist policy. The U.S. Supreme Court thought so to. They unanimously found to be unconstitutional in 1935 because the declared the government infringed on the separation of powers.
In conclusion, fascism is an economic system that allows for private industry that is heavily regulated by the government.
Socialism defines socialism as, “any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property.” Essentially, socialism does away with private business and the concept of the individual. The collective or the community is what owns and controls business (whatever that means).
Essentially, all business is controlled by the government as a proxy to the people. In a true socialist economy (impossible), money is collected from the businesses run by the central government and then being redistributed in the form of money and services. No one in a socialist economy is, theoretically, above anyone else (we know that’s not true). There are only a few truly socialist economies in the world and they are not healthy. Cuba, Venezuela and North Korea are the main examples that come to mind. And we see just how terrible those places are.
Socialism is a great idea on paper but can never work. Why? Because of people. Human beings aren’t robots. People are competitive animals that want to be rewarded when they succeed. Socialism takes the competition away. That’s socialist economies do not innovate. They create nothing and what they do create is trash. Look at the disaster that was the Soviet Union. The economy, even with all the resources it had, was not much richer than Italy. That’s why the United States was able to choke them out and force their collapse. The Nordic countries that lefties point to as socialist models are actually not socialist. Countries like Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands are actually free markets with distributive (socialist) policies. But even those countries are beginning to feel the bite of the nanny state and are dialing back on re-distribution. China, which for the longest time was a socialist economy when Mao took over, has started embracing private industry since the 70’s and 80’s. Private companies open factories their and sell to the Chinese. You can find a McDonald’s, a KFC, Taco Bell and other United States businesses operating in China. The remaining socialist’s policies still make the country far weaker economically than the United States.
In conclusion, socialism is an economic system where the means of production and business is controlled by the government. The government controls distribution of wealth, market prices and production.
Communism defined communism as, “a political and economic system in which the major productive resources in a society—such as mines, factories, and farms—are owned by the public or the state, and wealth is divided among citizens equally or according to individual need.” Sounds familiar, right? When some asks the difference between communism and socialism, the common answer is a firing squad. And that’s what it is.
Communism is a totalitarian government. People own nothing and any property, from land to a bike is property of the government and can be taken for whatever reason. Those that resist in any way including talking bad about the government, religion or even reading the wrong book can lead to arrest, imprisonment, torture or worse. The citizens are not seen as people but as commodities that can be assigned tasks which must be completed. If those tasks are not completed as expected, you can be sure a punishment is on the horizon.
In conclusion, communism is a political and economic system that in totalitarian in nature. The government controls all production and can seize, forcibly if necessary, all property for the good of the state.
So What’s This Got to Do With Antifa?
Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin did not do it alone. That had a strong, violent force. Hitler had the Brown Shirts. Mussolini had the Black Shirts. Stalin had the NKVD. These secret and personal police worked outside the local police and the army. They were the strong arms of these tyrants. These people would imprison, torture and kill any dissenters, whether they were guilty or not. They would break up any protests with extreme violence.
The left has the same force: Antifa. And it’s in the guise of being an anti-fascist group. Well, it’s not. The discourage debate. They shout down opposition. And they are militant and violent. They are the left’s Black Shirts. They are the left’s Brown Shirts. The are the left’s NKVD. And they are being encouraged to continue. In Seattle and Portland, Antifa is not restrained in any way for fear police intervention will increase tensions and violence. Well, let’s look at what happened to Andy Ngo and ask ourselves if police would have made things worse.
But we continually see this. At UC Berkeley, Antifa disrupted a speech by Milo Yiannopoulos. The police were told to stand down and Antifa did a $1 million in damage. And as usual, the media throw half-hearted condemnation and then, in the same sentence, justify the violence as a counter to “hate speech”. Listen to another video by Fleccas talking to a bunch of Antifa and you’ll get an idea of the thought process of these people.
Not only do these people want to shut down speech and thought and want to eliminate opposing idea through violence, the cease to be a group that protests. They are now a fascist hate group trying to control their opponents through fear.
So, Is Trump a Nazi or Fascist?
Nope. He’s not.
He can’t be a fascist because he’s a capitalist. He doesn’t control the media (Obama did). They can say whatever they want and they do. He doesn’t regulate business. In fact, he’s cut regulation and government interference in business (democrats increased regulation). He doesn’t jail his foes (Obama did).
Is Trump a Nazi? Well, Nazis were socialists that became fascists. So no for the same reasons as above.
This is a bigger problem. It means that the political left and the moderate right is growing farther apart. This means less discourse. Less reason. We are now talking about open boarders, medicare for illegal aliens, socialism, gun confiscation, the destruction of religion, the addition of infinite pronouns and abortion to the moment of birth and beyond. Donald Trump is only going to be President for another six years but this fight is going to be here for much longer. And we need to hold our ground. Because we are on the right side.
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