Episode 152 Show Notes – Time to See the Light and Identify the Dark

If someone could figure out how to hold a sporting event, that league would make billions right now. Guess what? All of the major sports are thinking the same thing.

President Trump and Nikki Haley blast China, as they should and the World Health Organization might be taking it in the butt because of it.

And why is the news agency protecting China?


Even a Virus Can’t Hold Down Capitalism

The country is getting antsy. People want to go to the mall, go to a restaurant to eat, go to the beach, go to work, be able to buy toilet paper and stop wearing those stifling masks.

But what they really want is to be able to watch a baseball game, watch the basketball and hockey playoffs and watch big men beat the ever loving crap out of themselves.

Seems to me anyone who gives the public what they want is going to make a load of money.

Good news, our professional sports teams aren’t afraid of the Wuhan flu enough to stop their seasons.

Baseball is looking to allow for regular season games to all be played in Arizona.  There are ten ballparks in Arizona for spring training. The thought is to let the teams play in Arizona when the epidemic enters the safety stage. They released the statement:

The NBA is looking to have their playoffs in Las Vegas.

The NHL is looking to play the hockey playoffs in rinks in Idaho.

In the biggest surprise, the UFC’s Dana White says he is very close to holding UFC 249 on a private island in a secret location. He is so sure it’s going to happen that he is promoting the fight. It’s scheduled for April 18th.



The Real Blame for This Mess Goes to…





World Health Organization Bending the Knee to China

The World Health Organization is an embarrassment. They really screwed this thing up. Trump and his allies are pointing this out.

Now,understand this: I hate any organization that is globalist in nature. That includes the United Nations, NATO, the European Union and the WHO. These organizations are typically run by leaders from countries that have the moral decency strep throat, vote against the United States at every turn, blame the United States for everything but expect the United States to foot the bill for these awful organizations.

Hell, the United Nations building is on prime property in New York and we were the idiots that built. it. As far as I’m concerned, we should build a Starbucks and a Subway on that property and send the United Nations to Brazil. But I digress.

The World Health Organization screwed this up from the beginning. They believed China when China said that the virus was just the flu. We now know it isn’t.

They believed China when they said it could not be transmitted from person to person because China said it couldn’t be transferred that way. We now know that exactly how it was transferred.

They chastised the United States when we banned travel from China, then Asia, then Europe before we really knew anything about the virus. We now know this was the best thing Trump could have done and it helped slow the virus down.

They believed China when they gave their numbers of sick and dead and believed them when they said the epidemic was all but over. We are finding out that the total deaths in China are not just under 4000 but closer to 40,000.

As we get closer to leveling off this virus, the United States is going to look to crap on someone. The WHO is already in the sights of former UN ambassador, Nikki Haley. She said on Twitter:

And that is absolutely correct. It is not the United States or Trump that has caused all this suffering, death and economic collapse. It is China that released and lied about this beast and it was the World Health Organization that was peddling China’s propaganda.

President Trump also had something to say about China (what a shock). Now, you may notice he does not call the Wuhan flu the Chinese virus anymore. That was after a conversation he had with China’s President Xi. I don’t know what they talked about but it had an impact on Trump. We’ll probably find out later.

But he did have something to say. He Tweeted:

What a great question? Why did they give us such crappy information? But here’s a better question: why do we give them so much money?

The United States gives the World Health Organization between $400 to $500 million a year. And that’s the information we get?

You might be asking how much China gives the WHO. Would you be surprised that China only give them $2 million a year?

What the hell is going on?


We Just Ain’t Globalist Enough

The best way to get an idea is to listen to this interview with W.H.O. director, Bruce Aylward, being asked if Taiwan should be a member of the W.H.O. one thing to understand: Taiwan and Hong Kong are considered Chinese territories even though the are free states and have their own governments. Neither Honk Kong nor Taiwan are happy about this because of the oppression of the Chinese. Heck, Hong Kong has been fighting China for the last year.

Listen to this jerk-offs response (or lack there of).

That long pause wasn’t crappy editing by me. Aylward said he couldn’t hear the question. Then, when the reporter asked again, he said skip it and move on. When she asked again, he hung up on her.


But, in this next clip, we learn what Aylward thinks of China’s response to the Wuhan flu. Listen:





Have Some Fun

Here’s another parody song about COVID-19 from the YouTube channel of Mark O’Dea. It’s based off Under the Sea from The Little Mermaid. It’s short and sweet.
