About qezzit

Part of the Plan

OK, I have to make myself clear. I am not a conspiracy theorist. The opioid crisis is not a government conspiracy. It is a by product of bad policy on the border, a listless medical community that did not check facts, a corrupt pharmaceutical, corrupt doctors and a depressed population going through a struggling economy.

No Alex Jones here. As a matter of fact, This post has little to do with the opioid crisis because the government did not expect it and do not know how to fix it. We will talk about it because I do wonder why no one is doing anything about it. And this is where the Alex Jones within me will come out.

This is going to be another post about Brave New World, the novel written by Aldous Huxley in 1931. As we talked about last week, they way the government controls their people is by making sure they are constantly either working or in a state of pleasure. One of the ways they keep pleasure happy is through the drug Soma. This mythical drug fills the user with temporary pleasure, probably much like the drugs of today, but will leave the user unaffected when they come down from the high. That way they can work unimpeded.

This is the second parallel that really stands out from the book. Drugs in our society have been embraced and I don’t think that’s a good thing. I am probably the only libertarian in the world that does not believe in drug legalization and I have some personal and logical reasons why. I’m sure not everyone who reads this will agree with me.

So let’s talk about drugs!



For the past few decades, there has been a real push to legalize marijuana. I don’t go a day on Twitter without some democratic politician pushing for the legalization of marijuana. The push for legalization started out benign enough. There were a fringe group of stoners who wanted to drug legalized. Their simple reason was that the drug was safer than alcohol (it’s not) and alcohol is legal. I’ll get into that stupid argument later. But this push was never taken seriously. Most people did not see the drug as good and it never was really put on a ballot.

Then it became understood that marijuana did have medicinal purposes. And there are some good properties in marijuana that could serve a purpose. There are two main components of weed that are found to be good: THC and CBD. According to drugabuse.gov, THC can increase appetite and reduce nausea. This is one of the reasons cancer patients will use nausea during treatment. It also decreases pain, swelling and redness and will deal with muscle control problems. CBD is a cannabinoid that will not give someone that high people are aware of. It has been known to control epileptic seizures and treating mental illness and addiction. Scientists are studying the effects of the hundred different cannbinoids that are within marijuana and there is a lot of promise for diseases like cancer and HIV/AIDS. Cannbinoids are produced by the brain. The high that an individual has after a hard workout is the release of endorphins and cannibinoids.

So as marijuana became more accepted as a medicine and legalized for medicinal purposes within some states, shops began popping up. All a person needed to do was be seen by a doctor who would then give that person a medical marijuana card. Here’s where thing: you didn’t need to have cancer or AIDS to get a medical marijuana card. Most doctors at the time would not support the distribution of medical marijuana because it is still illegal federally and not all the studies were in proving its benefits. So the shops would hire their own doctor. He/she would give a quick exam, hear the complaint and, without doubt, give a card. People who had anxiety, sore muscles and joints, loss of creativity and insomnia could get a card. I’m pretty sure those are not the types of illnesses or diseases the states with thinking about when legalizing medical marijuana.

But this did something to our society. It brought pot out of the closet and into the light. Getting caught with pot did not mean an arrest or even a ticket. It started becoming more accepted and easier to get. Even drug dealers had problems competing with the medical marijuana industry. Slowly but surely, pot was becoming mainstream and users were beginning to become vocal about legalization.


The Arguments

The pro-legalization lobby have a lot of arguments. This is from ProCon.org.

  • The first is that pot is safer than alcohol or tobacco and has a lot of benefits for the user.
  • Legalizing would give the government a better way to regulate it and make the quality safer.
  • Pot can be taxed bring billions of dollars for government programs.
  • Pot is far less addictive than other drugs and is not a gateway drug to other, more dangerous drugs.
  • It will lead to less teenage use.
  • DUI arrests may actually lower.
  • Marijuana enforcement is racist because it impacts minorities more than white neighborhoods.
  • Crime will go down.
  • A majority of Americans support legalization

Everyone of these is garbage. So let me go over these:

  • Pot is not safer than either. In fact, there are studies say the opposite. It is bad for those who have not had their prefrontal cortex developed (kids) and there are studies that show that mental function can be impaired and can actually lower IQ points. While smoking, actually burns hotter than cigarettes meaning it has just as much chance of causing cancer.
  • Pot is not safer, it has gotten stronger. New studies have found that the hybrid that is today’s pot can have up to 70% THC. Studies say the see a correlation between smoking pot and depression, loss of memory and even some psychological problems.
  • Pot can indeed bring in billions of dollars but at what cost? Other things that come with pot legalization including unemployment, health problems, homelessness, addiction and other metal disabilities. Seems those billions collected might be going to those problems.
  • Pot is far less addictive than other drugs including alcohol. That’s just not true. Pot addiction is definitely real and it is a gateway drug, meaning the user may try other harder drugs in the future. I have personal experience with this.
  • To say it will lead to less teenage use is just idiotic and makes no sense. Over 75% of student drink alcohol. They do because it’s legal and available. It’s unreasonable to believe that kids will smoke less when it is more available.
  • DUI arrests may actually lower is also a weird argument. Bot because it’s false but because we really don’t have a good way to measure if someone is driving under the influence of pot. Pot stays in one’s system a log longer than alcohol. So it is very common to get a positive test but not be sure if a casual user actually smoke that day.
  • Breaking the law is breaking the law, even if one is black. Saying that more of a race gets popped for weed and that’s racist is just an argument about shaming. Don’t fall for it.
  • As far as crime going down, sure it will. If we legalized murder, crime would go down lower. In San Francisco, they made breaking in cars a infraction. The culprit only gets a ticket. And, now, San Francisco says that their crime rate is down. This is just a lazy argument.
  • It’s true: a majority of Americans do support legalization. But that doesn’t make it right. A lot of Americans support free healthcare, that’s not going to be good. A lot of Americans support free college, that would be a disaster. Just because a lot of people are for something doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

I am going to throw three more reasons why pot should have been kept illegal.

The first is personal. My son died because of drugs. The drug he started with was marijuana. It wasn’t even alcohol. He then started getting into cocaine, the Oxycontin and, finally, heroin and meth. But it wasn’t just him who suffered. He hung out with a lot of friends who were suffering from the same disease. I don’t know what happened to them but, I know, I didn’t see any of them at his funeral. I wasn’t angry. I just wondered where they were now.

Something I am asked all the time is: You’re a Libertarian. Aren’t you suppose to be for drug legalization? As a Libertarian, we believe that if something does not impede on other people or society, it should be legal. Drug legalization does impede on other people and society as a whole. One who depends on drugs steals, lies, ruins families. I would say that is the very definition of affecting other people. Drug user typically have to get clean, have to deal with the police and the courts, have health problems they typically can’t pay for. They end up unemployed, maybe homeless, depending on social services to survive. That is the very definition of affecting society. I’m being more of a Libertarian by being against drug legalization than those that are for it.

Here’s a question for you. What’s going to happen when we realize we made a mistake and want to, I guess the term is, re-ban the drug? Well, cigarettes were never an option. Too many people smoke and the cigarette companies have a powerful lobby. Alcohol was banned through Prohibition. But the drug we call alcohol was to ingrained into our society. It was impossible to get rid of it. So much so, there is a Constitutional amendment that says they screwed up.

Finally, the worst possible scenario. The Colorado legislature has just passed the legalization of magic mushrooms. The link is below. That means we are now legalizing harder drugs. When id cocaine coming. How about heroin. How about meth. Yeah, mushrooms aren’t as bad as those drugs. But it is harder than pot. I know. I quit mushrooms because of the side effects. We need to stop this train before we legalize everything. And it’s going to be so hard to go back.


So, About Brave New World?

There are only three things that Brave New World needs from its citizens. Obey, enjoy and work. Obey and work is beat into the citizens from conception and birth…er…hatching. Pleasure is a tough one. Huxley came up with only two things that could keep people happy: sex and drugs.

Sex is awesome but drugs last longer.

Next time you’re on Twitter and you see some democrat screaming about legalizing drugs, ask them what good will it bring. They’ll never answer and some hippie will call you a Nazi (which makes no sense). Just remember this, the dumbing-down of America is necessary. It’s the only way to kill the reason that the left keeps pushing.

I was going to write about the opioid crisis but I decided that deserves its own podcast. But I will tell you one thing. This is the conspiracy thing. Why haven’t we solved this crisis yes? Why isn’t anything being done? Why haven’t we stopped drugs from crossing the border? And who is in charge for creating laws that will lock up the border, preventing opioids from coming into this country?

Think about it. See the 3-D picture.


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Life Imitating Art

I finished a book last week, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. The book was published in 1932. The book is about a stranger walking into a government-controlled “utopia”. That world is about the collective over the self. Life for the people is simple. There are no more births, all children are raised in test tubes and genetically engineered to the role they are going to play in life. Everything they see and hear is controlled, their careers are chosen for them and their social status is chosen. Materialism and pleasure is Moral “truths” are “conditioned” (indoctrinated) as the child grows into adulthood.

It is a sterile world. The people in this world have only three things to do: buy stuff, achieve pleasure in any way possible and work.

The parallels in the book are amazing. Basically it is our society prophesied one hundred years ago. Even the legalization of drugs today was foretold in the book. It is so amazing that I am going to write a separate post about it in the future.

But there are three stories I read this week that triggered (in a good way) this blog post. But I will need to discuss the book first so that I can put the articles I read into context and show the parallels.

In Brave New World, Huxley puts an emphasis on pleasure. The reason is because there is no satisfaction in this society. One’s roles and societal standing is defined before children were “hatched”. So the totalitarian government encourage rampant and unfettered sex between the citizens to keep them satisfied. A man will literally walk to a woman and ask for sex and he will get it. The government also mandated orgies twice a week. There were no true relationships and there were no limits.

Even children, who were taught that unrestricted sexual freedom was a good thing. Though pedophilia was not a thing in the book, the children learned about sex through games like “hunt-the-zipper”.

Perversion is accepted and encouraged. Morality has been redefined with no argument. Indoctrination of the children is the key.

California Does It Again

In 2015, the Healthy Youth Act (AB 329) by Assemblywoman Shirley Weber was introduced and passed into law. The law was meant to update the sex education program of the time to include education on HIV/AIDS and its prevention. The program was also meant to be voluntary.

But it has been expanded. And many don’t like it.

The curriculum includes books like:

The goal of the schools is, not only to teach children what sex is and the process the body goes through as we age, like what I learned in school, but how to actually have sex. These books are so graphic, their subject matter could not be shown on television.

Though these programs are suppose to be strictly voluntary. That seems more to be a guideline than a rule. The reading material is out there and the kids are socializing with each other so the information is spreading and normalizing. As Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council, says, “The state of California should not force moms and dads to chose between participating in public school and protecting their children’s innocence. No student needs to be exposed to this graphic and explicit material. It’s child abuse.”

This is disgusting coming from a state that is constantly opening its laws that counter traditional morality. Children do not need to know this before puberty especially for children before the fifth grade. Children don’t even realize there is a difference between between the genders at those ages. Let them be children. Let them keep their innocence. There just is no good reason or benefit.

Teaching the children to knowing all of the “different” genders is also ridiculous. Being a child is confusing enough. They do not need to be further confused by being taught there aren’t just boys and girls but there are boys and girls and sixty-two other sexes. But this also leads to a bigger problem. Gender dysphoria was a real disorder defined in the DSM-5 used by psychologists. Of course, because of political correctness, that term was removed, further proving that psychology is a soft science at best. This disorder states that some children go through gender confusion. The little boy will think he’s a little girl and will act that way. This can be serious enough to lead to depression for the child be he is not a she. Most children will grow out of the disorder. But there is a push today that this disorder is normal and the child is a natural transsexual. This is scary stuff because there are people out there that believe that children as young as three should start going through transition protocols. Those protocols would change them physically for the rest of their lives.

We normal, reasoning people should resist and fight the Leftist indoctrination the schools are throwing at our children. We should make sure we keep the communication paths open with our children and not be afraid to tell them when something is wrong or immoral. It is the only way we can save our children from buying into all this garbage.


But It Doesn’t End There

The website TheFederalist.com has a great article by Chad Felix Greene about how the LGBTQ community has been trying to recruit new members. It point to what Jerry Falwell said in 1981, “Please remember, homosexuals don’t reproduce! They recruit! And they are after my children and your children!” Though the LGBTQ community has always claimed they have been targets of harassment and abuse, evidence has shown there have been very little since 1992. Many on the Religious Right believe that acceptance is not their goal but to mainstream their preference in order to recruit more members into their community.

Nothing proves this theory more than the drag queen organization Drag Queen Story Hour. This is a group of men that dress in the most over-the-top drag costumes and makeup and will go to schools and libraries to read children’s books to the kids. Take a look at how this viewed on the show Amazing Humans:

The Federalist article points out that most drag queens who participate mean only to entertain the children. And since most children do not understand sexuality, they don’t see them as more than someone who is there to entertain them in a funny outfit. But there are bigger issues.

Drag queen entertainment is adult entertainment.It is sassy, edgy and, like the entertainers, very sexualized. The author points out that having a drag queen reading to children is not too different from having a porn star read to children. I have seen drag shows before and he is right. He also points out that drag queens may not be the positive that the LGBTQ community is looking for. Be drag queens a positive aspect of the LGBTQ or is it mocking the transgender group? That debate goes on within the community.

But Greene sums it up well in this paragraph:

When LGBT activists argue their goal is to introduce preschool-aged children to concepts of gender-fluidity and openly “queer” people, they are arguing for forcing leftist views about sexuality and gender on children. That, in many ways, is what the conservative opposition is truly about.

I completely agree. Again, indoctrinating children on something that they do not understand creates confusion for them. It also is wrong to teach children about something that is morally questionable if not altogether immoral. Listen, I don’t care what these people do. They can do whatever I want and all I’ll do is shake my head. But I don’t think it’s normal and I hate it when these people try to force their crap on our children. I think this is a perversion. When one inflicts a perversion on a child, that’s child abuse.


This Is What The Goal Is

It’s Pride Month (can’t wait for Lust and Gluttony Months) and there a several really weird videos being posted on Twitter. The posts are from Pride parades across the United States. The feature kids in drag (called drag kids) dancing rather luridly in the crowds. These kids can range from 6 to about 12 years of age.

One of the most famous drag kids is called Desmond Is Amazing. Yeah, that’s his stage name. No kidding.

This is sick. This is what all this indoctrination in the schools and media are pushing. Listen to how CNBC treats this obviously troubled kid. Listen to his mother talk about him. That kid has a problem and is being abused by his parents. This kid is allowed to go on a stage at a gay bar and was given $1 bills by the audience as he danced. Don’t believe me? Watch this:

WTF?! How is this not child exploitation? How is this video not child pornography? Where the hell are this kids parents?! How is this right? How is this moral? How is this not a perversion? And why are we not all absolutely outraged? Because this stuff is becoming more common and more acceptable.


You Didn’t Read the Book, So What’s Your Point?

Aldous Huxley wrote about totalitarianism, specifically, Communism. That’s what the Brave New World is about. His works and teachings inspired another author who absolutely hated Communism so much, his books couldn’t get published for fear of ticking off the Soviet Union. That author is George Orwell.

Huxley lays a blueprint for implementing for controlling people who are living in a highly technical, highly controlled society. One of the ways they control this society (and there are a few other I’m not going to write about) is through temporary pleasure, specifically sex. Remember: in this world, there is no love, no monogamy, no moral pathways, no hope. Heck, there is bi-weekly orgy session that are required by the government. Morality has been defined by a government motivated by power. And they want to keep it.

But how can people do something that feels so wrong to today’s society (or did)? You indoctrinate the children into that belief system through the education system (the California law). You show the children the perversion over and over again (the Drag Queen Story Hour story). And, in the end, the children will accept the narrative (the Desmond Is Amazing story).

When I say this stuff in dangerous, people in the past have predicted this already. Well, Aldous Huxley did. So did George Orwell. And Ray Bradbury.

Here’s the thing: acceptance of totalitarianism takes time. Reagan said we could lose and it can only take a generation. He may not be wrong.




CA Education Board Approves ‘Pornographic’ Sex Ed





“Tear Down That Wall”

The un-American American women’s soccer team played this week and were an embarrassment. Rep. Ben Crenshaw has to prove he is a patriot and he does so in an unusual way. Sarah Sanders, my favorite press secretary of all time, resigns. And it was the anniversary of one of the greatest speeches in American history.

It’s been an awesome news  weeks.


I Hope They Lose

I love soccer. I played for 18 years. So, when the FIFA World Cup comes around, I am transfixed for a month. Even if it’s the women that are playing. I love women’s soccer. It’s not as fast but it’s just as exciting.

The last men’s World Cup sucked because the U.S. team did not make it. That was disappointing but I watched anyway. Now the women are playing. U.S. Women’s soccer is far more successful. They have won the World Cup four times and are the defending champions. Contrary to what one might think, I am a little wary of rooting for them. And, after the first game against Thailand, I almost hope they lose. Though not to France. I hate France.

But I digress. You be asking why I’m not cheering for the U.S. women’s team? Well, there are three reasons.

The first is this team decided to file a lawsuit against the United States Soccer Federation. Their complaint says that the team is suffering from gender discrimination because they do not get paid as much as the men’s team does. This is a stupid lawsuit based on “woke” principles. And woke principles are twisted anyway.

There is a reason women’s sports, all of them, are payed less than the men’s sports. Men’s sports make more money. The men’s World Cup last year made $4 billion while the women’s World Cup made only $75 million. The women’s World Cup team, though the best in the women’s international competitions, could never compete against the men’s international team. Heck, they lost against a U15 team from Texas by the score of 5-2. There’s a reason there are no major professional sports leagues for women. They all fail because no one watches them. Yes, there is the WNBA, but that is being financed by the NBA and has been in the red since it started.

Men’s sports are just more exciting to watch. Men are stronger, faster and more aggressive. Women’s sports, not so much.

The second reason is because of woke-scold Megan Rapinoe. Apparently she hates Donald Trump so much she refused to stand for the National Anthem. Her coach told her, before the World Cup, that she needed to stand. So she made it clear that she would stand but she refused to put her hand on her chest and refused to sing the National Anthem. She was inspired by that other idiot, and now irrelevant, Colin Kaepernick. What’s really embarrassing is watching all the other countries, especially the crap-hole countries, all showing their countries respect and the players representing the best country in the world basically spit at it.

It’s disgusting. This is a woman who has played soccer her entire life and has the privilege to represent our country. She never needed a real job. Just play soccer, get paid and shut up.

I am disgusted that these young people think that one man represents a country. Donald Trump is not the United States. His presidency will be a blink of the eye in the history of the United States. When I hear the National Anthem, I think of the soldiers out there protecting us, I think of all the good we have done, I think of all the mistakes and injustices we have corrected. I think of the most powerful civilization and community that cares for those that aren’t part of our community. When a tidal waves hits Indonesia, who donated billions of dollars? When Mexico City has a huge earthquake that kills thousands, who donates billions of dollars. And I mean donates. People actually pulled money out of their wallets and give it. I’m not just talking about the government giving money. No other country does this.

This gal disgusts me. She should move to a country that she thinks is awesome and see how awesome other places really are. She definitely shouldn’t be representing the United States.

Finally, what the United States team did to Thailand on Tuesday was just tacky. I understand that goal differential is a thing, but 13 goals? Really? They needed to thoroughly embarrass a country that way? The Thai players were crying on the field. You think maybe the goal differential thing might have become a moot point after 9 goals? This is soccer, not basketball.

I’m disgusted with this team. I hope they lose. But they probably won’t.


A Metaphor

I love Twitter. There are always weird little wars between people. In this case, it is between a New York Times writer and Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R.-Texas).

Apparently, Wajahat Ali, an opinion writer for the New York Times posted this Tweet:

Well, there’s just a small problem with this Tweet: Rep. Crenshaw is the co-sponsor for the for the bill. And, as far as being less patriotic than Ilhan Omar… well, you see what he Tweeted back at the New York Times journalist:

That’s right! He posted his response correcting the false claim and sent Ali a picture of his skull proving that he is missing his eye. Crenshaw lost his eye in Afghanistan  when an improvised explosive device went off. He was a Navy SEAL and retired as a Lieutenant Commander. Ali deleted the Tweet when he was corrected. I bet he will never doubt the  patriotism of Dan Crenshaw again.

But this story is a little more than just a humorous anecdote. It is a metaphor for how the left and right debate. The left will make things up and try to convince the world that their lies are true. But the right has truth on its side. So we can’t lose. In the old days, the right would just go along with the crap and simply deny the story. Now, the right is beginning to attack. That’s why Trump is so popular. People call him a traitor, racist, sexist, bigot, misogynist, criminal and business failure. And he has no fear blasting his critics.

We should learn from this. We should stand our ground when it comes to standing for our beliefs. Someone sits there and tells me I have no right to be against abortion, I slam them with facts and the truth. When they start getting personal like this idiot from the New York Times, I know I’ve won and I will just dismiss him like the maggot he is.


My Favorite Press Secretary Resigns

Sarah Sanders is leaving a Press Secretary for the President. This makes me sad. She was an awesome Press Secretary. In fact, she was my all-time favorite. She had the most difficult job in the world. Dealing with an insanely aggressive and vicious press defending her unstable boss who says and Tweets the dumbest things on a daily basis.

I loved watching her speak. She’s a mixture of grace, intelligence and viciousness. All needed to be a great Press Secretary. Here are some of her best moments from the Daily Caller:

Gonna miss you Sarah!



On June 12, 1987, Ronald Reagan made one of the most powerful and emotional speeches in the history of the United States. It was in West Berlin in West Germany. Many of my younger listeners may not be aware that the Soviet Union (known as Russia today) occupied half of Germany. Separating the two countries was a huge wall. Anyone who tried to get over that wall and into West Germany was shot without warning. This was part of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.

The United States, booming economically, continued to build up our defense. We built up our nuclear arsenal, our air force and were even looking into arming ourselves in space (the plan was known as Star Wars). The Soviet Union, which was not economically stable, tried to keep.

They couldn’t. Mikhail Gorbachev, the General Secretary of the Communist Party was in trouble. And he knew it. Reagan decided it was time to put the nail in the coffin of the Soviet Union, and he did with this speech:

It was only a short time after this speech that the Soviet Union collapsed. The German, on both sides of the wall, grabbed hammers and started chipping away at the wall. It was truly the greatest speech of the 20th century and one of the greatest in the history of the United States. Those were really some good times. By the way, this is really one of the best reasons to go to the Reagan Library. There, by Ronald Reagan’s grave, is a huge chunk of that wall. It’s quite amazing.


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Pulling Art Out of His Butt!

It was kind of a slow news weekend. Trump did get that big tariff victory against Mexico. It looks like not a lot was actually agreed upon. But we’ll get into that. It looks like Joe Biden came out of hiding, screwed up a couple of times then went back into hiding. I think he’s done. And let’s go over a couple of dumb stories.


Trump’s Big Win

Trump threatened Mexico with a 5% tariff if they did not do something to prevent Central Americans from crossing Mexico and crossing into the United States. Three things were agreed upon to end the threat. The first is that Mexico agreed to send 6000 National Guard troops to their southern border. Next, Mexico agreed to allow migrants apply for asylum in Mexico, not travel 3000 miles and apply in the United States. This complies with international law. Finally, the United States has the ability, accepted by Mexico, to send Central Americans back to Mexico when they are caught, letting those people being subject to Mexican immigration laws.

That’s it. Nothing more. But it’s huge for combating the illegal immigration. And it’s a huge victory for Donald Trump.

Of course, the media can’t let that happen. The first thing they started yelling about is what little was done in the agreement. There are only a few agreements with this deal. But, as we’ll see soon, they’re pretty big. Of course, that wasn’t enough. The media had to find something that made this victory sound far more irrelevant. So the media, based on very iffy sources, said that Trump had made this deal months ago and was only announcing it now because he wanted a victory of some type on the border. I guess a booming economy, ISIS being destroyed and record low unemployment while working within the most obstructive congress in history isn’t enough victories in his first two years.

But, the reality is, Trump took a risk. A risk that would either lead him to implement another set of tariffs against a very important trading partner or be embarrassed by letting Mexico call his bluff. Here’s the thing, Trump has one chance to win in 2020. And that s to not get crazy, the democrats will do that, and keep this booming economy going. The Left is doing everything they can to ruin this country all because they hate Trump. The border is a huge mess. The Left won’t do anything. Every time Trump comes up with an idea, the Left it takes it to the courts and it is suspended. Congress will not create news laws to settle the problem. In fact, the Left wants more illegal aliens in the country. They think it will give them more votes.

This was a big victory for Trump. A victory that the Left cannot counter. Illegals now must go through the asylum process in Mexico now. Since there is nothing happening in Guatemala or Honduras, these people will not have any reason to be kept in Mexico. They will be deported, hopefully, not getting near the United States. That’s win number one. Six thousand Mexican troops are now patrolling the border. It is going to get tougher for Central Americans to cross the Mexican border. That’s win number two. Finally, the Mexican government agrees that it is not the problem of the United States that Mexico did not secure its borders and followed international law.  If a Guatemalan crosses the border, it is Mexico’s fault. They know it. And we should send them back to Mexico. They acknowledge that.

Trump used the power of the United States economy to scare the Mexicans into acknowledging they were not following the laws. Good for him.


Lunch Pail Joe Is At It Again

Sleepy, creepy Joe Biden is doing his damnedest to lose this election.

Last week, he decided to flip, then flop, then flip, then finally flopped. There’s nothing that shows more presidential aptitude than not taking a position. This whole thing was started when he was questioned about the Hyde Amendment. That amendment simply states that the federal government cannot fund abortions. He was the head of the committee who pushed the bill in 1976 and has supported it all the way until June 6, 2019. He was asked about it by a Left wing outlet and he said that the times have changed so he didn’t support it anymore. Someone, who was more moderate, asked his the same question and he said he was for the amendment. Then, once again, he was asked the same question by a Left wing outlet and he said he was against the amendment.

This is going to be Joe Biden’s biggest problem. He’s not in touch with the little guy like he tries to prove with his “Lunch Pail Joe” moniker. He’s been a politician for, going on, 50 years. He’s not a regular guy. He’s a politician. And, seeing the flip-flopping and the fact that he is hiding from the world right now, shows he’s a liar and a panderer. He knows if he’s ever asked a question. he’ll screw it up and create one of his infamous flubs that are flooding the Internet.

This is not going to help his presidential chances and he may already be on the way out. Oh, but there’s more!

He released, well I don’t know if he did it but it was released under his account, this Tweet today:

Oh… My… God! This is pandering at it’s worst. It is embarrassing. This is a dog-whistle. What this Tweet is actually saying is:

Bro, where are you? #Wtf I need your support #PleaseHelpMe #PrettyPlease #GettingMyAssKicked #PleaseRetweetThis

Jo Biden knows where he stands. He has lost 7 points in the last week. He’s stayed out of the limelight because he knows he’s a gaff machine. The first time he stepped out into the public he gaffed. He can’t win this without Obama’s support. He’s weak and he’s only only going down hill. Much of the media is saying that his best day was his first. That includes the main stream media. It’s looking like they’re all right. His campaign is done.

What’s weird, we didn’t even talk about the fact he was caught plagiarizing again. Not to mention, he’s got, like, five years on Yoda. He’s old.

Biden is done.


Just Stupid

I was going to talk about California and their legalizing health care for illegal aliens. This is a state that has a high unemployment rate, a high tax rate, and a huge homelessness problem. We have banned straws and plastic bags. Car fuel is $1.50 more than any other state.

But, hey, let’s give illegal aliens access to full health. At a cost of one hundred million dollars a year. Yeah, good luck with that. Way to f-up an awesome state.

But the dumbest story also comes from California. San Francisco to be exact.

A 17-year-old kid decided to play a joke at San Francisco’s Museum of Modern Art. TJ Khayatan decided to lay a pair of glasses on the museum floor and then stare at it, acting as if he was pondering. He has done this before, he said. Last time he did it, he stared at a baseball cap that was sitting on a trash can.

Sure enough, people started looking at the “artwork” and taking pictures. Khayatan was inspired to pull off the prank when he saw an piece of art that was simply a stuffed animal on a blanket.

The prank was not intended to be malicious and he does not see modern art as a “dumbing down” of culture.  He tells Buzzfeed, “I can agree that modern art can be a joke sometimes, but art is a way to express our own creativity. Some may interpret it as a joke, some might find great spiritual meaning in it. At the end of the day, I see it as a pleasure for open-minded people and imaginative minds.”

To their credit, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art took the joke in stride and thought it was clever.







Oh Marty, Say It Ain’t So

Martin Luther King Jr. is not a saint. So what? The slow crawl of censorship moves forward. Trump gets a big win! And perversion gets a big hug from the Left.


So What?

Some bad news came out about Martin Luther King Jr. This news is actually not news but the media is making it news. Apparently, MLK wasn’t the greatest of human beings…personally. He loved women and cheated. He was involved in group sex, while married. He was even in a motel room while another man was “raping” a woman. I put that in quotes because I just read about it and didn’t hear the transcript. Let me give you the story and then talk about the controversy. Once that’s done, I’ll explain why it’s not a controversy.

When MLK was pushing for the abolition of the Jim Crow laws, he was very rocking the boat. Racism was systemic. And King wanted to blow that out. Since racism was systemic, the FBI wanted to silence King. They did this by trying to dig up dirt on him through spying. This isn’t new; J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director at the time, monitored everybody including the Kennedy family. Finally, after fifty to sixty years, information was released about MLK.

The information includes MLK was a philanderer. He participated in group sex. He beat women. He beat his wife. But, the worst, he was in the same room while one of his minions was raping a woman.

Oh, the emotion!

OK, let’s pull emotion out of this and really break this down.

First off, everyone knew MLK was a womanizer. This is not in doubt. His wife said it. It was in a movie that made him out into a hero (the movie, called Selma, is awesome). He wasn’t the only man who tried to make the world good that did it. John F. Kennedy used to travel to other countries to have sex with hookers. He slept with Marilyn Monroe. Bill Clinton, who was an iffy President at best, got blown in the Oval Office (and that’s the least that he did). Ronald Reagan was an alcoholic and and cheated on his wives. Hell, he ended up divorced a few times because he cheated on his wives. J. Edgar Hoover was gay and a transvestite and he was responsible for having crap on people.

These are crappy arguments, I know. This is what-aboutism. But stay with me. I’m going somewhere with this.

We are living in a world where people are tearing down statues of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Andrew Jackson (he really wasn’t a great guy) all had slaves. Street names are being changed, statues are being torn down or removed, even the names of schools are being changed all because these men were slave owners. Though immoral, at the time, this was the practice. Should we be tearing down the statues of Martin Luther King Jr., changing the names of the streets he was named after and getting rid of his holiday?

Of course not. Just like we shouldn’t be doing it with the others I have mention. Martin Luther King, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were all great men who had great accomplishments. Those accomplishments include freeing ourselves from the oppressive King of England, establishing a government that acknowledged our inalienable rights, created the capitalist economic system that has made this country the richest and most technologically advanced civilization in the history of the world and ended the scar of our history, the Jim Crow Laws, establishing that race differences have nothing to do with societal class. This stuff is so important and we can’t let personal failures ignore the societal impact that their activism had.

Here’s my story: Martin Luther King Jr. was personally flawed. Like we all are. Maybe he wasn’t a great man to his wife. But he was a great man to this country. And he should be celebrated. Just like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (I don’t like Andrew Jackson).



Outspoken comedian and conservative, Steven Crowder, got into a war with a Left wing Vox activist over things Crowder said about him. The gentleman’s name is named Carlos Maza. He is a gay Latino that also has his own YouTube channel. Well, being a Leftist, gay and Latino is way too much for Crowder to hold back. So several times over the last year, Crowder would make fun of Maza. Well, Maza through a temper tantrum. He and Vox decided it was time to have Crowder deplatformed. So the called out YouTube and said that Crowder was abusing him.

There was just one problem: YouTube could not find any violations of their agreements. But that was not good enough for Maza and Vox. They complained again and, folding under some unfounded pressure. YouTube decided to demonetize Crowder’s YouTube channel. Crowder, through his lawyer, decided to find out why. He wasn’t give any reason. They said there were a few videos that had some questionable videos. But, when pushed by Crowder’s lawyer, YouTube said they would send a list. And they never have. They also complained about a T-shirt that Crowder sells. The “Socialism for Figs” T-shirt could not be referenced in the YouTube description of Crowder videos.

Yeah, I know. He doesn’t mean “figs” but that is not a “a” between the “f” and “g”. It’s a fig.

I watch the Steven Crowder show on YouTube. I love his Change My Mind series. It’s a great show. And he’s rough on people. He doesn’t ever hold back. He calls his lawyer, who is frequently on the show his “half-Asian lawyer.” He calls his producer “Not gay Jared” and “Quarter Black Jared” (I think it’s Jared). He’s called Ben Shapiro a “greedy shekel hoarder.” he’s not reverent for sure. But he’s hardly mean. It’s all done for the purposes of comedy. Below is his “apology” for hurting all the feeling he has hurt over the year. It is hysterical and you will get the idea of the kind of show he has.

He’s a pretty funny guy. If one appreciates that type of humor. Guess what? I do.

But there are bigger problems here. First, these social media platforms, which claim to places where free speech is embraced, are really hammering down on conservative voices. But, what’s worse, they’re doing it when those conservative voices aren’t actually breaking any rules. That’s bad. They are also beating conservatives up simply because Left-leaning groups have their “feelings” hurt. Vox and Maza didn’t want Crowder demonetized. They wanted him deplatformed. They wanted him censored. They don’t like what he says. Insulting a public figure, like Maza, is not uncommon. You’re a public figure and you will have a target on your back from those who don’t agree with you. But conservatives seem to get nailed by the platform whenever someone gets his feelings hurt. Hey, Louis Farrakhan was never suspended from Twitter when he compared Jews to cockroaches. But I got suspended when I called Bradley Manning, a traitor and trans-woman, a “him”. He frigging deserves it.

Censorship is always gradual. And dangerous. When only one message is out there, it is no longer entertainment but indoctrination. We already have that in the public schools, the news media and the entertainment industry. When regular people through social media platforms who have any conservative opinions are banned, what’s left?


OK, I Lied

A bigger news story came out tonight. I promised, in a flash podcast yesterday, that I was going to talk about some awesome books. Changed my mind since this is getting long.

Apparently, Donald Trump’s tariffs have worked.

Last week, Trump, using the only weapon he has, said he would place tariffs on Mexico if they did not help in trying to get these Central American migrants to stay in Central America. Tariffs on Mexico would kill them. And it wouldn’t help us (avocados are already expensive). This seemed to a feint by Trump to get Mexico to comply. Well it worked.

Mexico sent six thousand troops to their southern border and seem to agree to harbor asylum seekers within Mexico. The paperwork has been signed and the tariff threat has been averted.

This is a big win from Trump and makes Congress look far more worthless.


Oh… My… God…!

There’s a video flying around Twitter that is just flipping a lot of people out. I can’t find the video on YouTube but I’ll give you example.

Dude, this is so f-ing wrong, I don’t have words for it.

The video on Twitter is of a dozen kids acting like this. And all the people, including the parents, are laughing and enjoying watching these troubled children dancing around some coffee house in New York.

WTF!!! This is terrible! This is child abuse! This is Gender Dysphoria! Not only are these very ill kids not getting help, they’re being encouraged!

Need to calm down. Here’s the thing: I had four kids and there are a ton of challenges. But we disciplined out kids when got them help when they needed it. And, just to be clear, I have a daughter who is married to another woman. I do not have a problem with a child who is gay. But if my daughter came to me at eleven and said she was gay, I would tell her to wait. She may not be. Gender Dysphoria used to be in the DSM-5 but is no longer there, you guessed it, because of political correctness, not science.

The human mind is not mature. The prefrontal cortex, which controls emotion and reaction, which makes one think before action, is not matured until the age of around twenty-six. An eleven year old is not mature enough to make a decision like this. That eleven year old needs counselling and needs to understand who he/she is. It’s physical, it’s science.

Next, this isn’t normal. It’s abnormal and anti-social. This is not diversity. Should we be diverse with those with bi-polar disorder? Should we be diverse with the schizophrenic? Should we be diverse with the sociopaths or psychopaths? No! we should fix them before they harm someone. Why does our society always accept perversions as normal.

It’s sick. History is going to piss on this era.




Getting Warmer…

Bob Mueller has a surprise press conference and says absolutely nothing new but Dems decide it’s time to impeach. Guy sets himself on fire in front of the White House. And the dumbest story of the week.

The news cycle is heating up.

I Bid You Adieu

This is a story I don’t care about but I’m going to go over because it is the biggest one of the week so far. Bob Mueller decided to hold a surprise news conference yesterday. It was short (about 10 minutes) and he took no questions. I will summarize it since he didn’t really say much but you can watch it if you want.

In a nutshell, Mueller explained what he was doing for the last two years, how and why the report was written and that he’s done. He said he would not answer questions or appear in front of Congress because everything is in the report. He would not answer any questions that go beyond the report. He was done, finito, kaput.

But he did not give Trump any love. He said that his office never exonerated him. Then he said something amazing. He explained the Office of Legal Council (OLC) memo on not being able to indict a sitting president. So he says: “Charging the president with a crime was, therefore, not an option we could consider.” Wow! He’s basically saying that he couldn’t really investigate because he wasn’t allowed to. He says he wrote the report, he stands by the report and people should read the report.

This is a dog whistle to Congress.

Of course, the Left flips. Jerry Nadler releases a statement that pretty much sums up why Mueller had this press conference.

First off, I don’t understand how anyone is lying here. I read the report. There is nothing in the report that proves anything. How Trump or Barr can lie about what is in the report is insane because anyone can read the report. It makes me wonder whether this dunderhead actually read the report.

The Nadler goes over Mueller’s three points: no exoneration, Trump may have obstructed justice and that it is Congress’s responsibility to take action. The no exoneration thing is in the report. Not sure why it’s a thing. Trump may have wanted to obstruct but he didn’t. He never fired Mueller, nobody took him serious when he ordered others to fire Mueller, he never prevented anyone from being interviewed by Mueller and the Trump administration handed over millions of documents. Alright, he bitched about it a lot, threw temper tantrums and wanted to fire him. So what? Also, there needs to be intent to stop the investigation to cover up guilt. That’s the law. There wasn’t any because there was no crime to cover up.

The third point about Congress needing to get involved is exactly right. He wants Congress to impeach. He said it in the report and he is saying it now. And the Dems all know it. Listens to Nancy “Jaws” Pelosi talk about Trump after the press conference:

Ah, yes. The old everything’s-on-table cliche. I do want you to notice something about both responses? They both seem kind of nervous and they have good reason.

Here’s the truth. Mueller had this press conference to wake the Dems up and remind them that his report is a blueprint for an impeachment. And it is. The Left seems to be waiting for Mueller to pull a unicorn out of his butt that will get Trump out of the White House and into a jail cell. Basically, Mueller has nothing else and he’s telling them to go forward.

Mueller hates Trump with a passion. He’s wants to make a mess of his presidency. And he did for two years. But now he’s done and wants Congress to take the reigns. I also think that Mueller may want to create chaos to protect his buddies at the FBI and CIA. Comey and Brennan are in trouble or, at least, one of them is. And now, the DoJ is investigation into some of the possible questionable behavior that includes the FBI, CIA and Obama Administration. Some, like Dan Bongino, even think the Mueller investigation may have been put together to clean up that mess. I would say this is probably more conspiracy theory except it is curious Mueller wrote the report basically telling Congress to impeach Trump and the lack of acknowledgement of the dirty Steele Dossier which led to the FISA warrants. So I’m not sure it is a conspiracy theory anymore and have a feeling we may find out the truth when Barr gets finished.

The reality is Mueller really screwed the Democrats. He put them in a corner. The reasonable Democrats, like Pelosi, remember what happened when Republicans impeached Bill Clinton and he actually committed crimes which he was punished for after his term (he was actually disbarred). Clinton became more popular. This will happen to Trump, especially since the Mueller report didn’t find any evidence of a crime. Impeachment would be a disaster for the Dems. Republicans would keep the Senate, the Executive and, probably, retake the House.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens. I have a feeling the Democrats will slow play this and just talk about impeachment without actually doing it.

Tragedy in Washington DC

Yesterday, I mentioned that a man set himself on fire in front of the White House. I didn’t say anything about it because I didn’t know if he was going to survive or why he did it. Well, I’m glad I waited. Here’s the video below. It’s brutal so you’ve been warned.


Well, I’m glad I didn’t talk about it. The man died last night and, it sounds like, he may have been mentally ill. His name was Arnav Gupta from Maryland. His family had reported him missing yesterday morning and feared for his physical and emotional well being. Authorities don’t have reason why Gupta did this.

Dumb Story of the Day

Donald Trump just got back from Japan just in time for the New York Times to reported that Trump ordered that the USS John McCain needed to stay out of his sight. Pictures of the ship show it partially covered by a tarp. As usual, they kind of got the story wrong.

Apparently, and I am assuming here because several stories I have read are different, someone from the White House asked the Navy to hide the ship. Trump didn’t know about it. The ship is in Japan for repairs. The ship did have a tarp on it and the crew did have the day off. What unclear is why. But the ship was docked and not really hidden. Trump had some comments about the “controversy”.

Ugh! Why, why, why?

Couldn’t he just say, “John and I had our issues but I would never do that,” and move on to the next question. Stop telling the world you don’t like the dead war hero. I didn’t like McCain either but I wouldn’t trash him every time he was mentioned. And a White House staff member telling the Navy to hide a destroyer is not “well meaning”. It’s stupid and makes the White House look petty. That person should be demoted or fired.

This is where Trump is going to get himself into trouble. All he has to do is stop saying and Tweeting stupid things. The Democrats will bury themselves with all their insane ideas.

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Slow News Week But Sooo Much to Talk About!

It’s been kind of a slow news cycle, but leave it to Josie to heat things up and give me a couple of topics.

Oops! Wouldn’t You Know It!

This news cycle has been sooo slow. I so wrote a couple of fun pieces. Just as I’m about to record… BOOM! …. Robert Mueller has a surprise news conference. And, I was a little surprised, it was a doozy and has really put the Democrats in a corner. We are going to go over this in tomorrow’s post but it really hit me. I used to really like Robert Mueller. But, after that news conference, he’s kind of an ass. He got Jerry Nadler all hot and bothered. We’ll have fun with that tomorrow.

But it gets so much better. Some guy decided to set himself on fire right outside the White House. I’m not really ready to talk about this one because no one knows why he did this. They may never know because he’s in really bad shape. But I can reason that this was a guy suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. All I know is he’s crazy. Hopefully I’ll known more tomorrow.

The Real Lesson Here

Josie got into a debate, which turned into an argument, with her niece. Josie and her sister were talking about homosexuality. My fiance thinks that homosexuality is not natural nor are homosexuals born that way. Her niece believes that people, though they can become gay through trauma, can also be born that way.

They got into it so bad her niece had to walk away. I asked what had gotten her panties in a bunch (is that sexist?). She told me what they were talking about and I continued the debate. She gave me her opinions and I gave her mine. Both opinions were counter to each other. But I brought up facts, she brought up facts. It was a calm discussion until Josie came back in the room. And the arguing started again. This time, I had to debate with Josie, even though, for the most part, I agreed with her. It got a little crazy because I was debating two different points of view at the same time. Bother were right and both were wrong.

I’m pretty comfortable saying that I was able to be convincing in both debates. That’s what I want to talk about. Not about the “gay” thing because I don’t see it as something that is important. I want to talk about how to the debate and how to maintain a debate without flipping out and making someone run out of a room in tears.

First off, keep your temper in check. Debating can become a very emotional exercise. Get over that and check your feelings at the door. Be cool. Speak with an indoor voice and pace your words. In other words, think before saying something. When one speaks in a calm, steady tone, there is a tendency for the other person to also speak in that tone. Likewise, never get personal. I know I have won or lost a debate simply by who got personal first (I have been caught on the dark side before). When someone gets personal, the debate is over and I walk away. This will also keep you sane when debating on Twitter.

With the way one speaks being important, listening is more important. Allow the other person to finish his statement. And listen. People have a tendency to let someone talk but not listen to what he is saying. This is bad and a debate can just fall apart. There are nuggets of gold in what someone says. That gold might be in the form of a bad talking point that can be reasonably countered. It might be in the form that the person actually holding the same beliefs as you but isn’t wording it the same way. It might be in the form that one may actually learn something he didn’t know before. I have learned to repeat what a person says. I do this for two reasons: to confirm I understand what she is saying and to prove to that person that I have listened to what she has said. I don’t know from whom I’ve learned that but it works. I have gotten very good at debating simply because I have learned by losing debates and, sometimes, my mind is changed.

Next, know what you don’t know. Be prepared to hear something, no matter the subject, that you’ve never heard before. This is a good thing. If you don’t have an answer, tell the person that. Likewise, know your stuff. Don’t make things up. We have hundreds of years of history, millions of scientific case studies and millions of philosophical texts. If you don’t know something, say so and look it up. I do this all the time on Twitter. I will say something and look it up to make sure I know what I’m talking about. Then, I will paste the link. It makes your argument that much stronger. Don’t just spew garbage that sounds good but have absolutely no proof or reference.

Finally, do nor allow one’s faith or belief system infringe on the debate. If I’m debating an agnostic on abortion, I am not going to tell him that God says we shouldn’t abort babies. The debate will be over right then and there. I can debate abortion without mentioning my faith. I will only use reason, science and some philosophy (though that, too, borders on faith and/or belief). Faith does have absolute truths, but those truths are only for the faithful. Those who do not hold that faith will quickly reject those truths, even if they suspect they might be true.

Debating is fun and educational. It doesn’t have to be filled stress and consternation. One should be able to have a friendly debate anywhere. I reject those who say never to bring politics at family functions. I can and will usually have a positive experience, especially with those who passionately disagree with me.

Keeping Politics Out of the John

Two weeks ago, Josie’s daughter complained that a little boy from her class was allowed to use the bathroom she was in. He claimed he was a trans girl and he should be allowed to use the girl’s restroom. If you’re not sure what a “trans girl” it means he’s a boy who thinks he’s a girl (or so he says). Of course, being from California, California’s Gender Recognition Act (SB 179) was passed in 2017 and makes it that children who identify as the opposite sex cannot be forced out of their chosen restroom at public places. That includes public schools.

This drives me frigging crazy. In other words my future step daughter’s comfort is compromised because some sick (or perverted) little boy decides he wants to use the girl’s restroom. What’s worse? He still has a penis. We told her just to leave the restroom, wait for him to leave and I will teach her how to use a gun to protect herself from these sickos when she gets older.

The insanity continues.

Today, according the Daily Wire, the Supreme Court has decided not to hear the case of Doe v. Boyertown Area School District. In this case, the students of the Pennsylvania school district policy to fight the policy that would allow “trans” students to pick the restrooms and locker rooms of their gender preference. The students were represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

The Supreme Court said, via their blog:

Whether, given students’ constitutionally protected privacy interest in their partially clothed bodies, a public school has a compelling interest in authorizing students who believe themselves to be members of the opposite sex to use locker rooms and restrooms reserved exclusively for the opposite sex, and whether such a policy is narrowly tailored; and (2) whether the Boyertown policy constructively denies access to locker room and restroom facilities under Title IX “on the basis of sex.”

Basically, the Supreme Court believes that any ruling they would make would violate Title IX. Title IX is the 1972 law that bans discrimination based on sex. Jesus!

I’m pulling three things out of this. First, this is why the ignoring of science when it comes to sex is so dangerous and I refuse (well, except out of respect for someone I like) to accept a trans-whatever for anything but what they really are. If one has a penis, he’s a man. If one has a vagina, she’s a woman. That’s physical science. That’s how it works. If a man mutilates his penis and makes it look like a vagina, he’s still a man. That’s science, specifically, genetics. He still has the XY chromosomes and it can’t be changed. That can’t be changed. What if a woman mutilates her vagina to make it look like a penis? She’s still a woman with a mutilated vagina! She still has the XX chromosomes! And she can still get pregnant! A trans man getting pregnant doesn’t prove that men can get pregnant. It proves that trans men are actually women! So insane…

Sorry, went on a diatribe. The next thing is important. It’s the militancy of the LGBTQRXYWZ movement. See, several years ago, I was against gay marriage. Well, I still am but it’s not that big of a deal. Why did I change? I realized my issue was not with gay marriage but with the militancy of the LGBT (the Q came later). Leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone. The government should have nothing to do with marriage anyway. These people just needed not to try to convince me it’s OK and leave me be. They didn’t. They are now trying to change the definition of biology and they are attacking the institutions (like the church) that share my opinions and making the people I care about feel like outsiders in hopes that they will join their narrative.

No, no more. I’m going to stop supporting this garbage. Right now, the LGBTQ has declared war on family and religious values. They wanted a civil service at courthouse, I was fine with that. They are now trying to change me? Change how I think and believe? Make my family uncomfortable all for political correctness? Nope, not going to happen.

Finally the Supreme Court, what a bunch of cowards. You have three conservatives, two moderates and four left-wingers. Kavanaugh, who fought left-wing accusations, has yet to go against the left-wing. Very sad.

When absolute truth is accepted a hundred years from now, what are our kids going to think of us. Mine will know, because I am going to continually tell them. I suggest you start doing that with your kids too. Moderation is dead.







Flash Blog: Happy Memorial Day!!

It was Memorial Day yesterday! I spent the day with Josie so their were no screens. I didn’t even say anything on Twitter. Today, I’m going to wish all a Happy Memorial day and let Dan Crenshaw express it in a way only a soldier can.

Happy Memorial Day!


Missing the Boat

Abortion is a right and tax payers should pay for it. Nancy Pelosi says there is a nefarious cover up being perpetrated by Trump and the DOJ. And Juliana Margulies, Robert De Niro and Jeff Daniels don’t like the bad orange man. And non of this crap is important.

Let’s talk about the real news where real people are really suffering. Let’s go outside the box today.

First Off

The above is not unimportant. But the problem is these pretty irrelevant stories really aren’t going to change much. I listen to several podcasts a day and watch the news. It doesn’t stress me out. I actually enjoy. And it gives me fodder for my podcast and blog. Before I talk about what is important, where people really are dying, let’s go talk about the subjects in my introduction.

Abortion seems to be the only thing people can talk or Tweet about. I don’t know why everyone is flipping out. And I mean flipping. I’m not saying the debate is not hot but we have been debating this for fifty years. I also just wrote about it so I don’t feel anything in the news is new.

That whole Trump obstruction/collusion/is-that-a-hair-piece thing continues on. This is a stupid story. There have been a thousand investigations on this garbage and all have lead to the same conclusion: the is no crime. The Left has lost their narrative and just can’t find the courage to let it go. They know there is nothing else. Even Trump’s tax records are probably not going to go anywhere. His tax returns may be embarrassing for Trump but that’s about it. Articles of impeachment are supposed to be introduced today but we’ll see where that leads. It’s just stalling. Nothing is getting done.

A bunch of actors, which I mentioned above, are pissed off at Donald Trump. This is nothing new. For some reason the media, including right wing outlets keep reporting their temper tantrums. I’m going to do something different. I’m going to complement one.

Keanu Reeves has gotten himself a bit of a reputation. No, we don’t really know about his politics and he probably isn’t as dumb as everyone seems to think. It’s that he’s a regular guy. He flies commercial, rides the subway and goes to the movies like a regular person. But more, he’s a nice guy. Watch this video filmed by a fan on a New York subway.

Wearing regular clothes, not hiding himself, being a gentleman. This guy is a class act. And many have said it about him. But, this week, something happened that just cemented this opinion. I won’t go over it. I’ll just let you read the Tweet from a star-struck fan of Reeves:

You know, if the rest of Hollywood acted like this guy, maybe people would listen to them. I just thought this was a nice story about a nice guy.

But what I am a little miffed about is what is not being talked about. Though there really aren’t a lot of stories the are new or relevant, there are things going on in the world that are actually kind of important. But they are being completely ignored. Why?


The crisis in Venezuela continues and things are just getting worse.

The socialist government and Nicholas Maduro are under siege from the true president and opposition leader Jaun Guaido. The people, sick of being starved and dealing with the loss of basic needs like toilet paper and medicine, have take to the street upon Guaido’s request and are beginning to protest. The aim is to force Maduro out. The unrest has been going on for over a month. So far, the two sides are at a stalemate.

Venezuela was once the richest country in South America and has more oil than the Middle East. But Hugo Chavez, the first socialist president, started nationalizing business, taking away rights such as speech and gun ownership and making friends with some really bad actors like Cuba, Iran and Russia. In response, the United States placed heavy sanctions on the country. Those sanctions, along with lousy government management of business, have brought the country to chaos. Starvation, disease, unemployment and extreme inflation have made the country a craphole.

But the media says nothing. So I will tell you what is happening today.

The stalemate continues. The government is using force to make the unarmed civilian population suppressed and compliant. China, Russia and Cuba are in the country, trying to protect the Maduro regime. This is dangerous for the United States because it actually puts the enemies of the United States within shooting distance of the Motherland. Guaido has a lot to lose and must continue his attempt of reclaiming the government. This may be his only chance and he must make the most of it. Failing may cost him his life and keep the country under Maduro’s twisted reign.

So, how is Maduro keeping the country afloat or, the more precise question, how is he paying his army?

According to TheHill.com, the military says the government has become a hive of organized crime much like the mafia. They are illegally selling gold to other sympathetic countries. They are also a a heavy exporter of illicit drugs, selling to other countries. For a while, they were exporting oil to friendly countries but that has made it difficult to bring money into the country. Mismanagement has lead to far lower oil production and the lowering of oil prices has made their oil reserves worth very little. They are in such peril that the German company who sold them oil tankers have repossessed three of their tankers. Things are going south in Venezuela. Yay, socialism.

So, why isn’t anyone talking about this? Well, duh, socialism. With media darlings like AOC and Bernie Sanders pushing us toward socialism and, recently, a poll said a lot of Americans are beginning to hear their words. It was reported that 40% of Americans, especially young Americans, believe socialism is the way that will make this country great. If the Left-leaning media reported about Venezuela, people would realize that it sucks. Can’t have that! So it’s ignored.

Homeless Problem

Well, homelessness has finally become an issue in the state of California.

Gov. Gavin Newsome (D- CA) held a press conference on Tuesday revealing plans on how to combat the homeless problem in California. That’s right, he’s finally going to do something about it. What action is he going to perform to end this problem? That’s right! He’s going to create a commission! Because nothing will solve a problem better than throwing bureaucrats at it. I’m excited! These guys are going to do research. Then their going to analyze data. Then they’re going to debate on solutions. Then they won’t agree. Then they’ll created another committee to determine what data they’ll need. That committee will need more research. Then they’ll analyze that research. And there’s more. By the end, By the end, this will take two years, cost $100 million and, in the meantime, the homeless population will go from 65,000 to 130,000. And the solution will be: waste more money putting band-aids on this gaping wound. They’ll create housing projects and indoctrination…um, sorry… education programs that attempt to get people on the right track.

Oh, I forgot. The commission of bureaucrats will not be broken up because when… I mean, if… this whole thing fails.

Ugh. So dumb. Gavin Newsome might of well said he would solve the homeless problem by sticking his thumb up his surgically enhanced butt.

This is what really bothers me about politics: no one want to solve the problems. Because they will be seen as mean, cruel and not compassionate. This is garbage. To solve this problem requires a little tough love. And they should show this tough love because people who are being productive are suffering. The streets are filled with human waste, drug needles, trash and rats. This leads to disease. But, at least, illegal aliens get driver’s licenses, free education, free healthcare, home assistance, food stamps all without paying taxes. Nice!

But I digress. I’m going to tell you how to solve this problem. Two ways, I came up with on my own and the third I got from Ben Shapiro. Great podcast, listen to it. Subscribe to the The Daily Wire. I do.

There are three reasons people are in the street: mental illness, drug addiction and just because. In the case of mental illness, I think it is time to bring back the asylum system. I know why they were closed in the past but we know so much more now. The mentally ill need to be taken care of because not only can they not care for themselves, they can be dangerous to others. Some can also be treated and returned back to society. But doing nothing is just irresponsible and cruel.

Drug addiction is the same way. I know this because my son was a drug addict and it cost him his life. With the drug addicted, jail or prison is hardly a way to treat them but they need far more than just a visit to a treatment center. We should build facilities that are like jails but are made for only treatment. They will be housed, will not be allowed out and will receive detox, counseling and job training. Those facilities will monitor them and keep them working so their minds to wander to drug use. Once they have completed treatment, the patients must still be monitored through outpatient treatment and if they relapse, back to the inpatient treatment facility.

These two options are expensive. But I don’t think they are more expensive than the disaster of just letting them be. There are a lot of details that would need to be worked out to verify these services do not become like the VA hospitals.

Finally, there are those who are homeless because they just are. This can be seen in San Jose. People who work live in RVs and cars simply because they can’t afford rent. Well, too bad. If one can’t afford to live someplace, they need to move. And the police should be able to tell them that. I understand they have “rights” but so do I who lives in the same neighborhood. And I shouldn’t have to step over some guy in the street or have to worry about my kids dealing with strangers in a park because hundreds of people are living there. Visit Golden Gate Park in San Francisco and you’ll know what I’m talking about.

So why is no one talking about this problem? It is a huge problem and it is continuing to grow? Take a look at the top ten cities with a homeless problem and I bet you’ll figure it out.

That’s right, eight of the ten cities are Democratically run. See, Democratic policies don’t work well. In the case of New York and California, their policies border on socialist policies. I know this because I live in California and I know Bill de Blasio is an idiot. The media sees this and know it is a huge problem so there are reports. But they report it as a national problem. They don’t report it as a failure of Democratic policy. They just won’t.

Fun Stuff

I finished reading two books and listening to another. I have an Audible account and spend two hours a day listening to fun books. I actually read history and other non-fiction books because I like to go slow.

The book I listened to through Audible was called The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. I really enjoy horror and ghost stories but I have better stuff to read. That’s why I joined Audible. Reedsy.com rated this book number 14 in the 100 best horror stories so I went for it. It was written in the fifties and was alright. I wouldn’t say it was a horror as much as it was a psychological suspense novel. Written well but I could tell it was written in the fifties by a woman. The characters were really over-the-top. The writing is beautiful. I wish I can write like that. There is a Netflix series with the same name but it is about before the actual story in the book. For me the book didn’t work.

The next book that I read was The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*** by Mark Manson. I bought this one by accident. I thought it was a comedy but it is actually a self-help book. I put it on my shelf for a while. But, I was waiting to get another book from Amazon, I decided to read it because it looked to be easy to read. It was excellent. Manson talks about how people are way too emotional and get upset about the dumbest things. He says we should recognize when this happens and just not give a f-. It’s a great book and it is really funny. Read this one.

The last book is The Right Side of History by Ben Shapiro. This book is about the two main philosophies of the political history of Western Civilization: Judaeo-Christian morality and Greek reason. It discusses how the two philosophies were born, how they came together, how the Founding Fathers used them to create the Constitution and the counter philosophies, such as existentialism, are suppressing those philosophies, essentially destroying Western Civilization. But panic not! Ben tells us how we, as individuals, can save what we had. It’s a great book and very easy to read. Basically, Shapiro crams 3000 years of political philosophy in 218 pages. This is a must read.

You can follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
You can listen to my podcast on iTune, Youtube, Podbean and Podcast Addict.






Time to Get Back to School!

Josie and I go to a college graduation and I get today’s topic. Let’s talk about the dysfunction of today’s colleges.

Celebrating Diversity

Josie, my fiance, and I were heading to her niece’s graduation from Cal State San Marcos. She is graduating with a B.S. in Biology. And she worked her butt off to get it. Josie is very proud of her. So proud that I wore slacks, a nice shirt and shaved. It was raining and I wasn’t looking forward to this. But I love Josie so I just got ready and buried my misery.

On the way to the graduation, Josie brought up something out of the blue. She said, that at Mira Costa, where she goes to school, the graduates who were Black and Hispanic were allowed to have another ceremony. It wasn’t a graduation but it was a celebration of their race. They received a sash that is representative of their “native” land. I put that in quotes because most are actually born in the United States.

Josie was pissed off about it. She thought it should be celebrated how hard she worked to accomplish her goal. Her as an individual. Not her as a Mexican (Josie was born in Mexico and is a legal resident alien). I asked her if she was going to go and she said no. She wanted to be recognized as Josie. When she asked what I thought about it, I let her have it.

Either way, it is racist. And it is racist for a couple of reasons. First, the school is being racist against the race they are supposedly celebrating. Notice that white people do not have these little ceremonies that Blacks and Hispanics are having. White people aren’t wearing sashes that represent whiteness. Is the college system celebrating Hispanics and Blacks graduating because they didn’t think people of color could actually get through college? Were the colleges surprised by their success?

And why not celebrate white people? Are we white people not any more special as the people of color? Did I not work as hard as they did to get my degree? Why is my work being minimized simply because I’m not a person of color? That sounds pretty racist to me.

The reality is, our college system is falling apart. They are becoming indoctrination centers for the Left. They embrace intersectionality and identity politics. They spit on the Constitution by rejecting free speech and dismiss on religion. They teach what we are suppose to believe and use science when it is convenient. They pamper our youth with safe spaces and rejecting speakers that will trigger their stress through violent, hate speech (yet they know nothing of the speakers for the most part).

Hell, they came up with words like “safe spaces,” “triggering,” and “speech is violence.” They also came up with the concepts of intersectionality and identity politics. They push globalization, socialism and reject American identity and exceptionalism. It is not uncommon to see some Lesbian Dance Theory teacher burning an American flag because her half-caf-half-decaf carmel amontillado was served by a barista with an “I Love Babies” pin on his apron.

Let’s break some things down and look how the colleges are dealing with this crazy stuff.

Answering the Demands

One of the biggest problems with today’s colleges is that it is the students that are running them. The patients running the asylum is never a good idea. And there have been some really bazaar demands by the students. The Daily Beast has a list of weird demands like segregated safe spaces and thee abolition of poetry classes the focus on white authors. That’s right. The students basically are looking to eliminate the Western Civilization. You can read the article below.

But the big problem with letting the students control is the lack of discipline. See, the colleges have bitten into the belief that self-esteem is everything. But this leads to near hysterical reaction by the students when they don’t get there way. An example of this can be seen when students confront a professor about his belief that students should be free to choose their Halloween costumes. What school did this temper tantrum occur? Yale University. That’s right, one of the best universities in the world.

Can you believe the disrespect? Can you believe the school did nothing to discipline these spoiled brats? What’s going to happen to these children when they get out of college and need to get a job?

I can tell you what’s going to happen. They’re going to fail. And it will be the fault of the parents and the school system. These children are not prepared for the fact that the world doesn’t give a damn about them. The world is cruel and will not care about their self-esteem. Adversity is exactly something the schools should be teaching them. Because that’s reality.

That will lead us to our next collegiate issue.

The Death of Debate

In recent years, it has been alleged that “speech is violence”. Of course speech is not violence. No matter how hateful it may be, it is not violence. I wouldn’t say calling me a jerk is the same as punching me in the face. But this has lead to bigger problems, especially when it comes to open debate on highly charged topics.

The problem with the speech-is-violence thing is that it has lead to violence countering “violence”. It gives students the justification to commit violent acts against speakers they do not like. After all, we are a country that believes in the right to defend one’s self. But that should not extend to students because they don’t like what I’m saying. But that exactly what’s happening today. Here’s an example of something that happened about a month before. Michael Knowles of the Daily Wire is assaulted while giving lecture about sex and gender. He had the audacity to say that men are men and women are women when he was attacked by a student with a Super-Soaker filled with some liquid:

Now what is really messed up here is not the attack itself. What’s really messed up is the response from school officials. Instead of apologizing to Knowles for the attack, the dean actually took the side of the assailant and blamed Knowles for putting himself in that position by expressing his beliefs. That’s like blaming a woman for getting raped because she wore a revealing dress. Just incredible.

When the schools continue to support this chaotic behavior by these turtle dove students, things can only get worse. And they have. Protesters are getting brazen, loud and violent. All because someone is saying something they don’t like. What’s funny is half the time, the protesters have no idea what the speakers have ever said. They have all the buzz words nailed like misogynist, racist, homophobic and the such. But, when asked what that particular speaker has said that was hateful, they have no idea. He just is.

No one gets more of this garbage than Ben Shapiro. Watch as Austin Fleccas interviews people who are protesting a Ben Shapiro speech at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.

I love Austin Fleccas. Follow him on YouTube to see more of his videos. But this just proves the point that college students are out of control. They complain and protest just to complain and protest and feel victimized without actually knowing the stance of the speakers.

Adversity Score and the SATs

Now, you’d think with all the problems in colleges today, someone would do something to help the students grow up and shake off this victim mentality the the students have. After all, these are suppose to be adults and will have to enter the workforce right out of college. But, no. That’s not what are colleges have become. Instead of trying to fix the problem, colleges want fill their classrooms with more “victims”.

The company that runs the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), called the College Board, has decided to add something known as an Adversity Score. What this does is take census data and will apply a 15-point analysis of the area in which the test taker is from. That score will then be attached to the SAT. The idea is that this will allow colleges to weigh supposed adversity a person goes through when making the decision on whether to admit that student into the college.

This is not the first time this stat has been used. The pilot program was released last year. Fifty schools, including Yale University, have used the score last year (the chick screaming in the first video probably got in because of that).

There are problems with this besides the most obvious which is admission is not based on individual merit but where you lived. It also looks at the area based on census data and rates a group. It doesn’t look at the individual adversity. Students do not know what their score will be, how they came up with that score and cannot protest or appeal their score.

This is just terrible. Once again white and Asian students will probably be the losers in this because they live in the better areas with less crime. Asians especially. Asians in this country have a higher income, higher grades in high school and higher SAT scores. But, because colleges have become “woke”, they will have to be left behind no matter how qualified they are.

In Conclusion

I have a college degree. I hardly use it. It is in English Literature and I work as a computer engineer. I use it all the time, though. I’ve written three books (none published yet but I will change that soon) and maintain two blogs. I also read a lot. So I do use it and companies do respect it even if it has nothing really to do with my career.

I am also very proud of my degree. I worked full time and was the bread winner, had three kids and went full time. It was challenging and the teachers did not baby the students like they do today. I would do homework at night when I got home and would spend weekends doing homework and studying. Though I do not use the degree for my career, it prepared me for my career. It toughened me, taught me to take criticism, taught me work ethically and manage my time. Those years in college were the toughest of my life.

Our children don’t go through that anymore. They’re babied and pampered. Their self-esteem is more important than preparing a child to enter adulthood. Kids in colleges are taught about being triggered and being stressed. Colleges teach about violent speech and build safe spaces. They discourage debate that goes against their narratives and encourage the suppression of speech from those that go against those narratives.

What do we get from this? A bunch of kids that get out of college and can’t handle real life. A group of kids who can’t handle rejection or criticism. A group of kids who do not have the skills to be productive because, surprisingly, a Gender Studies degree does not have a lot of career opportunities.

And, what happens in the end? They can’t survive in the real world. That means they have to start depending on the government to support them. I believe this is the goal of the Left in the long run.

You know what also builds self-esteem? Accomplishment through hard work. I don’t need to be told that I’m a person of worth to have my emotional tank filled. My self-esteem is boosted when I complete a project at work, finish reading a book, write a blog post or publish a podcast. I feel good about my life and don’t need the drug of complements and reassurance, which gives self-esteem only a temporary boost, because I have worked at it and I know I can do anything.

I think the world of the college education is on thin ice. I even tell Josie that her kids ought to skip college and go to a trade school. Learn a usable skill. Something that will make them stand out in the world. Because these children coming out of the universities are truly worthless.

Follow me on Twitter @RunninFewl
You can listen to my podcast on iTunes, Podbean and YouTube.


