Oh Marty, Say It Ain’t So

Martin Luther King Jr. is not a saint. So what? The slow crawl of censorship moves forward. Trump gets a big win! And perversion gets a big hug from the Left.


So What?

Some bad news came out about Martin Luther King Jr. This news is actually not news but the media is making it news. Apparently, MLK wasn’t the greatest of human beings…personally. He loved women and cheated. He was involved in group sex, while married. He was even in a motel room while another man was “raping” a woman. I put that in quotes because I just read about it and didn’t hear the transcript. Let me give you the story and then talk about the controversy. Once that’s done, I’ll explain why it’s not a controversy.

When MLK was pushing for the abolition of the Jim Crow laws, he was very rocking the boat. Racism was systemic. And King wanted to blow that out. Since racism was systemic, the FBI wanted to silence King. They did this by trying to dig up dirt on him through spying. This isn’t new; J. Edgar Hoover, the FBI director at the time, monitored everybody including the Kennedy family. Finally, after fifty to sixty years, information was released about MLK.

The information includes MLK was a philanderer. He participated in group sex. He beat women. He beat his wife. But, the worst, he was in the same room while one of his minions was raping a woman.

Oh, the emotion!

OK, let’s pull emotion out of this and really break this down.

First off, everyone knew MLK was a womanizer. This is not in doubt. His wife said it. It was in a movie that made him out into a hero (the movie, calledĀ Selma, is awesome). He wasn’t the only man who tried to make the world good that did it. John F. Kennedy used to travel to other countries to have sex with hookers. He slept with Marilyn Monroe. Bill Clinton, who was an iffy President at best, got blown in the Oval Office (and that’s the least that he did). Ronald Reagan was an alcoholic and and cheated on his wives. Hell, he ended up divorced a few times because he cheated on his wives. J. Edgar Hoover was gay and a transvestite and he was responsible for having crap on people.

These are crappy arguments, I know. This is what-aboutism. But stay with me. I’m going somewhere with this.

We are living in a world where people are tearing down statues of the Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Andrew Jackson (he really wasn’t a great guy) all had slaves. Street names are being changed, statues are being torn down or removed, even the names of schools are being changed all because these men were slave owners. Though immoral, at the time, this was the practice. Should we be tearing down the statues of Martin Luther King Jr., changing the names of the streets he was named after and getting rid of his holiday?

Of course not. Just like we shouldn’t be doing it with the others I have mention. Martin Luther King, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were all great men who had great accomplishments. Those accomplishments include freeing ourselves from the oppressive King of England, establishing a government that acknowledged our inalienable rights, created the capitalist economic system that has made this country the richest and most technologically advanced civilization in the history of the world and ended the scar of our history, the Jim Crow Laws, establishing that race differences have nothing to do with societal class. This stuff is so important and we can’t let personal failures ignore the societal impact that their activism had.

Here’s my story: Martin Luther King Jr. was personally flawed. Like we all are. Maybe he wasn’t a great man to his wife. But he was a great man to this country. And he should be celebrated. Just like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson (I don’t like Andrew Jackson).



Outspoken comedian and conservative, Steven Crowder, got into a war with a Left wing Vox activist over things Crowder said about him. The gentleman’s name is named Carlos Maza. He is a gay Latino that also has his own YouTube channel. Well, being a Leftist, gay and Latino is way too much for Crowder to hold back. So several times over the last year, Crowder would make fun of Maza. Well, Maza through a temper tantrum. He and Vox decided it was time to have Crowder deplatformed. So the called out YouTube and said that Crowder was abusing him.

There was just one problem: YouTube could not find any violations of their agreements. But that was not good enough for Maza and Vox. They complained again and, folding under some unfounded pressure. YouTube decided to demonetize Crowder’s YouTube channel. Crowder, through his lawyer, decided to find out why. He wasn’t give any reason. They said there were a few videos that had some questionable videos. But, when pushed by Crowder’s lawyer, YouTube said they would send a list. And they never have. They also complained about a T-shirt that Crowder sells. The “Socialism for Figs” T-shirt could not be referenced in the YouTube description of Crowder videos.

Yeah, I know. He doesn’t mean “figs” but that is not a “a” between the “f” and “g”. It’s a fig.

I watch the Steven Crowder show on YouTube. I love hisĀ Change My Mind series. It’s a great show. And he’s rough on people. He doesn’t ever hold back. He calls his lawyer, who is frequently on the show his “half-Asian lawyer.” He calls his producer “Not gay Jared” and “Quarter Black Jared” (I think it’s Jared). He’s called Ben Shapiro a “greedy shekel hoarder.” he’s not reverent for sure. But he’s hardly mean. It’s all done for the purposes of comedy. Below is his “apology” for hurting all the feeling he has hurt over the year. It is hysterical and you will get the idea of the kind of show he has.

He’s a pretty funny guy. If one appreciates that type of humor. Guess what? I do.

But there are bigger problems here. First, these social media platforms, which claim to places where free speech is embraced, are really hammering down on conservative voices. But, what’s worse, they’re doing it when those conservative voices aren’t actually breaking any rules. That’s bad. They are also beating conservatives up simply because Left-leaning groups have their “feelings” hurt. Vox and Maza didn’t want Crowder demonetized. They wanted him deplatformed. They wanted him censored. They don’t like what he says. Insulting a public figure, like Maza, is not uncommon. You’re a public figure and you will have a target on your back from those who don’t agree with you. But conservatives seem to get nailed by the platform whenever someone gets his feelings hurt. Hey, Louis Farrakhan was never suspended from Twitter when he compared Jews to cockroaches. But I got suspended when I called Bradley Manning, a traitor and trans-woman, a “him”. He frigging deserves it.

Censorship is always gradual. And dangerous. When only one message is out there, it is no longer entertainment but indoctrination. We already have that in the public schools, the news media and the entertainment industry. When regular people through social media platforms who have any conservative opinions are banned, what’s left?


OK, I Lied

A bigger news story came out tonight. I promised, in a flash podcast yesterday, that I was going to talk about some awesome books. Changed my mind since this is getting long.

Apparently, Donald Trump’s tariffs have worked.

Last week, Trump, using the only weapon he has, said he would place tariffs on Mexico if they did not help in trying to get these Central American migrants to stay in Central America. Tariffs on Mexico would kill them. And it wouldn’t help us (avocados are already expensive). This seemed to a feint by Trump to get Mexico to comply. Well it worked.

Mexico sent six thousand troops to their southern border and seem to agree to harbor asylum seekers within Mexico. The paperwork has been signed and the tariff threat has been averted.

This is a big win from Trump and makes Congress look far more worthless.


Oh… My… God…!

There’s a video flying around Twitter that is just flipping a lot of people out. I can’t find the video on YouTube but I’ll give you example.

Dude, this is so f-ing wrong, I don’t have words for it.

The video on Twitter is of a dozen kids acting like this. And all the people, including the parents, are laughing and enjoying watching these troubled children dancing around some coffee house in New York.

WTF!!! This is terrible! This is child abuse! This is Gender Dysphoria! Not only are these very ill kids not getting help, they’re being encouraged!

Need to calm down. Here’s the thing: I had four kids and there are a ton of challenges. But we disciplined out kids when got them help when they needed it. And, just to be clear, I have a daughter who is married to another woman. I do not have a problem with a child who is gay. But if my daughter came to me at eleven and said she was gay, I would tell her to wait. She may not be. Gender Dysphoria used to be in the DSM-5 but is no longer there, you guessed it, because of political correctness, not science.

The human mind is not mature. The prefrontal cortex, which controls emotion and reaction, which makes one think before action, is not matured until the age of around twenty-six. An eleven year old is not mature enough to make a decision like this. That eleven year old needs counselling and needs to understand who he/she is. It’s physical, it’s science.

Next, this isn’t normal. It’s abnormal and anti-social. This is not diversity. Should we be diverse with those with bi-polar disorder? Should we be diverse with the schizophrenic? Should we be diverse with the sociopaths or psychopaths? No! we should fix them before they harm someone. Why does our society always accept perversions as normal.

It’s sick. History is going to piss on this era.