Episode 186 – Someone’s Gotta Do It

Bid Adieu to CHOP
Law and Order is a must.
No Peace without it.



The City Hall Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, or CHOP, they never really decided is no more. And it took a threat of violence to the sympathetic mayor for it to go away.

Earlier this week, Black Lives Matter protesters, well, rioters, stood in front of Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan’s $7 million, yelling. That was it! It had to end now that our overlords are being annoyed. The Seattle police and FBI went into CHOP and, for the most part, everyone ran away like rats. Only thirty people were arrested.

Unlike the mayor, I thought the place should have been ripped apart the second someone died. So far two died with two injured in shootings. Shootings that involved roving gangs of CHOP “law enforcement.”

Now New York idiots are trying to start their own CHOP commune. In front of Bill DeBlaso’s workplace, New York’s City Hall.

So, what is the reasonable response to handling lawlessness? Cut the police, of course.

New York City has agreed to cut one billion dollars in budget for the NYPD. This will cut new police recruits for being hire, will cut their plain clothes police force and will cut off overtime. You know what that means? Less cops on the streets. Don’t forget that New York already has a no-bail policy so people do not have to stay in jail after they commit crime.

Los Angeles is going to cut $100 million out of their budget for the police. Because Los Angeles does not have any issues like drugs, crime and homelessness. Oh, wait, they do.

Virginia has decided to lower charges when it comes to violence against the police. What?

The police has been made into villains. And it is not because of what happened to George Floyd. This is about taking over the system. This is about making the capitalist government look evil.


The Destruction of Law and Order

The purpose of the government, whether it be local, state of federal government is made up of only two parts:

  • Protect the people.
  • Provide a civil outlet for monetary or social injustice.


For the federal government, this means protecting the people from foreign attacks and resolve issues involving interstate commerce. That is it. Nothing more. The federal government has expanded through misguided laws and the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast) but that is it. They do not deal with intrastate commerce or protecting state citizens.

The state government is meant to protect its citizens and resolve commerce conflicts. That is it. Nothing more. Some state governments have expanded their roles through the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast). They do not answer to the federal government and should not deal with local government.

Local government could be defined as a county, city or town (principality). They are responsible for protecting the people and resolving conflicts in commerce. That is it. Nothing more. Some local governments have expanded their roles through the courts (and that’s a topic for another podcast). They do not answer to the federal government. They do not answer to the state government. But they do answer to the people.

The people have the most responsibility. We have the responsibility to live by moral purpose. We are to be the best people we can be based on nature’s laws (from the Bible). We do not murder or steal or swindle. We are here to be as successful as our capacity will allow while following those natural laws and the laws of our society. We are responsible for using reason to innovate (Plato, Aristotle, Acquines). Innovation that will improve the life of the individual and the lives of society. We are to combine our reason with moral purpose (mostly religious laws which the Founders saw to be natural laws). If, we the people, follow this, our society will become stronger.

As free citizens, we have one more responsibility: Protect ourselves from enemies, both foreign and domestic. And “domestic enemies” really means our own government. It says it in the second amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

So here’s the thing: We have a social contract in this country. We will live following the rules and lead productive lives. If we do not follow this, we will be poor or put in jail. The government will solve our commercial conflicts and protect us. If they do not, we will get our guns, form a militia and replace the government.

Here’s the question: Exactly who it fulfilling their side of the contract right now?


Why Did I Bring This Up?

Did you see the patterns in the above? All governments, including state and local governments, only have three responsibilities: protect us, settle commercial disputes and leave us alone. The Constitution tells us this. The Federalist Papers tell us this. And if the government fails to protect us and our freedoms, we have a right, defined in the Second Amendment, that we can take it upon ourselves to protect ourselves, our families and our property. Nay, the Second Amendment demands it.

Our country is failing us. Last podcast we talked about how the Left wants to tear down the system. The Left exclaims that the police and military are evil and should be thrown out. Then the Left has the audacity to tell us that we do not have the moral capacity to break out our guns and protect all that we have worked hard and is dear to us.

You can imagine what would happen if you were in this poor woman’s situation and you called the government for help. And this is all you got:

That is terrifying. This was a woman in her car with her toddler daughter when a group of “non-violent protesters” blocked her path. Then they started attacking her car. I do not know what happened, but this should never happen. Where were the police? They were told to stand down during these “peaceful” protests.

These thugs are running around and tearing down statues of people they do not even know. And the police are just watching them or not there at all. Why? They are being told to stand down by government officials.

St. John’s Church in Washington D.C. was set on fire. This is a church that every President in the United States visited. Where were the police? The Washington D.C. mayor told the police to stand down.

CHOP or CHAZ had four shootings that left two dead. One shooting was by a 16 year old critically injuring a 14 year old. Where were the police? They were told to stand down by the Seattle mayor, Jenny Durkan.

Contrary to what the Left’s belief system is, most normal Americans do not want statues torn down, churches burned or people assaulted or killed. This is anarchy. This is communism. And this stuff did happen in communist countries. Lenin burned Russian historical sites. In fact, it has happened in all tyrannical regimes. Can you say ISIS?

People are not going to tolerate this garbage in this country. And people are already beginning to respond.


What Do the Stats Say?

There has always been stress between the police and black community. Heck, there has been stress between police and the Left. They have been vilified by the Left. Anything they do is questioned. Anything they do deserves a prison sentence. Anyone the arrest is a victim. With the advent of the camera phone and social media, everything they do is seen and spread, whether it is good they are doing or bad.

Here’s the thing: the police do a very hard job. A job that is dirty and is not always pleasant. And, at times, it can be very violent. Even the episodes of Cops that we always watched in the past was cleaned up for television. But this reaction that all cops are racist just does not float.

According to a database compiled by the Washington Post, no exactly a conservative outlet, in 2019 there were 375 million confrontations involving police. Only a fraction of those led to police using their gun or shooting a suspect. The total number of unarmed black people that were shot was 9. That’s right: only 9 unarmed black people were shot by police. Out of 375 million confrontations! Does not exactly sound like the cops are hunting black people. By the way, there were 19 unarmed white people killed. There were a total of 1004 deaths by cop in 2019. That means .0003% of police confrontations actually led to death by shooting. Not a lot. Of those deaths, 37% were white, 24% were black and 16% were Hispanic. Now, blacks being shot by police is higher than there population (15% of the population is black) but it is not too extreme. Not to mention, the poverty rate, single family homes and education capacity is also a lot higher within the black culture which leads to more crime. That’s not racist, it is just facts.

But one statistic that we do not ever see is how many confrontations between police and blacks were actually because a crime was committed? We do not know. How many of those confrontations were initiated by a call to the police versus the police stumbling on a black person? We do not know.

All this also applies to the justice system. How many by race are in jail or prison because they actually committed a crime? I bet it is around 99.9% (I have to assume there are some innocents in prison). If that is the case, what difference does race have when a person is in jail or prison? A criminal is a criminal.

The Left ignores statistics. Facts just do not jive with their narrative. They just roll out the same old cases and point to them as proof of racism. They like to point to:

  • Trayvon Martin – Who was not shot by a white cop but a Hispanic civilian.
  • Michael Brown – Who was unarmed but committed a strong-armed robbery and assaulted and injured a police officer before he was shot.
  • Breanna Taylor – Who was killed in a botched raid.
  • George Floyd – murdered by police.
  • Philando Castille – Shot by an officer because he was holding a gun.
  • Tamir Rice – Shot because he held a modified toy gun.
  • Eric Gardner – Selling loose cigarettes and resisted, put in a choke hold and had a heart attack.
  • Freddy Gray – Died of a broken neck in police custody. Four officers charged (two being black). All released.
  • Rayshard Brooks – Shot by police after resisting and pointing the policeman taser at the policeman.


Notice something here? The cases have nothing to do with each other. There are no commonalities. Some (Floyd and Taylor) were completely unjustified. Some (Brown, Brooks, Gray and Gardner) were actually committing crimes. Finally others (Castille and Rice) were understandable accidents.

Also, these deaths did not occur in the same year but over the span of several years. It is not like the Left can point to twenty of thirty cases a year. The also ignore the fact that Brown, Floyd, Rice, Gardner, Gray and Brooks were all committing crimes.

To me, it does not seem like the facts justify all the noise the Left is creating.


Overreaction…Sort Of

With the death of George Floyd, which is completely unjustified and the officers should all be fired and spend time in prison, the Left has taken the opportunity to get rid of the police and let anarchy take the streets.

When the protests turned to riots, the mayors and governors decided to tell the police to stand down. This led to violent riots that destroyed hundreds of businesses and private property, injured hundreds of civilians and police and led to the deaths of civilians and police. The media has decided to ignore all this and proclaim that the riots were just “peaceful protests.” One reporter actually had the balls to say this while a building was burning behind him. The cowardly mayors allowed  blocks of destruction and two police precincts in two different cities to be overtaken by rioters.

With no police, there was anarchy. And most of the problems occurred in Leftist cities (Los Angeles, Chicago, Minneapolis, Atlanta, New York City, Seattle, Portland, Washington DC, Dallas, Houston and Baltimore just to name a few). Of course, it was not the crappy policies that were creating these riots, it was the police. Black Lives Matter (a Marxist organization) and Antifa (and anarchist organization) were never blamed for the violence though both admit that violence was needed. They were seen as groups representing the “victims” of the the police.

So what did the Leftists do to calm the violence and crime?

  • Eliminate cash bail.
  • Allow lawlessness including tearing down of statues, burning building, looting and murder without actually arresting anyone.
  • Abandon two police precincts.
  • Allow the formation of Chaz which led to the shooting deaths of two people.
  • Forbid police from responding to calls involving rioters…er…peaceful protesters.


But it is getting worse.

  • New York City has decided to cut $1.5 billion from the police force.
  • Los Angeles has decided to cut $150 million from the police force.
  • The Minneapolis City Council has voted to completely defund the police department.
  • Virginia has a law pending that would lessen the crime for assaulting a police officer.
  • Many cities have banned choke, holds, tasers and tear gas. I guess the police are suppose to use foul language.
  • Congress wants to ban Qualified Immunity so that a cop can get sued for anything.
  • Domestic disturbance, drug and mental health calls should not be handled by police but by unarmed social workers.


There are two goals here by the Left: Get rid of the police or make it that no one wants to be a police officer. Unfortunately, this philosophy is picking up steam and seems to have become mainstream. It’s hard to believe but a Christian straight man that works hard and loves his country is now part of the counter-culture.


Fighting Back…Legally

This is where a civil war within the United States could start. It is when people who stand up for their country and their rights fight back against the Leftist mobs that are trying to tear down our freedom, institutions and history. They burn our flag and want to destroy our monuments.

Gun sales have gone through the roof, up 80%. Gun stores are complaining that they cannot keep up with demand for guns and ammunition. Gun manufacturers cannot produce enough to keep up with demand. Do you know what this mean? Guns have become a commodity. Is this surprising? Of course not. Without cops, people have to fend for themselves. The greatest support for the Second Amendment is the Left’s hatred for police.

This week, Mark McClosky and his wife saw something that scared them. Groups of “non-violent protesters” broke through the wrought iron gate of their private community. The rioters were on there way to another house. They started cursing and threatening the McCloskys. At that point, the wife pulled out a handgun and the husband pulled out an AR-15. Guess what happened? The protesters walked right passed the house. Yeah, they were screaming and stuff but they showed the kind of people they were when confronted: cowards.

The media demonized the McCloskys, of course. But Mark is a lawyer, knows how debate and is a classical liberal. He aligns more with Black Lives Matter than Fox News. He also laid a whooping to Chris Cuomo when he suggested that the destruction of McClosky’s house is less important than the cause. McClosky said he worked hard for 32 years to get where he is and he had a right to protect it since all his calls to 911 were ignored. Cuomo had a tough time responding.

Unbeknownst to the Left, they have actually helped arm America. The average American does not like what he is seeing and is preparing to fight against this lawlessness the Left is propagating. Because they have decided to eliminate police, Americans did not panic. They just decided to take matters into their own hands. In the near future, we are going to see neighborhoods and communities arm and organize to ensure the protection of the community. The Constitution had a term for this in the Second Amendment: an armed militia.



Do our police need better training and be held to a higher level of accountability? Darn right they do. I wanted to hold a podcast talking about the things I would require from police but I will list a few things right now.

  • We need a database of police indiscretions and misconduct. Police misconduct should not be left to the local government but spread throughout the United States.
  • Training needs to be expanded to the point of the training our Special Forces in the military go through. This includes physical, mental and emotional training. This is why the Navy SEALS are so elite and rock butt. The police go through the same rigors and should be trained the same way. Refer to Dan Crenshaw’s book Fortitude.
  • Police should have to go through periodic (monthly) psychological testing. Tests for PTSD, emotional issues and anger issues. Not police are only tested when they go through a tramatic event.


These are just some of the things I would want done. There are more. But all this require more money put into our police, not less. I think we need more police on the streets, not less.

But there are also things that we should expect from our citizens. Things that 75% of the population are already doing. And if those practices are violated, not be surprised by the results. That includes:

  • Treat the police like they are authority. They are.
  • Obey their commands.
  • Treat them respect. They will treat you the same way.
  • Remember that the words or accusations of the police is not the final word. You can fight them in court.
  • Remember that the police have been trained to think you are going to kill them. They want to live more than they want to keep you alive.
  • Remember that the police are people. They are there to protect you. And bitching about a speeding ticket, even if it does not end in violence, makes their job harder and will ruin their day.


We need the police. We need better police. We can have that. The Left’s attempt to rid our country of police will just lead to chaos. We already saw that in Chaz.

