Episode 350 – Could Be the End of an Era

The overturning of Roe versus Wade is going in front of the Supreme Court.

Let’s talk about Roe versus Wade and why it should be overturned, how abortion is murder and the media’s reaction.

And, finally, let’s talk about what is going to happen if it is overturned.


Prepare for Another Flip Out

The Supreme Court agreed on Monday, for the first time under its new 6-3 conservative majority, to hear an abortion case, potentially threatening the long-standing 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized aborting a fetus until 24 weeks, generally considered to be the stage of viability.

The case specifically challenges Mississippi’s ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Both sides are projecting at least a partial erosion of abortion rights, given the court’s conservative majority.

This case is huge. I really didn’t expect they would take the case because it is a hand grenade politically and this court has proven that they are a little gun shy when it comes to controversial cases.


For legal scholars, Roe versus Wade has been very problematic.

  • During the case in 1973, the science is what a fetus actually is was questionable.
  • Test tube babies threw out the the concept that a baby was dependent on the mother in 1978.
  • The solution of DNA in the 1990s proved that a fetus had the DNA of both parents but didn’t match either parent. In other words, DNA proved the fetus had its own DNA.
  • Further research found that the fetus develops a nervous system at three weeks.
  • At four weeks, the baby has a face and neck.
  • At eight weeks, the fetus has arms, legs, fingers, toes, a heart and lungs.
  • At 12 weeks, the heart beat can be heard and the sex can be determined.
  • At 16 weeks, the baby’s eyes can blink and the heart and blood vessels are fully formed. The baby’s fingers and toes have fingerprints.
  • At 18 weeks, babies have survived outside the womb.
  • At 20 weeks, the baby can suck a thumb, yawn, stretch, and make faces. Soon — if you haven’t already — you’ll feel your baby move, which is called “quickening.”

The Justices in 1973 didn’t know any of this. So they ruled in Roe versus Wade that the fetus was part of the female body, like a hand, and had the right to privacy to deal with her body in the way she sees fit.

It was a chickenshit, political ruling.

All major medical institutions throughout the world acknowledge that the fetus is a separate human life at conception. Period. Done. A woman has no more “right to privacy” to kill a baby than I have to kill my fiancé while alone in my apartment,  even though I have a right to privacy in my apartment. Also, a woman has no more right to privacy to kill her unborn baby at 24 weeks, which the child is viable, than she does when the child is three days old. It’s the same child.

Roe versus Wade could, very well, be over turned. I’ll go a step further, it should be overturned. It’s a crap law based on flawed science with a really weak ruling.

The Media

Of course, the media loves abortion because they are all Leftists. The problem is they can’t argue for it because it is murder. So what do they do? They call anti-abortionists bad names.

Chris Cuomo from CNN suggested that the reason anti-abortionists want to overturn Roe v. Wade is because we are all racist. Cuomo said:

“It’s not about science or consensus. It’s about dividing lines, legislating to the far-right white-fright vote, flooding the zone with 536 bills that abridge a woman’s right to control her own body, in 46 states. It’s just like voting rights in one way.”

No debate. No argument. Just name calling. By the way, does it even bother anyone being called a racist anymore? I feel if I am not called a racist I might have to rethink my position.

Of course you can’t have an abortion debate without calling someone a sexist.

Joy Reid of MSNBC, who is just a terrible person, said:

“The conservative-led Supreme Court has agreed to take up Mississippi’s restrictive abortion law, and women’s reproductive rights appear to be in serious, serious danger. It’s straight out of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ with a Gilead-style government, right here in America.”

She was also quoted saying:

“It’s a terrifying prospect eerily reminiscent of ‘The Handmaid’s Tale,’ where far-right wings religious extremists took up arms against their own country, one where women and their bodies were under the complete control of almost extravagantly corrupt and hypocritical men of god, quote, unquote. What’s so scary and frankly traumatizing about that show and the book that inspired it is that it starts off in the very place that we live in right now where women have the right to choose what they do with their bodies until they don’t. And then in what seems like a blink of an eye, those rights were just gone.”

There’s no debate or reason with these people. That’s because they have no argument. This is a group that, supposedly, follows the science unless the science contradicts their agenda. The good news is that people are getting tired of being called names and they are supporting things based on their conscience.

Let’s Say It Happens

This is what I find weird about this whole mess. All these people screaming about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, if it happens, know very little about the Constitution. The reason it could get overturned is because the Constitution does not address abortion. That’s why the ruling will probably be overturned.

And not much is going to happen if it does get overturned. Abortion is not going to be banned in places like California and New York. It just means that states will have the option to ban it or restrict it or keep it legal.
