Episode 449 – That’s Kind of Some Dark News

Joe Biden meets with Xi Jinping of China. It doesn’t go well.

The Washington Post, in a surprise, complains about the Uyghur genocide.

And a former Chinese dissident gives a stark warning to the United States.


Accomplished Nothing…Again

Joe Biden had a three hour virtual meeting with Xi Jinping yesterday. It didn’t start well for old Joe. The first thing that Xi said was his greeting and then he referred to Joe as his “old friend”, something that Joe Biden and Jen Psaki adamantly said Xi wasn’t. I just thought this was funny. The Chinese monitor everything that happens here. Xi knew Biden has been saying that he wasn’t friends with Xi and didn’t trust Xi. He knew there was a lot of friction between the Right and Left with the relationship he has with Chinese companies and the Chinese government. This was an awesome troll by Xi.

This shows a bunch of things though:

  • Joe Biden is not respected by Xi.
  • He sees Biden as weak.
  • This is also a way to shake Biden, something he probably believes will be easy to do.
  • Xi knows the United States better than the United States knows China.
  • And nothing was going to get done in this three hour meeting.

Again, it was a troll. It was a psychological game Xi was playing.

So the meeting went on and nothing got done. Some of the highlights:

  •  They talked about climate change. Biden asked Xi to cut down on his emissions and Xi said no. No pushback from Biden.
  • They talked about Taiwan and the One China Policy. China stated that Biden stated that he did not support Taiwan’s independence. Xi threatened Biden that any help to the Taiwanese, he would be “playing with fire”. This basically means, Taiwan is done.
  • Biden asked Xi to follow through on Trump’s trade agreements which China has not lived up to. China said no. Only good news is Biden is going to keep the tariffs in place.
  • The origins of the China virus and the use of gain-of-function was never brought up.
  • There was no talks about boycotting the Winter Olympics in China this year (more on that later).
  •  Biden talked about human right violations by China. Xi told Bden that China would not be lectured about how they did things by foreign governments. He was will to talk but would not formulate policies or make promises.
    • Well, I guess the genocide of the Uyghurs is going to continue. You know, the forced abortions, sterilizations, re-education, torture, rape and killing of a group because they are Muslim.
    • The are about a million Uyghurs. Who cares though.
    • That should have been enough to pull out of the Olympics in China.

Fox News called the meeting the Seinfeld Summit, making fun of the fact that the summit was about nothing but don’t kid yourself. China scored a win here. A big one.

  • They said they would continue the unfair trade practices.
  • They were going to continue to pump CO2 into the air.
  • They are going to continue the cyber warfare and stealing our technology.
  • They will not alter any of their inhumane practices.
  • They are going to take over Taiwan.
  • They didn’t have to talk about the China virus.
  • And they will get to have their propaganda through the Winter Olympics, putting on a show for the world and the United States will be there and be amazed.

But worst of all, Xi put Biden in his place and, if he needed anymore confirmation, knows that Biden is weak. Be prepared for China to become more brazen over the next few years.



This From the Washington Post?

Speaking of the Olympics, the Washington Post released an op-ed that really surprised me.

It is called China is Perfecting a 21st -Century Method of Destroying an Entire Paper by Fred Hiatt. The piece is short but is important. It is about the genocide of the Uyghurs and how the Winter Olympics are going to be held only a couple of hours west of the site. It’s a short piece, but very important.

China’s Communist leaders, innovative in so many ways, appear to be perfecting a 21st-century approach to genocide.

With the Beijing Olympics less than three months away, will Coca-Cola and other sponsors of the Games celebrate with China while this is taking place? While, a few hours’ flight due west of the stadiums and ice rinks, an entire people is being slowly, deliberately erased?

This is where I think the Washington Post gets it a little wrong. Why shouldn’t sponsors continue to support the Olympics? Half their stuff is made in China and the United States government won’t even do anything about it.

We have learned to think of genocide as industrial-scale slaughter: gas chambers, killing fields, mass graves. A report published last week by the U.S. Holocaust Museum’s Simon-Skjodt Center for the Prevention of Genocide, “To Make Us Slowly Disappear,” suggests that China may have found a different way, more insidious if no less monstrous.

The campaign against the Uyghur population of western China, a Muslim minority of about 12 million people inside a nation of more than 1 billion, began with conventional discrimination, escalated to intense surveillance and mass detentions, and now includes forcible sterilization and insertion of IUDs; separation of men and women through incarceration, forced migration and coerced marriages of Uyghur women to men from the ethnic Han majority; and mass kidnapping of Uyghur children, taken from their parents and placed in state “boarding schools.”

Thought this crap was over in the 20th century? Nope. Welcome to communism.

The campaign is not without terrible violence, torture and killing, as survivor accounts make clear. But, the report says, it hinges on something else: “coercive interventions of the Chinese government to prevent sizable numbers of Uyghurs from coming into being.”

This suggests that the deliberate goal is “to biologically destroy the group, in whole or in substantial part.”

One of the missions of the Holocaust Museum is “to do for victims of genocide today what was not done for the Jews of Europe.” The seriousness with which it accepts this responsibility is reflected in the meticulous caution of the well-documented report: Although both the Trump and Biden administrations have declared that China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs, the museum says it is “gravely concerned that the Chinese government may be committing genocide.”

Uncertainty is what China wants; it has constructed a formidable information blockade. Uyghur scholars were among the first targets of the mass detention campaign. Foreign scholars, correspondents and think-tank experts are kept out of the Xinjiang region where the crimes are being committed — and increasingly out of China altogether. And China attempts to silence even Uyghurs living abroad by locking up and abusing the relatives back home of anyone who dares speak out.

No one has been more victimized by this barbarity than the reporters of Radio Free Asia, who have done more than anyone in the past five years to reveal the truth.

“The Chinese government are very professional on how to hide their crimes,” one of those reporters, Gulchehra Hoja, said at a forum organized by the museum last week. Hoja, about whom I’ve written before, knows this all too well: Trying to silence her, the Chinese government locked up, as usual without charge or trial, her brother, her mother, her cousins, their spouses — nearly two dozen relatives in all.

They are not hiding it. They are not denying it. They are telling us that it’s none of our business. A question I have for you is what do you think is happening to the Hong Kong dissidents? You know, the people who just disappear? China has been doing this a long time. I’ll even go so far as to say they haven’t stopped doing it since Mao.

As a result, we have indications, alarming snippets, satellite evidence — but far from the whole story.

The report says between 1 million and 3 million people are detained; Hoja says she believes the higher number, but it can’t be proven.

The report refers to more than 880,000 Uyghur children being put in boarding facilities — often after their parents are illegally detained — but that was only through 2019.

Researchers uncover dramatic drops in Uyghur birth rates — in 2019, “at least 186,400 fewer children were born in Xinjiang compared to what would have been expected if birth rates had remained static at the pre-2017 baseline,” the report says — but then China hides more data, so reports are dated, fragmentary and, almost certainly, far less terrible than the truth.

What is to be done? The report calls on China, which proclaims its innocence, to allow a U.N.-authorized commission access to Xinjiang to investigate. Certainly it should be at the top of President Biden’s agenda when he holds a tele-summit with President Xi Jinping on Monday.

Those are pretty heavy statistics and this is just what we know. This is also just with the persecution of the Uyghurs. Like I said, this does not include dissidents.

Of course Biden is not going to do anything about it. He’s weak. He’s senile. He doesn’t want any problems with China. He’s probably compromised by China thanks to his garbage son. But worse, Biden wants the United States to be like China. We’ll get to that in a few minutes too.

Hoja puts it more simply: “Please, I ask international community, break silence,” she said. “This is not a Uyghur tragedy. This is a human tragedy.”

Will Coca-Cola and other Olympic sponsors really just pretend none of it is happening? “We stand with those seeking justice and equality,” chairman and CEO James Quincey declared last year.

On its website, the company boasts of being the longest continuous sponsor of the International Olympic Committee because they share the “same core values of friendship, respect, inclusion, integrity and excellence.”

At a congressional hearing in July, Coca-Cola executive Paul Lalli said the sponsors have no say in where the Games take place. “We support and follow the athletes wherever they compete,” Lalli said.

That may be true. Also true: There will be no “justice and equality” for the Uyghur women being kicked, raped and sterilized as the ice-dancing competition unfolds; no “respect and inclusion” for Uyghur infants being seized from their parents as skiers race down the slalom course.

“The future of a people may depend on swift, coordinated action by global actors,” the report says.

Or we all can pretend it’s not happening, grab a Coke and enjoy the Games.

Like I said, Hiatt is focusing only on sponsors, specifically Coke. I don’t drink Coke because it’s bad for me but also because of the reasons he’s talking about. But he only scratches the surface of the problem. I don’t know what Coke did to piss him off but Coke is not the only sponsor. What about Intel, Omega, Panasonic, Samsung, Toyota, just to name a few.

What about the companies that manufacture their goods in China like Apple, Nike, Addidas, Acer, Banana Republic, Crabtree & Evelyn and Dell, just to name a few. Shouldn’t they be condemned for using slave labor to manufacture their good just to sell them to us?

What about the United States government? Why aren’t we putting sanctions on China? Why aren’t we tariffing the crap out of China to force American manufacturers back to America? Better yet, why are we sending our Olympians to China in three months?

I love the article because it brings up the terror that the Chinese communist party is putting upon its people and all communist countries. The Soviet Union had its gulags. Cuba had work camps. Nazi Germany had its concentration camps.



On the Spot

I have a couple of clips from the news show Firing Line. On it is Chinese dissident, Ai Weiwei. He had some dire words for the United States and their condition. The person interviewing him is Margaret Hoover.


Some things:

  • Hoover is trying to get Weiwei to say the Trump is a authoritarian. Watch the video and see her face when he says that Trump was not. But this was not the important part of the clip.
  • “You are already in an authoritarian state, you just don’t know it.” This is a shocking statement.
    • The system (education, entertainment, big business, tech, media, even the FBI and military) is all Leftist.
    • Joe Biden is a Leftist and he has the backing of the system. He’s already asserting himself as an authoritarian.
      • The mask and vaccine mandates.
      • The border crisis.
      • High taxes.
      • Inflation.
      • Energy prices.
      • All of this is not a problem but a feature. It is used for control.
  • Political correctness is the true evil. It creates groups that cannot get along because these group see themselves as, not only right, but divine. And they see the other group as evil. You see this on a daily basis with cancel culture.
  • This has brought up by many American political philosophers (Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles and Mark Levin). But they said that we weren’t there yet. Weiwei says we are already there.

This is a pretty stark statement. Very uncomfortable. But I do have some good news for you. Panic not. At least not yet.

Here is Weiwei saying how political correctness is infecting people:

This is brilliant. Because of the language barrier his point might be muddled but he’s saying we are bombarded with information from the Internet and social media. But we don’t understand that information. Most people have limited life experience. Then, they internalize the information and make it part of their belief system. They get that information confirmed by whatever they decide to read and reject anything that counters that belief or “knowledge”.

With the example of China, people like socialism. I get it, it’s a great idea. But it’s dependent on people being perfect and completely alike, which we aren’t so it always fails.

The second part, he’s saying something I have always believed and you may have heard me say this multiple times:

“We need a war.”

The United States has become fat and lazy. We have it too good. Even the poor have televisions, cars and smart phones. We have it so good that people don’t look at the world around them and see what’s really going on in the world. Do you really think LGBTQ and racism crap is really an issue in this country? Of course it’s not. If we decided to take serious the issues in China, Afghanistan, Iran or Russia, everyone would know how stupid our piddly problems are. Dude, they are committing genocide in China that is comparable to Nazi Germany and we’re worried about what pronouns to use. Really?





Speaking of Authoratarianism





