Episode 481 – An Awful Human Being

A woman shows just how much hate is on the Left.

The military ain’t what it used to be.

And what can put our kids on the right path?


This Is A Terrible Human Being

According to Fox News:

New York City police Officer Jason Rivera was killed Jan. 21 by a suspect while responding to a domestic dispute in Harlem. A second police officer died days later.

On Friday, thousands lined Manhattan’s streets to mourn the 22-year-old Rivera, but actress Jacqueline Guzman likely wasn’t one of them, the New York Post reported.

This is what she said:

What an f-ing terrible human being!

First off, everything she said was wrong:

  • Cops do not kill people, will-nilly.
    • There are around 50 million police interactions a year. Everything from traffic stops to civilians 911 calls.
    • In 2021, there were only 880 people shot and a total of 1140 were killed. That is .0023% of interactions lead to a death at the hands of police. Does that sound like police are hunting people?
    • Blacks are also not dying at huge rates in 2021. Out of 880 police shootings, 113 blacks were killed. That’s 13%. According to the last census, the black population is 12.4%.
    • Hispanics make up 32% of the population but only 7.2% of police shooting deaths.
    • None of this is true.

This year, 8 police have already been killed. Only 74 were killed all year last year. All this because police are not being supported by DAs, Leftist politicians and morons like the one you just heard. This was not only mourning the lost life of a young police officer. This is a protest of the mistreatment police and he lax efforts of the district attorney in prosecuting criminals.

Here’s a news report from CBS News. It is about Jason Rivera’s widow, Dominique Luzuriaga, blasting the Left wing liberal Manhattan district attorney.  Normally would just play her words, but I want you to hear the report because what the media is pushing in half the problem:


First thing I want to point out is that the officer and his widow is Hispanic. There is this narrative that police department are systemically racist against people of color. The reality is 50% of the police forces in big cities are made up of people of color. That kind of throws a wrench into the narrative. So how des the media handle it? They ignore it.

I also love the narrative that is being pushed that everything is about gun violence. Here’s a secret: Guns don’t commit violence. Guns don’t wake up in the morning and just decide to shoot someone. People commit violece and people use more than guns. They use knives, bats, cars and assorted other weapons. Two police officers were killed this year because they were intentionally run over by a car. Criminals commit violence. They are the problem, not guns. But the narrative requires we take the criminal out of the equation because they are now considered victims by the Left.

This gals speech is important because she is basically not allowing the narrative. Her husband was killed by a criminal who was on the streets because of their piece of crap district attorney. He was not killed by an inanimate object. This whole display is a protest by cops and we need to see more of this.



Speaking of Corruption

According to Fox News:

Black Lives Matter (BLM) moved millions of dollars to a charity in Canada run by the wife of co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors to purchase a mansion that used to be the headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada, according to public records reviewed by the New York Post.

M4BJ, which is a non-profit based in Toronto that was set up in part by Janaya Khan, bought the 10,000-square foot mansion for $6.3 million in July 2021. Khan is the wife of Khan-Cullors, a self-professed Marxist who helped found Black Lives Matter Global Foundation Network.

Gee, who saw that coming?

BLM is worth $60 million and has had its fair share of scandals:

  • Patrisse Khan-Cullors bought three homes with BLM money for $3.2 million.
  • She resigned from BLM and apparently picked a successor.
  • Unfortunately, the successor didn’t know she was appointed, leading people to not know who is running the organization.
  • One of their leaders for the New York City chapter said that if policing becomes more aggressive to curb the crime problem, BLM was going to get violent.
  • Chapters throughout the United States have been asking BLM what they are doing with all the money since they see nothing being done in black neighborhoods where blacks are being killed by other blacks on a daily basis. I’ve talked about that before.

BLM is a non-profit organization and does not need to pay taxes. Many are wondering why? What do they do? Where are all the donations going?

Well, we know. The money is being used to enrich the leadership. They are a Marxist organization (they admit this) that uses tragedy in the black community to push discord. Their ultimate goal (again, they admit this) is to overturn all the American institutions to transform the country into a communist utopia. But it is not just race they use. They also use gender. Their goal is to pit people against each other.

This is an organization that should not be a non-profit and should be investigated for corruption. They use white guilt, a term brought to be by a book of the same name by Shelby Steele, to con companies into donating to them. They peaked after George Floyd died.

They really need to be investigated and people should be going to prison.



Diversity is Overrated

John Kirby went on Fox News with Dana Perino. They were talking about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. At the end of the interview, Dana Perino asked the question every normal human being is wondering. Is wokeness in the military hurting the military. I thought it was a great and relevant question. John Kirby didn’t. In fact, he got kind of ticked. Listen:

I’m not sure what his answer is. He says wokeness isn’t a thing and then he goes out of his way to defend it. He basically is admitting that there is a diversity, wokeness, social justice thing going on in the military though he doesn’t want to say it in so many words.

I was in the military. Let me let you in on something: The military is already diverse. Black, white and Hispanic are all together. Jews, Muslims and Christians are all together. Men and women are all together. Smart and dumb are all together. The speech that Gunnery Sargent Hartman gave in the beginning of Full Metal Jacket pretty much sums up the military. Everyone is equal, no one is different. They are all military. Their color doesn’t matter. Their class doesn’t matter. Their religion doesn’t matter. Their sex doesn’t matter. The military is a brotherhood and I mean brotherhood to be genderless. They are all soldiers and they are there for one thing: Defeat the enemy and be there for each other.

This is where the military is going wrong right now. Instead of creating a brotherhood by stripping away individuality, they are now extenuating individuality. This is what causes conflict between people. When I was in the military, I did not care whether the person next to me was black or white. I only worried about that person having my back. Now, with critical race theory and gender theory being pushed, soldiers have to worry about that.

By the way, those theories they are pushing onto the soldiers were written by people who have never been in the military, don’t understand it and, typically, don’t like it.

And another thing, what is so important about diversity anyway? Why force it? Ann Coulter and a bunch or other writers have asked that question before. Why force it? It has been happening naturally for decades.



That’s a Good Idea

I just finished a book called Woke, Inc. by a former pharma CEO named Vivek Ramaswamy. It was a pretty good book about how corporations are going woke and why they are doing it. It also talks about why that is dangerous for democracy within the United States. The book was pretty good and very informative when it comes to how corporations work and what they do that affects the country politically. It also talks about the train of thought of woke CEOs and their true intentions.

I think the author has some credibility based on the fact that he was a politically moderate CEO for a successful pharma company and had to deal with woke employees and other CEOs.

The second to last chapter of the book was enlightening. He talks about the bastardization of service within this country. All except the best of us perform service for personal reasons. A student may volunteer so that he can get into a good college. Adults may donate money to get a good tax deduction. We rarely do something without getting something back.

He sees this as very embedded into woke service. People go to protests in order to feel better about themselves. People don’t really know why they are protesting. People really don’t care about what they are protesting. People like Jesse Waters, Steven Crowder and Fleccas show this when they interview protestors and ask them questions about the issues. They are just out there to show how woke they are and want to feel good about being social justice warriors.

The big problem with this type of service is that it is distinctly anti-American. Ramaswamy says we need to push people into service that is distinctly pro-American. I believe this. I have always thought it would be a good idea that Americans are forced to join the service for two years like Singapore and Israel do. I am what I am because the military really did shape me. To be clear, I did not complete my service because of youthful indiscretions which I will not get into, but it did have an affect on me and I appreciate the three years I was in.

But Ramaswamy says this would not work. First, we do have freedoms in this country. Conscious objections are an accepted part of society. If you don’t want to serve in the military because you hate war, you have that right. Second, it’s too late. We need to have our youth performing pro-American, pro-community service. The problem is the kids are already learning the quid pro quo of service. He suggest forcing children into civic service during summer vacations.

He says our children have way too much free time. They get 2 1/2 months off for summer, a month off for Christmas vacation, two weeks off for spring break. And what are they doing during all this free time? Nothing. They don’t even work anymore. I was working at the age of 13. My parents forced me to work so I could learn some work ethic.

I think that’s a great idea. I don’t think something like this will work, can be implemented because I can imagine the backlash. But our kids need something to put them on the right track. I seriously worry about our future because our children seem to have no direction, they’re not educated, they reject debate and reason and they are being indoctrinated into this twisted, anti-American philosophy.






Beijing Olympics Athletes Brace for the Most Complex Games Ever https://www.wsj.com/articles/beijing-olympics-winter-games-athletes-covid-china-politics-11643562434

