Episode 955 – What Makes That Better?

The Navy has just made the seas more secure. Yes, I am kidding.

AOC has some competition for the dumbest person in Congress.

And I know we are worried about trans-ing the kids and gay porn being in schools, but there are more important issues happening around the world.

How Does This Make Thing Better?

According to CBS News:

The United States Navy commissioned its first coed submarine on Saturday, in a ceremonial event that the vessel’s commander called “a truly historic moment.” 

“Today, we commissioned our ship, and she is the fastest, most advanced, fully integrated fast-attack to date,” said Cmdr. Steve Halle, the commanding officer of the USS New Jersey.

“Our superior professionalism is enhanced by our crew integration and our diversity,” Halle continued as he spoke about his crew being the first to be fully integrated on a fast-attack submarine. 

The ceremony marked the conclusion of a years-long process to commission the USS New Jersey, which is the third Navy ship named after the U.S. state, succeeding the BB-62 battleship that sailed in World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War, according to the Navy. The event for the fast-attack submarine took place at Naval Weapons Station Earle in Middletown, New Jersey, the military branch said.

“USS New Jersey (SSN 796) is now commissioned and ready for service!” the Navy said in a social media post unveiling the sub. “The Navy’s latest Virginia-class submarine joins the fleet.”

In a video accompanying that post, the Navy described the USS New Jersey as the “first fully integrated submarine built for male and female sailors” in the history of submarines, which stretches back roughly a century. It said the vessel is “a symbol of progress” that is “breaking barriers as it protects our shores.”

A female crewmember appeared in the video and spoke to the value of this milestone for inclusivity.

“It is an honor that we are the first to have this slice of that particular narrative,” she said. A narrator’ voice added that the USS New Jersey is “a testament to the strength that diversity brings to our Navy.”

Fast-attack submarines are used for various Naval missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, special operations, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, the Navy said. 

Women were first permitted to join the Navy in 1917, and more than 60,000 women are currently enlisted, according to the military. The inclusion of women in Naval submarine crews was initially announced in 2011 and billed as the Navy’s “final, large-scale gender integration,” the U.S. Naval Institute said. As of October 2023, more than 600 women were assigned to operational submarines as officers and sailers, according to the institute.


Dumbass of the Day

This Is Real Shit!

According to the Daily Wire:

Western intelligence officials are reportedly growing increasingly concerned about Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons as new activity has been spotted at facilities that it used in the past when it was working to develop its own nuclear weapons.

The activity comes as G7 Foreign Ministers condemned Iran this week “in the strongest possible terms” for supplying Russia with missiles for its illegal war in Ukraine. The U.S. says that in exchange for the weapons, Russia is giving Iran “secret information and technology that could bring it closer to being able to build nuclear weapons,” Bloomberg News reported.

During recent talks between the U.S. and the U.K., top officials said that Iran’s nuclear program “had never been more advanced.”

Iran has continued to rapidly increase their stockpile of enriched uranium, in direct violation of the the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which would shorten the amount time needed to build a nuclear weapon to about a week if they decided to build one.

The Institute for Science and International Security said in a report last week that Western intelligence officials had provided it with information and satellite images showing new activities that are taking place at two former Amad Plan sites, which were key to Iran’s development of nuclear weapons back in the early 2000s.

“The two sites, Sanjarian and Golab Dareh, were central to the Amad Plan’s development of a sophisticated multipoint initiation (MPI) system to initiate the high explosives for spherical implosion in a nuclear weapon, to develop and test high-speed diagnostic equipment or their subcomponents, and to conduct a range of tests to ensure that the MPI system and diagnostic equipment worked,” the report said.

Officials said that the new activity was being conducted by experts who participated in the Iran’s previous work to develop nuclear weapons.

The new activity at the facility reportedly included “high explosive tests and technical research and development of a sensitive nature.”

Satellite imagery shows a significant increase in activity at the facilities throughout the course of the Biden-Harris administration as the U.S. has reversed course from the Trump administration’s hardline policies toward Iran. Activity at the site has picked up dramatically over the last year and a half, the report said.


Then There Is Russia…

According to the New York Post:

Russian officials threatened Western nations with an unchecked escalation of war  — including the potential use of nuclear weapons — and the all-out destruction of Kyiv, if Ukraine gets its allies’ permission to use long-range missiles to strike further into Russia. 

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov claimed that Western leaders had already decided whether to allow Ukraine’s use of long-range missiles and had informed Kyiv — forcing Moscow to respond with its own actions.  

“The decision has been made, the carte blanche and all indulgences have been given [to Kyiv], so we are ready for everything,” Ryabkov said, state-owned RIA news agency reported.

“And we will react in a way that will not be pretty.”

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said Moscow already had the grounds to unleash its nuclear weapons on Ukraine as a result of its surprise invasion of Russia’s Kursk region last month. 

But Medvedev, who is now deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, said that Moscow could also use some of its new, non-nuclear arsenals to wipe Kyiv off the map. 

“And that would be it. A giant, gray, melted spot instead of ‘the mother of Russian cities,’” he wrote on Telegram.

The ominous threats came amid discussions between United States and Britain on whether to relax restrictions surrounding the use of Western supplied weapons.

At a foreign policy summit Friday in Washington, President Biden and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer discussed potentially giving Ukraine the green light to fire long-range Storm Shadow missiles supplied by Britain at targets deep in Russian territory. 

The leaders, however, did not reach a decision on any policy changes regarding the weapons, which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky insists are vital to achieving victory in the ongoing war with Russia. 
